Nico Hagenburger

Results 59 issues of Nico Hagenburger

Based on all headlines

feature request

- Don’t fix width to `$livingstyleguide--width`; allow smaller width for responsive designs - Take care of responsive meta tag

feature request

Besides using the command line (`$> livingstyleguide compile styleguide.html.lsg`), it would be good to automatically compile the style guide whenever `$> compass compile` or `$> compass watch` is running. As...

feature request

Use a Rails like CLI: - [ ] `livingstyleguide generate module "button"` - [ ] Alias `livingstyleguide g module "button"` - [ ] Generate _source/css/modules/_button.scss_ - [ ] Generate _source/css/modules/_button.md_...

feature request

WIP issue - See #232 - Add issues for all languages


- [ ] The website should always use HTTPS and redirect if it doesn’t. - [ ] The path (= language) must to be kept during the redirect. - [...

good first issue

As seen in #149, hashtags might be useful as an additional field for each event. Suggested format: ``` json { "usergroups": [ { "name": "ThoughtWorks Tech Talks NYC Meetup", "city":...


Sometimes country-specific languages (like `de-ch`) fall back to the general language (`de`) in the browser.
