compose-richtext icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
compose-richtext copied to clipboard

A collection of Compose libraries for advanced text formatting and alternative display types.

Results 32 compose-richtext issues
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In my project, I need to show .svg picture. I can easy to edit like this to support: Edit `.\richtext-commonmark\src\androidMain\kotlin\com\halilibo\richtext\markdown\RemoteImage.kt` : ```kotlin val painter = rememberAsyncImagePainter( model = ImageRequest.Builder(LocalContext.current) .data(data...

Have you thought about adding support for syntax highlighting in code blocks? Maybe not directly into the library, but having some interface that a third party module can implement to...

Add a parameter ‘onImgClicked’ for `RichTextScope.Markdown` which invoke when a picture is clicked. Here some samples: Android: ```kotlin Markdown( content = sampleMarkdown, onImgClicked = { Toast.makeText(context, it, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() } )...

Example: ``` Markdown(content="2. Item") ``` The output after the formatting is the following: `1. Item` Expected: `2. Item`

Adds accessibility to Markdown unmarked list. Users that have Talkback enabled on their android device should hear '*' and text.

Hello, Thanks for the great library, I just noticed that the ordered list and the unordered list don't respect layout direction when it is RTL the bullet point still be...

Currently only link clicking triggers the `onLinkClicked` This is in addition to markdown image sizing, which is direly needed.

Currently its always blue, which doesn't look great for most material themes. I'm getting around this manually by doing: ```kt val richTextStyle = RichTextStyle().resolveDefaults().copy( stringStyle = RichTextStringStyle().copy( linkStyle = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge.toSpanStyle().copy(...

It looks like `implementation("com.halilibo.compose-richtext:richtext-commonmark:0.16.0")` transitively pulls in the linux skiko runtime `org.jetbrains.compose.desktop:desktop-jvm-linux-x64:1.2.0` not also on Linux, but also on Windows. I think that's broken. First I thought I had some...