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An easy-to-use and open-source tool for differential, linear, differential-linear, and integral analysis of S-boxes

S-box Analyzer

S-box Analyzer is a tool for deriving the minimized MILP and SMT/SAT constraints to encode the Differential Distribution Table (DDT), Linear Approximation Table (LAT), and Monomial Prediction Table (MPT) of S-boxes.


  • S-box Analyzer
    • Dependencies
    • Installation
    • Usage
    • Examples
      • Encoding the DDT of SKINNY-64
      • Encoding the DDT of Ascon
      • Encoding the DDT of PRESENT
      • Encoding the DDT of SKINNY-128
      • Encoding the DDT of AES
      • Encoding the *-DDT and *-LAT
      • Encoding the DDT for CryptoSMT
    • Paper
    • Road Map
    • License


S-box Analyzer has been implemented as a SageMath module and employs ESPRESSO for logic minimization. Thus, it requires the following software:



    To build ESPRESSO, navigate into the espresso folder and run the following commands:

    cd espresso
    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake ..
    make -j8

    To see more details about the ESPRESSO logic minimizer, see here. The updated versions of ESPRESSO, compatible with new compilers, are available here and here.

  • SageMath

    To see the installation recipe of SageMath, see here.


Run the SageMath in the same directory as the S-box Analyzer. Next, import sboxanalyzer into the SageMath and then simply use it. The following example shows how to use the S-box Analyzer to encode the DDT of GIFT's S-box:

sage: from sboxanalyzer import *  
sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import GIFT as sb
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                               
sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints()
Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.02 seconds
Number of constraints: 49
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb
Weight: 3.0000 p0 + 2.0000 p1 + 1.4150 p2

sage: print(milp)
['- a0 - a1 - a2 + a3 - b2 >= -3'
'a0 - a1 - a2 - a3 - b1 - b2 >= -4'
'a0 - a1 + a2 - b0 + b1 - b2 >= -2'
'a1 + a2 - b0 - b1 - b2 + b3 >= -2'
'a1 - a2 - a3 + b1 - b2 + b3 >= -2'
'a0 + a1 + a2 - b0 - b1 + b2 - b3 >= -2'
'a0 + a1 - a2 - a3 + b1 + b2 - b3 >= -2'
'- p0 - p1 >= -1'
'- p0 - p2 >= -1'
'- p1 - p2 >= -1'
'a1 - a3 + p0 >= 0'
'- b0 + b2 + p0 >= 0'
'- b0 + b3 + p0 >= 0'
'a2 + b1 - p2 >= 0'
'b0 + b2 + b3 - p0 >= 0'
'a0 - a3 + b0 + p0 >= 0'
'- a0 - a3 + b1 + p0 >= -1'
'a1 + a2 + b2 - p1 >= 0'
'- a0 + a3 + b0 + p1 >= 0'
'- a0 - a1 + a2 + a3 - b3 >= -2'
'a1 - a2 + a3 - b2 - b3 >= -2'
'a0 + a1 + b0 - b2 - b3 >= -1'
'- a1 - a3 + b0 - b2 - b3 >= -3'
'- a0 + b0 - b1 + b2 - b3 >= -2'
'a0 + b0 + b1 + b2 - b3 >= 0'
'a1 + a2 + a3 - b1 + b3 >= 0'
'a1 + b0 + b1 - b2 + b3 >= 0'
'a0 - a1 + a3 + b2 + b3 >= 0'
'a1 - a2 + a3 + b2 + b3 >= 0'
'- a0 + b0 + b1 + b2 + b3 >= 0'
'a0 - a1 - a2 - b1 + p0 >= -2'
'- a0 - a1 - b1 - b2 + p0 >= -3'
'a1 + a2 + a3 - b0 + p1 >= 0'
'a3 + b0 + b2 - b3 + p1 >= 0'
'- a1 + b0 - b1 + b3 + p1 >= -1'
'a3 + b0 - b2 + b3 + p1 >= 0'
'a0 - a1 - a2 - b0 - b1 - b3 >= -4'
'a0 - a1 + a2 - a3 + b1 - b3 >= -2'
'- a0 - a2 - a3 - b1 + b2 - b3 >= -4'
'- a0 + a2 - b0 + b1 + b2 - b3 >= -2'
'a0 - a1 - b0 - b2 - b3 + p1 >= -3'
'- a0 + a1 - b0 - b2 - b3 + p1 >= -3'
'- a0 - a1 - a3 + b2 + b3 + p1 >= -2'
'a0 + a2 + a3 - b1 - b2 + p2 >= -1'
'a0 + a2 + a3 - b2 + p0 + p2 >= 0'
'- a0 - a1 - a2 - a3 - b0 + b1 + b3 >= -4'
'- a0 - a1 + a2 - a3 - b1 - b2 + b3 >= -4'
'a0 - a1 - a2 + a3 + b1 - b3 + p2 >= -2']

