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A simple audio playback Python extension - cross-platform, asynchronous, dependency-free


I no longer have the time to dedicate to maintaining Simpleaudio (which at this point is mostly keeping CI builds working). This project should be considered archived, meaning that there will be no further updates or builds. For anyone seriously interested in taking over the project, I would be willing to help in that process. I would also be willing to revisit maintaining the library should anyone wish to sponsor it.

Simpleaudio Package

The simplaudio package provides cross-platform, dependency-free audio playback capability for Python 3 on OSX, Windows, and Linux.

MIT Licensed.

Documentation at RTFD <>_


Installation (make sure the pip command is the right one for your platform and Python version)::

pip install simpleaudio

See documentation for additional installation information.

Quick Function Check

.. code-block:: python

import simpleaudio.functionchecks as fc

See documentation for more on function checks.

Simple Example

.. code-block:: python

import simpleaudio as sa

wave_obj = sa.WaveObject.from_wave_file("path/to/file.wav") play_obj = play_obj.wait_done()


For usage and how-to questions, first checkout the tutorial in the documentation. If you're still stuck, post a question on StackOverflow <>_ and tag it 'pysimpleaudio'.

For bug reports, please create an issue on Github <>_ .

Big Thanks To ...

Jonas Kalderstam

Christophe Gohlke

Tom Christie

Many others for their contributions, documentation, examples, and more.