hackmd-io-issues copied to clipboard
Text ill-formed after 'c-c' (replace whole line) in vim mode and refresh
Is this a hackmd.io issue?
- [x] Yes, the bug happens on https://hackmd.io
- [ ] No. If it's a self-hosted CodiMD instance, please fire up the issue in the repo of CodiMD: https://github.com/hackmdio/codimd
What's the problem
Text ill-formed after 'c-c' in Vim mode and refresh page.
Current behaviour
Figure 1 - Before
Figure 2 - After modifying line 1
Figure 3 - Ill-formed after refresh
Provide steps to reproduce:
- Switch to Vim mode
- Fill in contents as in Figure 1
- Move cursor to line 1
- Press 'c-c' (replace whole line), line 1 will be cleared
- Input "Changed Line1" and press Esc Now it should look like Figure 2
- Refresh the page by F5
- The content went ill-formed as in Figure 3
Note link: https://hackmd.io/@yesiah/Hy54AqEJs
Expected behaviour
After refresh, the content should remain the same as in Figure 2.
I use HackMD on:
- OS: Window 11
- Browser: Chrome
- Browser Version: 104.0.5112.102 (64 bits)