sage: print(cnf)
(~a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | a3 | ~b2) & (a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | ~a3 | ~b1 | ~b2) & (a0 | ~a1 | a2 | ~b0 | b1 | ~b2) & (a1 | a2 | ~b0 | ~b1 | ~b2 | b3) & (a1 | ~a2 | ~a3 | b1 | ~b2 | b3) & (a0 | a1 | a2 | ~b0 | ~b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (a0 | a1 | ~a2 | ~a3 | b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (~p0 | ~p1) & (~p0 | ~p2) & (~p1 | ~p2) & (a1 | ~a3 | p0) & (~b0 | b2 | p0) & (~b0 | b3 | p0) & (a2 | b1 | ~p2) & (b0 | b2 | b3 | ~p0) & (a0 | ~a3 | b0 | p0) & (~a0 | ~a3 | b1 | p0) & (a1 | a2 | b2 | ~p1) & (~a0 | a3 | b0 | p1) & (~a0 | ~a1 | a2 | a3 | ~b3) & (a1 | ~a2 | a3 | ~b2 | ~b3) & (a0 | a1 | b0 | ~b2 | ~b3) & (~a1 | ~a3 | b0 | ~b2 | ~b3) & (~a0 | b0 | ~b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (a0 | b0 | b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (a1 | a2 | a3 | ~b1 | b3) & (a1 | b0 | b1 | ~b2 | b3) & (a0 | ~a1 | a3 | b2 | b3) & (a1 | ~a2 | a3 | b2 | b3) & (~a0 | b0 | b1 | b2 | b3) & (a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | ~b1 | p0) & (~a0 | ~a1 | ~b1 | ~b2 | p0) & (a1 | a2 | a3 | ~b0 | p1) & (a3 | b0 | b2 | ~b3 | p1) & (~a1 | b0 | ~b1 | b3 | p1) & (a3 | b0 | ~b2 | b3 | p1) & (a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | ~b0 | ~b1 | ~b3) & (a0 | ~a1 | a2 | ~a3 | b1 | ~b3) & (~a0 | ~a2 | ~a3 | ~b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (~a0 | a2 | ~b0 | b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (a0 | ~a1 | ~b0 | ~b2 | ~b3 | p1) & (~a0 | a1 | ~b0 | ~b2 | ~b3 | p1) & (~a0 | ~a1 | ~a3 | b2 | b3 | p1) & (a0 | a2 | a3 | ~b1 | ~b2 | p2) & (a0 | a2 | a3 | ~b2 | p0 | p2) & (~a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | ~a3 | ~b0 | b1 | b3) & (~a0 | ~a1 | a2 | ~a3 | ~b1 | ~b2 | b3) & (a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | a3 | b1 | ~b3 | p2)

Interpretation of the outputs:

  • Input: a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb: The binary vector $a = a_{0}||a_{1}||a_{2}||a_{3}$ encodes the input difference where $a_{0}$ is the most significant bit of $a$.
  • Output: b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb: The binary vector $b = b_{0}||b_{1}||b_{2}||b_{3}$ encodes the output difference where $b_{0}$ is the most significant bit of $b$.
  • Weight: 3.0000 p0 + 2.0000 p1 + 1.4150 p2: The linear function $3 \cdot p_0 + 2 \cdot p_1 + 1.4150 \cdot p_2$ encodes the weight of differential transition $a \rightarrow b$, where $\Pr (a \rightarrow b) = 2^{-(3 \cdot p_0 + 2 \cdot p_1 + 1.4150 \cdot p_2)}$. The additional variables $p_{0}, p_{1}$, and $p_{2}$ are binary decision variables to encode the probability of differential transitions.


