Tim Haines
Tim Haines
Reading compressed kernel and module binaries and reducing the amount of binary parsed for analysis?
> Is there some special configuration needed for SymReaderCodeSource? Yes. You have to enable SymLite using [`-DLIGHTWEIGHT_SYMTAB`](https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst/blob/master/cmake/options.cmake#L5). This will then implicitly swap a bunch of implementation details using [macros](https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst/blob/master/cmake/options.cmake#L21-L25), and...
Reading compressed kernel and module binaries and reducing the amount of binary parsed for analysis?
Aargh. My guess would be that hasn't been tested in a long time. Testing build permutations has been on my wishlist for too long. The culprit is line [CMakeLIsts.txt:147](https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L104-L107) the...
`InstructionDecoder` constructor does not set is64 for PPC.
vxworks has been broken since 0bc3980d1 (2011).
Redhat are testing with Fedora 32. RHEL 8 has a Docker image. ANL are switching to OpenSUSE 15.2.
CMake support for Windows was added by f0195a896 in June 2013. CMake platform checks were implemented by 00eeb9f90 in March 2013. However, Windows was never added to the `VALID_PLATFORMS`, so...
Holy moly. This is great! You are making us all look bad with your crazy wizardry! :smile_cat: The first thing to check is how well pandoc was able to convert...
TODO - [ ] instructionapi needs usage. none in original docs - [ ] domainify instructionapi - [ ] clean up toolkits/dyninstapi. what to do with examples? - [ ]...
We definitely don't want to redo the conversion - and a million thanks to you for tackling it! I can't believe it's already been two weeks. ugh. Let me dedicate...
@hainest Items to add: Debugging instrumented code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xS1dxbX9-iieyIDg8_c0XP1bnBxqHsbjtyIaCgwHp1U/edit https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst/pull/963 gap parsing: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cC47hxNvep0K-MuITbfkWDgrdaXhvI584kJSOzV6y9k/edit cuda profiling tool: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h12Uq-cQyNSRuajZQo9bhcpFFPZVmL1g-ztCRifze5s/edit static-time code: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_1jHuZo1J7O_Raza0xdCHmQfqCPYylr9kLh-JL7JFKs/edit