Caroline Joy Bell

Results 53 comments of Caroline Joy Bell

> ~~`adobug:docs`~~ RIP this pull request. I would have liked Arch instructions. Maybe put the instructions on the new wiki?

> Can I get a link to the wiki to post it there? @adobug 👉🏻

`state-load` `regression` Edit: Actually was that report that showed it in-game even valid? It was on a detached branch, not master.

This is complete now, right? Is there a client for this on Windows yet?

Caused by a non-static inner class (implicit reference to super class)

Tested on Tested on # Issues: Seems to have regressed to not drawing most things on screen. It is nearly impossible to play the game normally now, but there...

Tested on ## Issues Crashes upon selecting `single player` and sometimes while navigating the menus. ***Note:** Tested with a defaulted config file. No license mask or compatibility settings applied.*...

> until I am home in December. January bump

👍🏻 I'm not invested in this issue, let alone impatient about it. There just hasn't been an update comment since October, so I just wanted to be sure you hadn't...