depify icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
depify copied to clipboard

Creates or updates your deps.edn file, based on your project’s project.clj

#+TITLE: Depify

*** What?

depify reads your [[][Leiningen]] ~project.clj~ configuration file and produces a ~deps.edn~ file suitable for the [[][Clojure CLI tools]].

~deps.edn~ and the Clojure CLI tools have a narrower focus than Leiningen or Boot, but depify will do its best to produce a useful ~deps.edn~ replacement. This includes adding extra aliases to provide "missing" functionality. One such example is the addition of the ~:test~ and ~:runner~ aliases borrowed from Sean Corfield's [[][dot-clojure]] repo. Other aliases may be added in the future - PRs are always welcome!

*** Changelog

  • 2018-06-13
    • Add ability to read ~lein pprint~ output from stdin (actually fixes #2)
  • 2018-06-12
    • Add ability to read ~project.clj~ from stdin (fixes #2)
  • 2018-06-11
    • Hefty refactoring (fixes #1 and many other issues)

*** Usage

Create an alias in your ~/.clojure/deps.edn map:

#+BEGIN_SRC clojure :depify {:extra-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"} depify {:git/url "" :sha "04329744872890711dbba8939a16e9987dd33bb3"}} :main-opts ["-m" "depify.project"]} :zprint {:extra-deps {org.clojure/clojure {:mvn/version "1.9.0"} zprint {:mvn/version "0.4.9"}} :main-opts ["-m" "zprint.main"]} #+END_SRC

Then, invoke depify in any folder that contains a ~project.clj~:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh clj -A:depify #+END_SRC

depify will read any pre-existing ~deps.edn~ file in your project folder and use that as an initial starting point. The result of merging ~project.clj~ into deps.edn will be printed to standard out.

depify can also read ~project.clj~ files from stdin. This can be handy if, for instance, you want to import a pile of dependencies into your current ~deps.edn~ from a remote ~project.clj~:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh curl -L -o - "" | clj -A:depify #+END_SRC

depify can also interpret the output from [[][lein pprint]]. This has the advantage of evaluating content inside ~project.clj~ - for instance, quoted variables are expanded, paths are resolved, etc.

#+BEGIN_SRC sh lein pprint | clj -A:depify #+END_SRC

~lein pprint~ can be invoked with a list of keys in order to extract specific values from the ~project.clj~ data. depify can handle any key that returns a list of maven coordinates, which will be interpreted as simple dependencies. The following will result in a dependency set that is the union of both keys:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh lein pprint :dependencies :plugins | clj -A:depify #+END_SRC

Notice in my ~/.clojure/deps.edn I also have [[][zprint]] as an alias, enabling this from your project folder:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh clj -A:depify | clj -A:zprint > deps.edn.tmp ; mv deps.edn.tmp deps.edn #+END_SRC

You may see a "Stream closed" exception emitted by zprint, which can be safely ignored.

*** Features

Based on the initial concept in [[][this gist]] by [[][Sean Walker]]. depify improves on it slightly:

**** Adds entries to the existing ~deps.edn~, if available


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}}} #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defproject super-dooper "1.0" :dependencies [[tick/tock "1.0"]]) #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}, tick/tock {:mvn/version "1.0"}}} #+END_SRC

**** Handles variable unquoting in ~project.clj~


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (def something "0.1.2") (defproject foobar "1.0" :dependencies [[something/gizmo ~something]]) #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:deps {something/gizmo {:mvn/version "0.1.2"}}} #+END_SRC

**** Places lein's ~:main~ and ~:jvm-opts~ under an alias called ~:run~


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defproject super-dooper "1.0" :jvm-opts ["-XX:+EnormousBiceps"] :main super-dooper.core :dependencies [[ding/dong "1.0"]]) #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:aliases {:run {:jvm-opts ["-XX:+EnormousBiceps"], :main-opts ["-m" "super-dooper.core"]}}, :deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}}} #+END_SRC

**** Creates aliases for any ~:profiles~


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defproject super-dooper "1.0" :jvm-opts ["-XX:+EnormousBiceps"] :main super-dooper.core :dependencies [[ding/dong "1.0"]] :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[tick/tock "1.0"]] :jvm-opts ["-XX:+CrashAndBurn"]}}) #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:aliases {:run {:jvm-opts ["-XX:+EnormousBiceps"], :main-opts ["-m" "super-dooper.core"]}, :dev {:jvm-opts ["-XX:+CrashAndBurn"], :extra-deps {tick/tock {:mvn/version "1.0"}}}}, :deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}}} #+END_SRC

**** Adds ~:test-paths~ to the ~:test~ alias


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defproject super-dooper "1.0" :dependencies [[ding/dong "1.0"]] :test-paths ["testomatic"]) #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:aliases {:test {:extra-paths ["test" "testomatic"], :extra-deps {org.clojure/test.check {:mvn/version "RELEASE"}}}, :runner {:extra-deps {com.cognitect/test-runner {:git/url "", :sha "76568540e7f40268ad2b646110f237a60295fa3c"}}, :main-opts ["-m" "cognitect.test-runner" "-d" "test"]}}, :deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}}} #+END_SRC

**** Adds ~:source-paths~ and ~:resource-paths~ to ~:paths~


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defproject super-dooper "1.0" :dependencies [[ding/dong "1.0"]] :resource-paths ["more-resources"] :source-paths ["more-sources"]) #+END_SRC


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}}, :paths ["src" "more-sources" "more-resources"]} #+END_SRC

**** Adds ~:respositories~ to ~:mvn/repos~


#+BEGIN_SRC clojure (defproject super-dooper "1.0" :dependencies [[ding/dong "1.0"]] :repositories [["" ""] ["releases" {:url "" :username "milgrim", :password :env}]])



#+BEGIN_SRC clojure {:deps {ding/dong {:mvn/version "1.0"}}, :mvn/repos {"" {:url ""}, "releases" {:url ""}}}


*** Testing

Tests can be invoked with:

#+BEGIN_SRC sh clj -A:test #+END_SRC