Hadley Wickham
Hadley Wickham
I think it would be nice if this: ``` r tibble::tibble(x = stop("!")) #> Error in eval_tidy(xs[[j]], mask): ! ``` Looked like this? ```r tibble::tibble(x = stop("!")) #> Error in...
* Something about `{}` containing multiple expressions * Don't put `{}` in function calls * `{` continues the previous expression * `}` is on its own line (but might be...
* purrr 0.3.0 was released on 2019-01-27 so can move to `deprecate_stop()` (or removal) * purrr 1.0.0 was released on 2022-12-20 so can move to `deprecate_warn()`
This looks like a pretty simple conversion because purrr only defines a couple of new S3 classes via `new_rate()`. To tackle this task for TDD, you'll need some prior knowledge...
Marked as `deprecated_soft()` in 0.5.0, need to be advanced to `deprecate_warn()`.
I wonder if it would be useful to have some sort of setup wizard (which would maybe live in usethis) that allowed you to pick: 1. How to install R...
Since positron/vscode will do that too: https://github.com/r-lib/httr2/compare/latest-curl
``` resp2 % req_perform(path = path2)` did not throw the expected condition ``` Would be better as ``` resp2 % req_perform(path = path2)` did not throw the expected `httr2_cache_save` condition....
``` Can't compare snapshot to reference when testing interactively. ℹ Run devtools::test() or `testthat::test_file()` to see changes. Current value: Code tool_arg(1, letters[1:3], NA) Condition Error: ! object properties are invalid:...