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Fraction of Common Contacts Clustering Algorithm for Protein Structures

Results 4 fcc issues
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the contacts retrieved from `get_intermolecular_contacts` seem to differ from those retrieved using mdanalysis + scipy for pdb file 7so9: [7so9_target.pdb.zip](https://github.com/haddocking/fcc/files/10040456/7so9_target.pdb.zip) [contacts_mda_7so9_target.txt](https://github.com/haddocking/fcc/files/10040443/contacts_mda_7so9_target.txt) It seems that the mda list contains [('A', 84,...

When a PDB has numbers instead of characters as chainIDs and/or segIDs, `calc_fcc_matrix` returns the following error: ```bash 1 + BEGIN: Mon Nov 13 01:18:23 2017 2 + Parsing 202...

Make use of more recent libraries to generate the contact files. Change format for something readable, no need to use fancy numbers (performance hit is likely minimal).


Example: do clustering only using contacts involving residues 1-10 of chain A.
