nativescript-app-tour icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nativescript-app-tour copied to clipboard

NativeScript plugin for building a tour, showcase or a walkthrough for your app.

NativeScript App Tour

Note: This Plugin based on MaterialShowcase for IOS and TapTargetView for Android .


For NS8+:

tns plugin add nativescript-app-tour

For NS7+:

tns plugin add [email protected]

For older NS versions:

tns plugin add [email protected]


<Label id="feat1" text="Feature 1"></Label>
<Label id="feat2" text="Feature 2"></Label>
<Button text="start" tap="{{ startTour }}"></Button>

    const stops: TourStop[] = [
            title: 'Feature 1',
            description: "Feature 1 Description",
            dismissable: true
            title: 'Feature 2',
            description: 'Feature 2 Description',
            outerCircleColor: 'orange',
            rippleColor: 'black'

    const handlers: TourEvents = {
        finish() {
            console.log('Tour finished');
        onStep(lastStopIndex) {
            console.log('User stepped', lastStopIndex);
        onCancel(lastStopIndex) {
            console.log('User cancelled', lastStopIndex);

    this.tour = new AppTour(stops, handlers);;

see the demo project for more info.


also in angular you can get a refrence to the target view using @ViewChild decorator as next

<Label #feat1 text="Feature 1"></Label>
<Label #feat2 text="Feature 2"></Label>
<Button text="start" tap="{{ startTour }}"></Button>
@ViewChild('feat1') feat1: ElementRef;
@ViewChild('feat2') feat2: ElementRef;


    const stops: TourStop[] = [
            view: this.feat1.nativeElement,
            title: 'Feature 1',
            description: "Feature 1 Description",
            dismissable: true
            view: this.feat2.nativeElement,
            title: 'Feature 2',
            description: 'Feature 2 Description',
            outerCircleColor: 'orange',
            rippleColor: 'black'

    const handlers: TourEvents = {
        finish() {
            console.log('Tour finished');
        onStep(lastStopIndex) {
            console.log('User stepped', lastStopIndex);
        onCancel(lastStopIndex) {
            console.log('User cancelled', lastStopIndex);

    this.tour = new AppTour(stops, handlers);;


While for Angular the {N} view representations of a referenced ViewChild is in the .nativeElement property, the naming in {N}-vue is a little confusing, since the {N} view of a referenced child is in .nativeView. Meaning that:

  • this.$ref.feat1 return the vue view of the child object
  • this.$ref.feat1.nativeView returns the {N} view, which we need to pass as a stop.view
  • (this.$ref.feat1.nativeView.nativeView returns the actual native view)
<Label ref="feat1" text="Feature 1"></Label>
<Label ref="feat2" text="Feature 2"></Label>
<Button text="start" @tap="startTour"></Button>

    const stops = [
            view: this.$ref.feat1.nativeView,
            title: 'Feature 1',
            description: "Feature 1 Description",
            dismissable: true
            view: this.$ref.feat2.nativeView,
            title: 'Feature 2',
            description: 'Feature 2 Description',
            outerCircleColor: 'orange',
            rippleColor: 'black'

    const handlers = {
        finish() {
            console.log('Tour finished');
        onStep(lastStopIndex) {
            console.log('User stepped', lastStopIndex);
        onCancel(lastStopIndex) {
            console.log('User cancelled', lastStopIndex);

    this.tour = new AppTour(stops, handlers);;

Special cases on Android (ActionBar, TabView)

There are some special {N} UI Elements that cannot be accessed by simply using the {N} view of these objects, because it will result in an error Cannot convert object to Landroid/view/View.

An example for that is <ActionBar> and <ActionItem>. To access these, one has to find the nativeView by searching the right child of a referenced objects parent:

const stops = [{
    view: page.getViewById("actionItem").parent.nativeView.getChildAt(0).getChildAt(0),
    title: "Action Item",
    description: "Some Description"

This is similar for <TabView> and <TabViewItem> and might also be for other special items.



Param Description type default
view (required) nativescript view ref View none
title stop title string title
titleTextSize title Text Size number 25
titleTextColor title Text Color string white
description stop description string description
descriptionTextSize description Text Size number 20
descriptionTextColor description Text Color string white
outerCircleOpacity outer Circle background opacity number 0.96
outerCircleColor outer Circle background Color string black
innerCircleColor circle around target view background Color string white
rippleColor (ios only) target Circle ripple Color string white
innerCircleRadius circle around target view raduis number 50
dismissable can the tour canceled by taping outside of target view boolean false


Method Description
constructor AppTour(stops)
show() start the tour
reset() reset the tour to play it again

Tour Events

This plugin has 3 events, finish(): void => triggered once the tour finishes onStep(lastStepIndex): void => triggered once per step when target is tapped onCancel(lastStepIndex): void => triggered once when user dismisses the tour by tapping outside in a dismissable tour


Note: If you use the same configs (colors, sizes,..etc) in all stops customize the defaults instead using AppTour defaults property which is basicly a TourStop :+1: .


  • [x] add events.
  • [ ] add more options to TourStop.


if you want to help improve the plugin you can consider it yours and make as PRs as you want :)

Get Help

Please, use github issues strictly for reporting bugs or requesting features.


Twitter: hamdiwanis
Email: [email protected]