> I also have the same symptoms. > > Windows users have no choice but to use redis version 3. > > Is it okay to ignore the error? >...
What version of redis bungee you are running
Seems similar to #91
can you try the development branch since it has updated Jedis + new data system inside it
> I put that version and the folder is not generated, what can I do? > when you compile run *./gradlew clean shadowJar* then if you use bungeecord go to...
this error isn't useful because it shows when plugin is disabled can you provide full logs?
seems like BUILDING issue, I am not sure why @build_date@ didn't get replaced pre-compile to its value ``` [17:58:50] [main/WARN]: Exception encountered when loading plugin: RedisBungee java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: null at com.imaginarycode.minecraft.redisbungee.RedisBungee.initialize(
on development branch config file version changed you have to redo your config
not the redis server, config of redisbungee on 0.12.0 has changed which resets the old config file with backup stored in the BACKUP folder inside redisbungee plugin folder also
fixed that issue Try this build > [19:21:11 INFO] [RedisBungee]: Initializing RedisBungee..... [19:21:11 INFO] [RedisBungee]: Version: 0.12.0-SNAPSHOT [19:21:11 INFO] [RedisBungee]: Build date: 2024-02-23T19:11:50.000+0000 [19:21:11 INFO] [RedisBungee]: Loaded proxy id...