Lee Conlin

Results 25 issues of Lee Conlin

When first loading the app a red error box appears at the top with the character "g" in it. Just a minor annoyance.

I can't find any docs detailing how to use this and the app-secrets are depreciated.


# Summary * This issue is a… * [ ] Bug report * [X] Feature request * [ ] Documentation request * [ ] Other issue * [ ] Question...


This is the URL for the official download: http://neje.club/dfkz.htm


![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1023581/194075658-917b6120-98f8-42ca-affe-f237215670b1.png) This doesn't look like the example in the readme.

### User story As a server admin I want to choose the map that the server runs so that my players can play on that map ### Game Stationeers ###...

type: bug
distro: Ubuntu
info: docs
game: Stationeers
command: start

### Problem Use the Stripe CLI to build out integrations without interfering with other users creating test products that are effectively "drafts" waiting to move to production or getting in...


Added a service for an identity provider called Authentik - https://goauthentik.io/ Used instructions from https://docs.goauthentik.io/docs/installation/docker-compose and adapted to Coolify service magic. PR includes the compose file, a .env file to...

This PR adds https://logto.io as a service to coolify using a slightly modified version of their official docker-compose. Official docs: https://docs.logto.io/docs/tutorials/get-started/#local Official docker compose: https://github.com/logto-io/logto/blob/master/docker-compose.yml