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[TPAMI 2021] End2End Occluded Face Recognition by Masking Corrupted Features
Hello, I was wondering, do you still have the baseline training code? That is, the training code for the pre-training weight "model_p4_baseline_9938_8205_3610.pth.tar". I want to retrain the baseline model, thank...
Hello dear author, do you have the casia-Webface dataset? I have been reproducing this paper recently, but encountered issues with the dataset
你好@haibo-qiu, 我没有在你给出的链接中找到测试arcface和megaface的模型,请问这个需要到官方网址去下载吗? 能拜托你向我提供相应模型的下载地址吗?我将十分感谢!!