Hadley Wickham

Results 1547 comments of Hadley Wickham

I suspect it isn’t worth doing this piecemeal but would be better left until we attack a vctrs integration.

I'm not sure this is in scope for dplyr, but it's come up a couple of times, so I think it's worth considering. Maybe we just need a function that...

Given that dm has such a nice solution, I think we don't need to implement something in dplyr.

This sounds like a good proposal to me, but it'll need to wait until a major/minor release.

Somewhat simpler reprex: ``` r library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) df filter(if_any(everything(), ~ .x == cur_column())) #> Error in `filter()`: #> ! Problem while computing `..1 = x == cur_column() |...

One possible option would be to substitute `cur_column()` during expansion time, i.e. replace it with `"x"`, `"y"`. Probably best reserved if we can't find another solution since you still might...

It's worth noting that the original code is equivalent to: ```R iris |> filter(as.character(Species) < "v" | Petal.Width < .3) ``` And that `if_any()`/`if_all()` was design with the goal of...

I think this is likely to be a good idea. But it requires some thought to determine if it's ok to enable by default. It will affect existing plots, but...

Minimal reprex: ``` r library(ggplot2) scale_type(haven::labelled(1:2)) #> Don't know how to automatically pick scale for object of type haven_labelled/vctrs_vctr/integer. Defaulting to continuous. #> [1] "continuous" ``` Created on 2022-03-15 by...