homebridge-cmdtrigger copied to clipboard
CMD Trigger Plugin for Homebride: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge
"Cmd Trigger" Plugin
Example config.json with custom delay (in ms) to turn off the switch:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "CmdTrigger",
"name": "My command",
"command": "echo Hello World",
"delay": "10000",
"execAfterDelay": false
Example config.json with stateful switch:
"accessories": [
"accessory": "CmdTrigger",
"name": "Stafeful Switch",
"command": "dummy",
"stateful": true,
"debug": false
With Cmd Trigger plugin you can create any number of fake switches that will execute a CLI command when turned on or after delay (and will automatically turn off right afterward, simulating a stateless switch). This can be used to trigger command and scripts on a server running Homebridge via HomeKit. For example by telling Siri to backup your documents.
You can also use this plugin as fakeswitch with custom delay, or as a stateful switch.
This plugin was created by extending homebridge-dummy plugin: https://github.com/nfarina/homebridge-dummy.
Installation instructions
$: npm -g install homebridge-cmdtrigger