
Results 13 issues of hakan-demirli

There is [XDG Base Directory Specification](https://specifications.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/basedir-spec-latest.html) which dictates which files should go where. According to that user data should go to $XDG_DATA_HOME on linux. https://github.com/Mithil467/mitype/blob/cdb2da1f40611f6e44ccba50eccd135b3a503bc3/mitype/history.py#L17 Without adding extra pip dependency:...

good first issue

`monitors.conf` location can be specified by `-m` flag. However, `workspaces.conf` is still using the default location and it is not configurable. I think it should either follow monitors.conf or has...

I would like to set a video file as a background. Apple has a similar feature on MacOS devices. SDDM login screen does support this feature too: https://github.com/3ximus/aerial-sddm-theme . It...