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Marker popup
Hi hallahan, I got what was am expecting i use "type": "LineString" instead of "type": "MultiPoint", ,
Now i would like to ask one i.e, in our marker popup show geojson latlan but i want to show speed on it, how i can do ?
Thank you so much ,
@hallahan , could you please let me know the answer for above question, am now in real time system so i have speed for each Latitude and Longitude. Here i want to display speed on market instead of latlng, Is it possible to do ? kindly answer me as soon as quickly.
You will need to modify getPopupContent in MovableMarker
Hey hallahan, Thank for this project. I am planning to use your API in a project I am working on. I am kind of stuck on adding more dynamic data to the popups. when I play it shows just the first element of the array (say time) though the latlang was changing as the maker moves along the coordinates but the time remained static(stuck on the first time[0]). How do I make this change as well, just like the coordinate position?
What do you mean by:
the time remained static(stuck on the first time[0])
Are you saying the time value in the popup? I assume you just need to update the popup content with whatever is in the clock. This will require a slight tweak to the library.
I meant the time would not update. i intend adding other parameters like speed, altitude etc. If you can help with this 'tweak' I will appreciate it.
I can answer questions, but you're going to have to give me specifics of your code. You're free to do as you wish with this project, but that doesn't come with support ; )