Stefan Walkner

Results 28 issues of Stefan Walkner

I really love the behaviour and power of rsync-time-backup... What I do is make a backup of a folder with plain text files that I work on all day long...

After updating my kotlin version I get ``` E/AndroidRuntime: Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: No static field BottomNavigationView_itemTextAppearanceInactive of type I in class Lcom/google/android/material/R$styleable; or its superclasses (declaration of '$styleable' appears in...

I ran brew update and brew install taylor but then I get the error that there is no taylor... am I missing something?

I know that rules can be disabled via configuration, but I would like to disable warnings for single methods only - is this possible? I.e. the cyclomatic complexity-warning is annoying...

I'm using Umlaute (ä, ö, ü) in my post parameters, which aren't submitted correctly, therefore I'm looking for a way to set the encoding to UTF-8; is that possible?

the library has to be adapted so it uses AutoLayout since UIToolBar uses it internally since iOS 11.

this would be necessary for e.g. the dot on the i...

My test contains verifyViewSnaps(DeviceRack.iPhone.all, view: UIApplication.shared.keyWindow!) But it crashes at SnappyTestCase.swift#32 with `snapshotVerifyViewOrLayer:identifier:suffixes:tolerance:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance` `iOSSnapshotTestCase 5.0.2` and `SnappyTestCase 0.1.0` - am I missing something?

I embedded another excalidraw file, the preview looks great. What I am missing though is the possibility to only preview part of the drawing, like ![[^group=vctEapjg]] Is this somehow possible?...

Summary: I tried to change the log level to e.g. `.warning`, but I always get the extensive logging. Steps to Reproduce: 1. I imported XCGLogger 2. in the AppDelegate, immediately...