Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/folders/09/5zhm6xjx5gq135ncsk2kld18...
Also, did putting back the `elm-package.json` file fix it?
Uncaught Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/folders/09/5zhm6xjx5gq135ncsk2kld18...
Hi! The package will only create temp files if `Work Directory` is not set and `Lint On The Fly` is checked. I'm guessing you have `Lint On The Fly` checked...
Did it work properly when it was updated? Since the linting tasks are now queued, we should hopefully experience less of these in the latest version :-)
Oh sorry, I misread it as you're upgrading to the latest _linter-elm-make_ package. So, you updated `elm-mdl`? Am I correct? Is version 7.2.0 the new `elm-mdl` version or the old...
Alright, thanks for the info! I'll check it out sometime this week. Thank you again for reporting all these issues :+1:
Thank you for making it better :)
Hi @cscalfani, thanks for the report! Unfortunately, I could not reproduce this :( The `Report Warnings` option is working regardless if `Lint On The Fly` is enabled or disabled. Can...
Haha! Can you run Atom using `atom -d` and check the console log. It should show the arguments passed to `elm-make` (e.g. `[linter-elm-make] Executing elm-make Main.elm --report=json --output=/dev/null --yes --warn`)
Thanks again @cscalfani for helping me debug this :-) I already submitted an issue to the elm-make repository: https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-make/issues/114
Uncaught Error: EACCES: permission denied, scandir '~/Library/Saved Application State/com.adobe.f...
Hi @esousa77, can you also provide the contents of your `elm-package.json`? Thanks!