Encoding the DDT of SKINNY-64

sage: from sboxanalyzer import *                                               
sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import SKINNY_4 as sb                            
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                                                    
sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints()

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.02 seconds
Number of constraints: 39
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb
Weight: 3.0000 p0 + 2.0000 p1

To make a trade-off between the time of simplification and the solution's optimality, S-Box Analyzer supports seven different modes, i.e., [mode=1,...,mode=7]. The default mode is 6, which is the best choice for both simplification time and optimality. For example, using the following command, we can minimize the number of constraints a little more:

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(mode=5)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.22 seconds
Number of constraints: 37
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb
Weight: 3.0000 p0 + 2.0000 p1

Encoding the DDT of Ascon

sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import Ascon as sb                               
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                                                    
sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints()

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.04 seconds
Number of constraints: 77
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4; b0: msb
Weight: 4.0000 p0 + 3.0000 p1 + 2.0000 p2

Encoding the DDT of PRESENT

sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import PRESENT as sb                             
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                                                    
sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints()

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.03 seconds
Number of constraints: 54
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb
Weight: 3.0000 p0 + 2.0000 p1

Encoding the DDT of SKINNY-128

To encode the DDT of large S-boxes (8-bit S-boxes), we usually divide the DDT into several sub-DDTs and encode the sub-DDTs seperately. Lastly, we put the constraints for all sub-DDTs together to encode the whole DDT. The following code shows how to encode the DDT of SKINNY-128.

Encode 2-DDT

sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import SKINNY_8 as sb                            
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                                                    
sage: sa.get_differential_spectrum()                                                     
[2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 64]

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable=2, mode=2)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.50 seconds
Number of constraints: 206
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4||a5||a6||a7; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4||b5||b6||b7; b0: msb

Encode 4-DDT

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable=4)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.67 seconds
Number of constraints: 279
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4||a5||a6||a7; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4||b5||b6||b7; b0: msb

Encode 6-DDT

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable=6)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.03 seconds
Number of constraints: 33
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4||a5||a6||a7; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4||b5||b6||b7; b0: msb

Encode 8-DDT

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable=8)                    
Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.75 seconds
Number of constraints: 235
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4||a5||a6||a7; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4||b5||b6||b7; b0: msb

You can encode other sub-DDTs of SKINNY-128's S-box in a similar way. Moreover, you may achieve a more optimal solution using the different modes such as mode=2 or mode=5. However, the simplification time might be higher. The default mode is mode=6 since it generates the nearly optimum result and is sufficient to get a remarkable speed up in automatic differential analysis based on MILP or SAT/SMT.

Encoding the DDT of AES

sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import AES as sb                                 
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                                                    
sage: sa.get_differential_spectrum()                                                         
[2, 4]

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable=2)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 65.11 seconds
Number of constraints: 7967
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4||a5||a6||a7; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4||b5||b6||b7; b0: msb

sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable=4)                    
Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 869.08 seconds
Number of constraints: 321
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3||a4||a5||a6||a7; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3||b4||b5||b6||b7; b0: msb

As can be seen our results concerning encoding the DDT of AES's S-box is much better than the results reported in this paper.

Encoding the *-DDT and *-LAT

In impossible differential attack (or zero correlation linear attacks) we only encode the possibility of the differential transitions (or a linear transitions), i.e., the *-DDT (or *-LAT). As illustrated in the following example, by setting the subtable argument to star we can simply encode the *-DDT.

sage: from sboxanalyzer import *
sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import Midori_Sb0 as sb
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)
sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(subtable="star", mode=5)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.01 seconds
Number of constraints: 47
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb

Encoding the DDT for CryptoSMT

By setting the cryptosmt_compatible argument to True, you can generate an SMT formula compatible with CryptoSMT. For example, to encode the DDT of CRAFT in a format compatible with CryptoSMT, you can use the following commands:

sage: from sboxanalyzer import *
sage: from sage.crypto.sboxes import CRAFT as sb
sage: sa = SboxAnalyzer(sb)                                         
sage: cnf, milp = sa.minimized_diff_constraints(cryptosmt_compatible=True)

Simplifying the MILP/SAT constraints ...
Time used to simplify the constraints: 0.02 seconds
Number of constraints: 54
Input:	a0||a1||a2||a3; a0: msb
Output:	b0||b1||b2||b3; b0: msb
Weight: p0 + p1 + p2

sage: print(cnf)

