Nico Hagenburger
Nico Hagenburger
After selecting plugins, all required Gems should be installed automatically on request.
Just like for PivotalTracker stories, GitHub issues should be an alternative option.
Allow to add helper methods to style guide examples. ## Example usage app/helpers/form_helper.rb: ``` ruby module FormHelper def primary_button(text, type: "button") content_tag(:button, text, class: "button primary", type: type) end end...
The order should be: 1. Define all variables 2. LSG’s own styles 3. All custom CSS Currently it’s 3 – 1 – 2 which makes it hard to override the...
Create a concept for multiple input/output files. Check other tools to provide a familiar interface.
## 1. Import from Sass file __colors.scss:_ ``` scss $my-red: red; $my-green: green; $my-blue: blue; ``` __colors.lsg:_ ``` @colors colors.scss ``` _Result should be the same as:_ ``` @colors {...
``` @command argument @command "argument" @command argument-1, argument-2 @command "argument-1", "argument-2" @command "argument, 1", "argument, 2" ``` Also allow single quotes.
- [ ] As in v1, for each `@import filename` in Sass LSG should look for an existing `_filename.lsg` in the same directory and import it - [ ] This...