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SimpleITK-based object classifier?
To give more options for object classification while maintaining the installability of apoc, it might make sense to setup a second ObjectClassfier, that uses internally the regionprops from SimpleITK.
We could then classify objects accorind to their
- maximum
- mean
- median
- minimum
- sigma
- sum
- variance
- bbox
- centroid_0
- elongation
- feret_diameter
- flatness
- roundness
- equivalent_ellipsoid_diameter_0
- equivalent_ellipsoid_diameter_1
- equivalent_spherical_perimeter
- equivalent_spherical_radius
- number_of_pixels
- number_of_pixels_on_border
- perimeter
- perimeter_on_border
- perimeter_on_border_ratio
- principal_axes0
- principal_axes1
- principal_axes2
- principal_axes3
- principal_moments0
- principal_moments1
We could alternatively build this in optionally in the existing object classifier. The user-interface in napari may need a major redesign for this.
See also: https://github.com/haesleinhuepf/napari-simpleitk-image-processing/blob/main/src/napari_simpleitk_image_processing/_simpleitk_image_processing.py#L789
Code for this "plugin" lives in this notebook: https://github.com/haesleinhuepf/BioImageAnalysisNotebooks/blob/main/docs/27_cell_classification/apoc_simpleitk_object_classification.ipynb