swampdragon-notifications icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
swampdragon-notifications copied to clipboard

SwampDragon notifications

Codeship Status for jonashagstedt/swampdragon-notifications

Notify your users in real time.

Note Since notifications isn't always an essential part of a system, only signed in users receive notifications.


  • Redis 2.8+


pip install swampdragon-notifications

Add the following to INSTALLED_APPS:


Set the SwampDragon connection to:

SWAMP_DRAGON_CONNECTION = ('swampdragon_notifications.notification_connection.Connection', '/data')


{% load swampdragon_tags static %}
<!-- Swamp dragon -->
{% swampdragon_settings %}
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'swampdragon/js/dist/swampdragon.min.js' %}"></script>

<!-- Swamp dragon notifications -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="{% static 'js/dist/swampdragon-notifications.js' %}"></script>

JavaScript API

Get number of users online:

notifications.onlineCount(function (count) {

User count onChange event:

Triggered when a new user comes online or someone goes offline

notifications.onlineCountChange(function (count) {

Desktop notifications

To enable desktop notifications: notifications.enableDesktopNotifications();.

To disable desktop notifications: notifications.disableDesktopNotifications();.

To trigger a desktop notifications:

var payload = {
    icon: notification.icon // assuming an icon url is available,
    tag: 'foo'
notifications.desktopNotification('New foo', payload);

Example setup (settings.py)

The following example setup will send both email notifications and realtime notifications. To disable the email notifications: remove 'swampdragon_notifications.backends.email_notifications.EmailNotification' from SWAMP_DRAGON_NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS.

    ('realtime', 'swampdragon_notifications.backends.realtime_notifications.RealtimeNotification'),
    ('email', 'swampdragon_notifications.backends.email_notifications.EmailNotification'),

    'foo': {
        'processor': 'app.subject_renderer.foo_to_dict',
        'icon': 'http://placekitten.com/g/64/64',
        'subject': 'A new foo',
        'template': 'new_foo_notification',

SWAMP_DRAGON_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY = 1000 * 60 * 5  # Five minutes

Create a file called subject_renderer.py in your project, and add a new function:

def foo_to_dict(notification, **kwargs):
    return {

The function foo_to_dict should return a dictionary with any data you want to pass on to the client.

Subject processors

A subject processor belongs to a notification type (defined in SWAMP_DRAGON_NOTIFICATIONS).

The processor is a function, and takes a notification and **kwargs as arguments, and returns a dictionary.

Example processor:

def foo_processor(notification, **kwargs):
    return {
        'foo_id': notification.subject.pk,
        'timestamp': now(),
        'extra_value': kwargs.get('extra_value')


Enable heart beat if you are using realtime notifications. This helps keep track on who is online.

SWAMP_DRAGON_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY = 1000 * 60 * 5  # Five minutes


To customise notification, add SWAMP_DRAGON_NOTIFICATIONS to settings. This is a dictionary:

    'foo': {
        'processor': 'app.subject_renderer.foo_to_dict'
        'template': 'standard_email',  # Only used by email backend,
        'subject': 'Dear {}, you have a new notification',  # Only used by email backend 
        'title': 'Notification', 
        'icon': 'http://placekitten.com/g/64/64'

template and subject only concern the default email backend.

Notification backends

There are two notification backends: email and realtime.

Set notification backends:

    ('realtime', 'swampdragon_notifications.backends.realtime_notifications.RealtimeNotification'),
    ('email', 'swampdragon_notifications.backends.email_notifications.EmailNotification'),

'swampdragon_notifications.backends.realtime_notifications.RealtimeNotification' is enabled by default.

Email notification backend

The emails will, by default, be sent from settings.SERVER_EMAIL. To change the sender email address specify NOTIFICATION_SENDER in settings.

Creating a custom notification backend

Add a new file to your project foo_notification_backend.py.

Add a class FooNotificationBackend

implement the function def notify(notification): in your custom notification backend

from swampdragon_notifications.backends.base_backend import BaseBackend

class FooNotificationBackend(BaseBackend):
    def notify(self, notification):
  1. Add the new backend to your settings

    SWAMP_DRAGON_NOTIFICATION_BACKENDS = [ ... ('foo', 'myproj.foo_notification_backend.FooNotificationBackend'), ]