Haris Amin
Haris Amin
can you please accept the pull request, I would really appreciate it :)
Hey Ryan, Hate to bother you but any update on this pull request? Would love to have this incorporated in the gem so I could start using it for an...
Any update on this?
@ryanb I've used Faye in production for a bunch of projects and love it :) I've used the Node.js servers instead of the Ruby servers. If all you need is...
@RonanMcH are you done with your updates to the PR?
@be-bert @juanjosesanchezesteban hey there, sorry its been a while since I've used Faye! PRs are welcome but i'll try to take a stab at it some time later this month
PR welcome :)
@vrutberg just say this... thanks for bringing this up. Are you able to submit a PR?
I actually haven't yet added extension support. If you would like to add it PR is welcome
@shshalom hi there, sorry for the late response, do you wanna take another stab at adding extensions support from latest master?