stock-ticker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
stock-ticker copied to clipboard

Emacs minor mode to show stock information in mode line.



Emacs minor mode to show stock information in mode line.


Mode line will cycle through all the stock tickers you're interested in, showing one at a time. Format is "ticker: price change (percent change)"

Data is fetched from Yahoo's finance api via YQL.


Install stock-ticker from MELPA with:

M-x package-install RET stock-ticker

If you prefer to install by hand: Put stock-ticker.el into a directory specified by the load-path variable. Alternatively, you can add a directory to the variable load-path by (add-to-list 'load-path "ADDITIONAL-DIRECTORY").

If you put the file in "~/.emacs.d/stock-ticker/stock-ticker.el" for instance, the following snipped in your .emacs file will load and init the extension.

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/stock-ticker/stock-ticker.el")
(require 'stock-ticker)
M-x stock-ticker-global-mode


Here's how to turn stock ticker on in your .emacs:

(stock-ticker-global-mode +1)

If you want to set your own stock tickers:

(setq stock-ticker-symbols '("aapl" "goog" "fb"))

You can use regular stocks, but also funds, etc. Basically anything that the Yahoo API supports (check:

Or add to the existing ones:

(add-to-list 'stock-ticker-symbols "hdp")
(add-to-list 'stock-ticker-symbols "bcoix")

If you want to change the frequency with which the APIs are called for new data:

(setq stock-ticker-update-interval 600)

Finally, if you want to change how fast the symbols are cycled through:

(setq stock-ticker-display-interval 5)