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Query YQL simply.

jQuery Plugin: Query YQL v0.4.1

Query YQL simply.


Query YQL:

var statement = "select * from feed where url='http://example.com/rss'";
$.queryYQL(statement, function (data) {
  // do something with "data".

Query YQL (full):

var statement = "select * from feed where url='http://example.com/rss'";
$.queryYQL(statement, "json", undefined, function (data) {
  // do something with "data".

Query YQL with JSONP-X:

var statement = "select * from html where url='http://example.com/' and xpath='//h1'";
$.queryYQL(statement, "xml", function (data) {
  // do something with "data".

Query YQL with Open Data Table:

var statement = "select * from google.translate where q='This is a test.' and target='ja'";
$.queryYQL(statement, "all", function (data) {
  // do something with "data".

Query YQL with Open Data Table (custom URL):

var statement = "select * from example.table where q='foobar'";
$.queryYQL(statement, "http://example.com/tables.env", function (data) {
  // do something with "data".


MIT: http://hail2u.mit-license.org/2009