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C# Solutions for Hackerrank challenges
Solutions for Hackerrank challenges
These are my solutions and may not be the best solution. Feel free to suggest inprovements.
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Here is the list of C# solutions.
Solve Me First
Sock Merchant
Counting Valleys
Jumping on the Clouds
Repeated String
2D Array - DS
New Year Chaos
Flipping the Matrix
Hash Tables: Ransom Note
Two Strings
Count Triplets
Sherlock and Anagrams
Sorting: Bubble Sort
Mark and Toys
Fraudulent Activity Notifications
Merge Sort: Counting Inversions
Sorting: Comparator
Frequency Queries
Arrays: Left Rotation
Minimum Swaps 2
Array Manipulation
Strings: Making Anagrams
Alternating Characters
Sherlock and the Valid String
Special String Again
Common Child
Minimum Absolute Difference in an Array
Luck Balance
Greedy Florist
Max Min
Reverse Shuffle Merge
Hash Tables: Ice Cream Parlor
Triple sum
Minimum Time Required
Maximum Subarray Sum
Making Candies
Max Array Sum
Crossword Puzzle
Recursive Digit Sum
Castle on the Grid
Min Max Riddle
Largest Rectangle
Balanced Brackets
Recursion: Davis' Staircase
Find the nearest clone
Poisonous Plants
Balanced Forest
Kruskal (MST): Really Special Subtree
Connected Cells in a Grid
DFS: Connected Cell in a Grid
Flipping bits
Time Complexity: Primality
Friend Circle Queries
Maximum Xor
Climbing the Leaderboard
The Hurdle Race
Extra Long Factorials
Non-Divisible Subset
Queen's Attack II
Organizing Containers of Balls
Bigger is Greater
Morgan and a String
Find Merge Point of Two Lists
Recursion: Fibonacci Numbers
Project Euler #244: Sliders
Sparse Arrays
Cycle Detection
Left Rotation
Swap Nodes [Algo]
Queues: A Tale of Two Stacks
Snakes and Ladders: The Quickest Way Up
The Coin Change Problem
Sherlock and Cost
Construct the Array
Sam and Substrings
Forming a Magic Square
The Time in Words
Matrix Layer Rotation
Absolute Permutation