'(~a2 | p1) & (~b2 | p1) & (~p0 | p1) & (~p1 | p2) & (a1 | ~a2 | a3 | ~p0) & (a1 | ~a3 | b2 | p0) & (a2 | ~a3 | b2 | p0) & (~a1 | a3 | b2 | p0) & (a2 | b1 | ~b3 | p0) & (a2 | ~b1 | b3 | p0) & (~a0 | b2 | b3 | p0) & (a1 | a2 | a3 | ~b1 | ~b3) & (a0 | ~a2 | a3 | ~b2 | b3) & (~a1 | ~a2 | ~a3 | b2 | b3) & (~a1 | ~a3 | b0 | b1 | p0) & (a0 | a1 | ~b1 | ~b3 | p0) & (a1 | ~a3 | ~b1 | ~b3 | p0) & (~a1 | a3 | ~b1 | ~b3 | p0) & (~a0 | a3 | b1 | ~b3 | p0) & (~a1 | ~b0 | b1 | ~b3 | p0) & (a1 | ~a3 | ~b0 | b3 | p0) & (~a3 | ~b0 | ~b1 | b3 | p0) & (a0 | a1 | a2 | a3 | ~p2) & (b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 | ~p2) & (~a1 | ~a2 | ~b0 | b1 | b2 | ~b3) & (~a2 | a3 | b0 | ~b1 | b2 | ~p0) & (~a2 | ~a3 | b0 | b2 | ~b3 | ~p0) & (~a0 | a1 | ~a3 | ~b2 | b3 | ~p0) & (a0 | a3 | ~b0 | b1 | b3 | p0) & (a1 | a2 | a3 | b1 | b3 | ~p2) & (a0 | a3 | ~b0 | b1 | b2 | ~b3 | ~p0) & (~a0 | a1 | a2 | ~a3 | b0 | b3 | ~p0) & (a0 | a1 | ~b0 | ~b1 | b2 | b3 | ~p0) & (~a1 | ~a3 | b1 | b3 | ~p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (~a0 | ~a2 | b0 | ~b2 | p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (~a0 | ~a1 | a3 | ~b0 | b1 | ~b2 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (~a0 | a1 | ~a2 | ~b0 | ~b1 | b3 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (a0 | a2 | ~a3 | b1 | ~b2 | ~p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (a2 | b0 | ~b1 | ~b2 | ~b3 | ~p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (a0 | ~a1 | a2 | ~b2 | b3 | ~p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (a0 | ~a1 | ~a2 | ~a3 | ~b2 | p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (a0 | a1 | ~a2 | b1 | ~b2 | p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (~a0 | ~a1 | a2 | a3 | b0 | b1 | ~p0 | ~p1 | ~p2) & (~a2 | a3 | b1 | ~b2 | ~p0) & (a1 | ~a2 | ~b2 | b3 | ~p0) & (~a1 | ~a3 | ~b1 | ~b3 | ~p0) & (a2 | ~b0 | ~b1 | ~b3) & (~a0 | ~a3 | b0 | b1 | b2) & (a1 | ~a2 | b1 | ~b2 | ~p0) & (~a0 | ~a1 | b0 | b2 | b3) & (~a2 | a3 | ~b2 | b3 | ~p0) & (a0 | a1 | a2 | ~b0 | ~b3) & (a0 | a2 | a3 | ~b0 | ~b1) & (~a0 | ~a1 | ~a3 | b2)'


If you use our tools in a project resulting in an academic publication, please acknowledge it by citing our paper:

  author    = {Hosein Hadipour and
               Marcel Nageler and
               Maria Eichlseder},
  title     = {Throwing Boomerangs into Feistel Structures Application to CLEFIA,
               WARP, LBlock, LBlock-s and {TWINE}},
  journal   = {{IACR} Trans. Symmetric Cryptol.},
  volume    = {2022},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {271--302},
  year      = {2022},
  doi       = {10.46586/tosc.v2022.i3.271-302}

Road Map

  • [x] Encoding DDT
  • [x] Encoding LAT
  • [ ] Encoding MPT
  • [ ] Integrating the tool into the SageMath
  • [ ] Integrating the tool into the CryptoSMT

The LAT and the MPT encoders are not implemented yet. However, they will follow the same template as the DDT encoder and can be easily implemented. I will include them as soon as I get a chance. Any contributions or comments regarding the development of the tool are warmly welcome.


S-box Analyszer is released under the GPlv3 license.