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Interactive Brokers API - GoLang Implement
Interactive Brokers API - GoLang Implement
- Interactive Brokers API 9.80
- pure golang Implement
- Unofficial, use at you own risk
go get -u github.com/hadrianl/ibapi
Implement IbWrapper
to handle datas delivered via tws or gateway, Wrapper
in demo is a default implement that just output data to std.
Go to IbWrapper
implement your own
- connect to TWS or Gateway
- handshake with TWS or Gateway
- run the loop
- do some request
Demo 1
import (
. "github.com/hadrianl/ibapi"
func main(){
// internal api log is zap log, you could use GetLogger to get the logger
// besides, you could use SetAPILogger to set you own log option
// or you can just use the other logger
log := GetLogger().Sugar()
defer log.Sync()
// implement your own IbWrapper to handle the msg delivered via tws or gateway
// Wrapper{} below is a default implement which just log the msg
ic := NewIbClient(&Wrapper{})
// tcp connect with tws or gateway
// fail if tws or gateway had not yet set the trust IP
if err := ic.Connect("", 4002, 0);err != nil {
log.Panic("Connect failed:", err)
// handshake with tws or gateway, send handshake protocol to tell tws or gateway the version of client
// and receive the server version and connection time from tws or gateway.
// fail if someone else had already connected to tws or gateway with same clientID
if err := ic.HandShake();err != nil {
log.Panic("HandShake failed:", err)
// make some request, msg would be delivered via wrapper.
// req will not send to TWS or Gateway until ic.Run()
// you could just call ic.Run() before these
ic.ReqAccountUpdates(true, "")
ic.ReqExecutions(ic.GetReqID(), ExecutionFilter{})
// start to send req and receive msg from tws or gateway after this
<-time.After(time.Second * 60)
Demo 2 with context
import (
. "github.com/hadrianl/ibapi"
func main(){
var err error
SetAPILogger(zap.NewDevelopmentConfig()) // log is default for production(json encode, info level), set to development(console encode, debug level) here
log := GetLogger().Sugar()
defer log.Sync()
ibwrapper := &Wrapper{}
ctx, _ := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*30)
ic := NewIbClient(ibwrapper)
err = ic.Connect("", 4002, 0)
if err != nil {
log.Panic("Connect failed:", err)
err = ic.HandShake()
if err != nil {
log.Panic("HandShake failed:", err)
ic.ReqAccountUpdates(true, "")
ic.ReqExecutions(ic.GetReqID(), ExecutionFilter{})
err = ic.LoopUntilDone() // block until ctx or ic is done