pretty-checkbox-vue copied to clipboard
Vue 3 support?
Is Vue 3 support planned?
@martinszeltins I'm pretty sure this project is dead. I pulled in the source code, there are only 3 vue files and converted them to vue 3 quickly.
<div :class="classes">
<div :class="onClasses">
<slot name="extra"></slot>
<div v-if="_toggle" :class="offClasses">
<slot name="off-extra"></slot>
<slot name="off-label"></slot>
<div v-if="_hover" :class="hoverClasses">
<slot name="hover-extra"></slot>
<slot name="hover-label"></slot>
<div v-if="_indeterminate" :class="indeterminateClasses">
<slot name="indeterminate-extra"></slot>
<slot name="indeterminate-label"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "pretty-input",
props: {
type: String,
name: String,
value: {},
modelValue: {},
trueValue: {},
falseValue: {},
checked: {},
disabled: {},
required: {},
indeterminate: {},
color: String,
offColor: String,
hoverColor: String,
indeterminateColor: String,
toggle: {},
hover: {},
focus: {}
data() {
return {
m_checked: false,
default_mode: false
computed: {
_type() {
if (this.$options.input_type) return this.$options.input_type;
if (this.type) return this.type;
return "checkbox";
shouldBeChecked() {
if (this.modelValue !== undefined) {
// radio
if (this._type === "radio") {
return this.modelValue === this.value;
// checkbox
if (this.modelValue instanceof Array) {
return this.modelValue.includes(this.value);
if (this._trueValue) {
return this.modelValue === this.trueValue;
return typeof this.modelValue === "string" ? true : !!this.modelValue;
// this.modelValue === undefined
if (this.m_checked === undefined)
return typeof this.checked === "string" ? true : !!this.checked;
else return this.m_checked;
_disabled() {
return typeof this.disabled === "string" ? true : !!this.disabled;
_required() {
return typeof this.required === "string" ? true : !!this.required;
_indeterminate() {
return typeof this.indeterminate === "string" ? true : !!this.indeterminate;
_trueValue() {
return typeof this.trueValue === "string" ? this.trueValue : !!this.trueValue;
_falseValue() {
return typeof this.falseValue === "string" ? this.falseValue : !!this.falseValue;
_toggle() {
return typeof this.toggle === "string" ? true : !!this.toggle;
_hover() {
return typeof this.hover === "string" ? true : !!this.hover;
_focus() {
return typeof this.focus === "string" ? true : !!this.focus;
classes() {
return {
pretty: true,
"p-default": this.default_mode,
"p-round": this._type === "radio" ? this.default_mode : false,
"p-toggle": this._toggle,
"p-has-hover": this._hover,
"p-has-focus": this._focus,
"p-has-indeterminate": this._indeterminate
onClasses() {
const classes: Record<string, boolean> = {
state: true,
"p-on": this._toggle
if (this.color) classes[`p-${this.color}`] = true;
return classes;
offClasses() {
const classes: Record<string, boolean> = {
state: true,
"p-off": true
if (this.offColor) classes[`p-${this.offColor}`] = true;
return classes;
hoverClasses() {
const classes: Record<string, boolean> = {
state: true,
"p-is-hover": true
if (this.hoverColor) classes[`p-${this.hoverColor}`] = true;
return classes;
indeterminateClasses() {
const classes: Record<string, boolean> = {
state: true,
"p-is-indeterminate": true
if (this.indeterminateColor) classes[`p-${this.indeterminateColor}`] = true;
return classes;
watch: {
checked(v) {
this.m_checked = typeof v === "string" ? true : !!v;
indeterminate(v) {
// this.$refs.input.indeterminate = v;
mounted() {
// if (this.$ && !this.$
this.default_mode = true;
// if (this._indeterminate) this.$refs.input.indeterminate = true;
this.$el.setAttribute(`p-${this._type}`, "");
methods: {
updateInput(event: any) {
if (this._type === "radio") {
this.$emit("change", this.value);
this.$emit("update:indeterminate", false);
const isChecked =;
this.m_checked = isChecked;
if (this.modelValue instanceof Array) {
const newValue = [...this.modelValue];
if (isChecked) {
} else {
newValue.splice(newValue.indexOf(this.value), 1);
this.$emit("change", newValue);
} else {
? this._trueValue
? this.trueValue
: true
: this._falseValue
? this.falseValue
: false
<script lang="ts">
import prettyInput from "./PrettyInput.vue";
const prettyCheckbox = {
name: "pretty-checkbox",
input_type: "checkbox",
model: prettyInput.model,
props: prettyInput.props,
computed: prettyInput.computed,
mounted: prettyInput.mounted,
methods: prettyInput.methods,
render: prettyInput.render
export default prettyCheckbox;
@lastlink I had already forgotten about this and moved on to PrimeVue and other libs 😆