ezFFTW copied to clipboard
A wrapper built on top of bytedeco's JavaCPP preset for the FFTW library, that hides the cumbersome native pointering for ez (easy) use.
A wrapper for the FFTW library built on top of bytedeco's JavaCPP preset that hides the cumbersome native pointering for ez (easy) use. See bytedeco's code here. See FFTW code here.
Maven Dependency (Central Repository):
Sine + Cosine
(from examples/Simple.java)
static void sinePlusCosine(){
int numSamples = 16;
double second = 2*Math.PI; // interval of one second
// create samples
double[] samples = new double[numSamples];
for(int i = 0; i < numSamples; i++){
samples[i] = Math.sin(i*second/numSamples);
samples[i]+= Math.cos(i*second/numSamples);
// execute fft
double[] realPart = new double[numSamples];
double[] imagPart = new double[numSamples];
FFT.fft(samples, realPart,imagPart, numSamples);
// print result (omit conjugated complex results)
for(int i = 0; i < 1+numSamples/2; i++) {
System.out.format("%dHz | % .2f%+.2fi%n",i, realPart[i], imagPart[i]);
Image Band Pass
(from examples/Filtering.java)
static void bandPassImageFilter(InputStream input, OutputStream output, String outFormat){
try {
// load image
BufferedImage loadedImg = ImageIO.read(input);
final int width = loadedImg.getWidth();
final int height = loadedImg.getHeight();
// make sampler for image
RealValuedSampler sampler = new RealValuedSampler() {
public double getValueAt(long... coordinates) {
// we know coordinates will be 2D and in range of image dimensions
int rgb = loadedImg.getRGB((int)coordinates[0], (int)coordinates[1]);
// return average grey in range [0,1]
return ((rgb>>16&0xff)+(rgb>>8&0xff)+(rgb&0xff))/(3*255.0);
// make fft storage (RowMajorArrayAccessor implements sampler and writer)
RowMajorArrayAccessor realPart = new RowMajorArrayAccessor(new double[width*height], width,height);
RowMajorArrayAccessor imagPart = new RowMajorArrayAccessor(new double[width*height], width,height);
// execute fft
FFT.fft(sampler, realPart.combineToComplexWriter(imagPart), width, height);
// make sampler that will filter out frequencies
ComplexValuedSampler filterSampler = new ComplexValuedSampler() {
public double getValueAt(boolean imaginary, long... coordinates) {
// get coordinates with centered DC
double x = ( ((coordinates[0]+ width/2)% width)- width/2 );
double y = ( ((coordinates[1]+height/2)%height)-height/2 );
// get length (corresponds to frequency)
double l = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y);
// define band pass frequencies to be in ]50, 100[
if(l > 50 && l < 100){
return imaginary ? imagPart.getValueAt(coordinates[0],coordinates[1])
: realPart.getValueAt(coordinates[0],coordinates[1]);
} else return 0;
// make target image for writing result
BufferedImage filteredImg = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
RealValuedWriter imgWriter = new RealValuedWriter() {
public void setValueAt(double value, long... coordinates) {
value /= width*height; // remove scaling (FFTW does it like this)
value = Math.max(0, Math.min(value, 1)); // clamp value between [0,1]
int byteval = (int)(value*255);
int argb = 0xff000000|(byteval<<16)|(byteval<<8)|byteval; // make greyscale argb
filteredImg.setRGB((int)coordinates[0], (int)coordinates[1], argb);
// execute inverse fft
FFT.ifft(filterSampler, imgWriter, width, height);
ImageIO.write(filteredImg, outFormat, output);
} catch (IOException e){
Filtered Back Projection
(from examples/FilteredBackProjection.java)
static double[][] filteredBackProjection(double[][] radon, int outputResolution) {
/* apply ramp filter to radon transform - 1st step fourier transform
* (every line is one projection and has to be filtered separately)
try(//with resources
NativeRealArray projection = new NativeRealArray(radon[0].length);
NativeRealArray fft_r = new NativeRealArray(projection.length);
NativeRealArray fft_i = new NativeRealArray(projection.length);
for(int i = 0; i < radon.length; i++){
FFTW_Guru.execute_split_r2c(projection, fft_r, fft_i, projection.length);
projection.get(0, radon[i]);
// 2nd step apply ramp filter ( multiply by abs(freq) with normalized freq )
long spectrumWidth = projection.length;
long highestFreq = spectrumWidth/2;
for(long k = 0; k < spectrumWidth; k++){
long freq = ((k+highestFreq)%spectrumWidth)-highestFreq;
double scaling = Math.abs(freq*1.0/highestFreq);
fft_r.set(k, fft_r.get(k)*scaling);
fft_i.set(k, fft_i.get(k)*scaling);
// 3rd step, inverse fft
FFTW_Guru.execute_split_c2r(fft_r, fft_i, projection, projection.length);
projection.get(0, radon[i]);
// now do back projection
double[][] output = new double[outputResolution][outputResolution];
double toRadians = Math.PI/radon.length;
int projectionWidth = radon[0].length;
for(int i = 0; i < outputResolution; i++){
double y = ((i*1.0/outputResolution)-0.5)*2;
for(int j = 0; j < outputResolution; j++){
double x = ((j*1.0/outputResolution)-0.5)*2;
double sum = 0;
int numSummands = 0;
// for each projection find radius where [x,y] was projected to
for(int p = 0; p < radon.length; p++){
double angle = p*toRadians;
double radius = x*Math.cos(angle)+y*Math.sin(angle);
int r = (int)((radius+1)/2*(projectionWidth-1));
if(r >=0 && r < projectionWidth){
sum += radon[p][r];
if(numSummands > 0)
sum /= numSummands;
output[i][j] = sum;
return output;