Hagai Gold
Hagai Gold
> For special use cases, you should create custom manifest instead of changing the general solution. Another option: adding to `config.json` a customized "env_set" section, that will be loaded after...
@darkguy2008 , let me know if this is something of interest to this module: a very simple implementation for supporting env vars - fc75e0896fa0eb5168caf1d5b6c461bc0bc9686b there is already a module for...
oops.. my bad about the 0x40 :( ARIADNE_SIGPOS - it just feel a bit confusing. if you are using NewEEPROM, it is because you want the "protection" of the first...
we can remove the conditioned protection and always use the offset of 0x40 bytes if NewEEPROMClass is used. less confusing and more straightforward. or we can close the issue and...