ShaderView copied to clipboard
A library for simple shader programming
A library for simple shader programming.
About ShaderView
ShaderView wraps the MTKView setup.
ShaderView is designed to extend MTKView
which enables to do shader view programming simpler and easier, like GLSL Sandbox or Shadertoy. This library wraps the configuration process of MTLLibrary
, MTLFunction
, MTLComputePipelineState
, MTLCommandQueue
, MTLCommandBuffer
and MTLCommandEncoder
, and takes a simple kernel function with the arguments of output texture, current time, touch events and the position in the grid. Create ShderViewRenderer
, set it on MTLView
and add the MTLView to other UIKit view.
Test with Playground.
The screen recorded above is a playground attacked to this workspace MSLPlayground on which you can write/test simple MSLs. The shader function in the screenshot is converted from the GLSL on Shadertoy.
ShaderView is consisted mainly from ShaderViewRenderer
and MTKView
's extension.
import MetalKit
import ShaderView
// Create MTLDevice. MTLDevice is encouranged to create right after the app launch and retain throughout the life time of the app.
guard let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice else {
// Optional: Create MTLLibrary. This is optional and if you don't set your own MTLLibrary, ShaderViewRenderer will generate a default library from the device.
var library: MTLLibrary?
do {
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "MSLPlayground", ofType: "metal")
let source = try String(contentsOfFile: path!, encoding: .utf8)
library = try device.makeLibrary(source: source, options: nil)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("library error: " + error.description)
// Create MTLView
let shaderView = MTKView(frame: NSRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 400, height: 400), device: device)
// Create ShaderViewRenderer with the device you created.
let renderer = ShaderViewRenderer(device: device)
// Optional: Set MTLLibrary to ShaderViewRenderer
renderer.library = library
// Set the kernel function name to ShaderViewRenderer. The function you specified must have the same arguments as "MSLPlayground.metal" in the example Playground.
renderer.functionName = "playgroundSample"
// Set the renderer to the metal view. renderer)
- Xcode 9.1
- Swift 4.0.2