Nestor Vera

Results 124 comments of Nestor Vera

> No. Tailwind's first party plugin doesn't work with Prettier, so there's still a place for this. It does work with Prettier because it is a plugin for it. >...

Afaik the extension has only been published to the Marketplace once with v1.7.0 being the latest version available from there. An alpha for v2 was released by @praveenperera early this...

@PH7-Jack I think you will need to add a new regex for PHP files. You can check the examples for the supported languages here:

> Even if it doesn't automatically replace it maybe we can get it to emit a warning saying "there are redundant classes"? I like this better since I feel most...

Core's [`tailwindcss-intellisense`]( has been taking care of this for a while so I guess we can close? No need to duplicate functionality unless required by some kind of incompatible tooling.

Are you using [v2 of this extension]( The version on the marketplace doesn't have the latest changes so that may be where the issue comes from.

> Unsure, I assumed marketplace was updated. Can it be updated? Otherwise I need to figure out how to get the v2. It can not be updated since the author...

@bilogic here's the contents of my `.eslintrc.js` file: ```js const { join } = require('path') module.exports = { root: true, env: { browser: true, node: true, }, parserOptions: { parser:...

@bilogic maybe try creating `.vscode/settings.json` with this: ```json { "editor.formatOnSave": false, "vetur.validation.template": false, "editor.codeActionsOnSave": { "source.fixAll.eslint": true } } ``` This should disable some of vscode formatting things and pass...

You should be able to add a custom regex using `headwind.classRegex`: