Tim Haines
Tim Haines
This is now causing hangs on lassen (https://bottle.cs.wisc.edu/details/1387). This is very recent behavior and I'm not sure why it manifested. I've been having trouble getting the runs to complete there...
This can now be debugged since https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst/pull/963 allows using SIGILL to debug trampolines where this bug lies.
Reported by @stanfordcox using https://github.com/dyninst/dyninst/releases/tag/v12.1.0-rc2
>I want to remove a set of system call from the binary at runtime. Just so I fully understand, you want to modify an executable while it is being executed....
>Can you suggest the API function to do that? So far I have found replaceFunction, replaceFunctionCall type APIs, but haven't been able to figure out what can be used to...
@nilanjana87 Thanks, we'll try to take a look at these soon.
@woodard Are you using `OMP_NUM_THREADS=12` or `unset OMP_NUM_THREADS`? There is a known issue with Dyninst that not setting `OMP_NUM_THREADS` will cause substantial oversubscription due to nested parallelism that can lead...
Yeah, that's different from what we were seeing previously (cf #693). I'll leave this for @mxz297 to investigate. He's doing some presentations at SC, so it'll be a couple of...
Dyninst needs libelf and libdw. The easiest way to get them both is to use [elfutils](https://sourceware.org/elfutils/ftp/0.186/). Once you've installed that, you can add `-DElfUtils_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/your/elfutils` when you configure Dyninst.
@wcohen @sashanicolas @mxz297 The problem is that Dyninst is picking up the .cold version, but not the regular version. < 1> DW_TAG_subprogram DW_AT_name expand_inlined_process DW_AT_decl_file 0x00000018 .../quality_info/dyninsttools/ranges_sanity.C DW_AT_decl_line 0x0000000e DW_AT_decl_column...