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Neural Network Tools: Converter and Analyzer. For caffe, pytorch, draknet and so on.
Neural Network Tools: Converter, Constructor and Analyser
Providing a tool for some fashion neural network frameworks.
The nn_tools is released under the MIT License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).
- Pytorch->Caffe
- Caffe Analyser
- Pytorch Analyser
- Mxnet Analyser
- Some useful functions
- Converting a model between different frameworks.
- Some convenient tools of manipulate caffemodel and prototxt quickly(like get or set weights of layers), see nn_tools.Caffe.
- Analysing a model, get the operations number(ops) in every layers.
- Python2.7 or Python3.x
- Each functions in this tools requires corresponding neural network python package (tensorflow pytorch and so on).
Pytorch to Caffe
The new version of pytorch_to_caffe supporting the newest version(from 0.2.0 to 1.0) of pytorch. NOTICE: The transfer output will be somewhat different with the original model, caused by implementation difference.
Supporting layers types: conv2d, transpose_conv2d, linear, max_pool2d, avg_pool2d, dropout, relu, prelu, threshold(only value=0),softmax, batch_norm, instance_norm
Supporting operations: torch.split, torch.cat
Supporting tensor Variable operations: var.view, var.mean, var.sum, var.contiguous, + (add), += (iadd), -(sub), -=(isub) * (mul) *= (imul) / (div)
The not supporting operations will transferred to a Python layer in Caffe. You can implemented it by yourself.
Testify whether your transformed Caffe model is workable. See
The supported above can transfer many kinds of nets. The tested network:
- AlexNet(tested)
- VGG(tested)
- ResNet(tested)
- Inception_V3(tested)
- SqueezeNet(tested)
The supported layers concluded the most popular layers and operations. The other layer types will be added soon, you can ask me to add them in issues.
Note: You need net.eval()
before converting the pytorch networks.
Example: please see file example/<alexnet/resnet/inception_v3>_pytorch_to_caffe.py
$python3 example/alexnet_pytorch_to_caffe.py
Add blob blob0 : torch.Size([1, 3, 226, 226])
Processing Layer: features.0
Add blob conv_blob1 : torch.Size([1, 64, 55, 55])
Processing Layer: features.1
Transform Completed
If you have compiled Pycaffe and set the pycaffe path. You can run testify_pytorch_to_caffe to test whether the output of every Caffe layer is the same as the output in Pytorch.
$python3 example/testify_pytorch_to_caffe_example.py
TEST layer features_0: PASS
TEST layer features_1: PASS
TEST output
TEST output: PASS
The analyser can analyse all the model layers' [input_size, output_size, multiplication ops, addition ops, comparation ops, tot ops, weight size and so on] given a input tensor size, which is convenint for model deploy analyse.
Caffe Analyser
Before you analyse your network, Netscope is recommended to visiualize your network.
Command:python caffe_analyser.py [-h] prototxt outdir shape
- The prototxt is the path of the prototxt file.
- The outdir is path to save the csv file.
- The shape is the input shape of the network(split by comma
), in caffe image shape should be: batch_size, channel, image_height, image_width.
For example python caffe_analyser.py resnet_18_deploy.prototxt analys_result.csv 1,3,224,224
Pytorch Analyser
Supporting analyse the inheritors of torch.nn.Moudule class.
Command:pytorch_analyser.py [-h] [--out OUT] [--class_args ARGS] path name shape
- The path is the python file path which contaning your class.
- The name is the class name or instance name in your python file.
- The shape is the input shape of the network(split by comma
), in pytorch image shape should be: batch_size, channel, image_height, image_width. - The out (optinal) is path to save the csv file, default is '/tmp/pytorch_analyse.csv'.
- The class_args (optional) is the args to init the class in python file, default is empty.
For example python pytorch_analyser.py example/resnet_pytorch_analysis_example.py resnet18 1,3,224,224
Mxnet Analyser
Supporting analyse the inheritors of mxnet.sym.
Command:mxnet_analyser.py [-h] [--out OUT] [--func_args ARGS] [--func_kwargs FUNC_KWARGS] path name shape
- The path is the python file path which contaning your symbol definition.
- the symbol object name or function that generate the symbol in your python file.
- The shape is the input shape of the network(split by comma
), in mxnet image shape should be: batch_size, channel, image_height, image_width. - The out (optinal) is path to save the csv file, default is '/tmp/mxnet_analyse.csv'.
- The func_args (optional) is the args to init the class in python file, default is empty.
For example python mxnet_analyser.py example/mobilenet_mxnet_symbol.py get_symbol 1,3,224,224
Some useful functions
- get_iou(box_a, box_b) intersection over union of two boxes
- nms(bboxs,scores,thresh) Non-maximum suppression
- Logger print some str to a file and stdout with H M S