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Homepage Research - Donors / Partners / Advisors
- [ ] #2706
- [ ] #2704
- [x] #2589
- [x] #2705
We need to create personas for our three target user groups (volunteers, donors / partners, and advisors) in order to ensure the design of the site accounts for each of their goals and concerns, and to support alignment and communication across the team.
Action Items
UX / Research
- [x] Compile existing volunteer research #2561
- [x] Interview Bonnie to gain insight on donors/partners
- [x] Conduct interviews with donors/partners.
- [x] Present prototype of new homepage to interviewees for feedback.
- [ ] Speak with Rachel Parker Chavez (works at Super By Design) Bonnie will connect us once we’re ready/have a set of questions reviewed and in place. She can advise us in terms of institutional giving and partnership/advisory. #2309
- [x] Conduct affinity mapping in order to distill research of target groups and identify overarching themes
- [ ] Create personas from research findings
- [x] individual donors
- [ ] volunteers #2662
- [ ] corporate donors
- [ ] partners
- [ ] advisors
- Donor/Partner Research Plan
- HfLA UX Research - Google Drive Folder
- Recording/transcript of interview with Bonnie 7/25/21
- Interview Questions for Donors & Financial Partners - Slide Deck
- Miro Board for affinity diagramming
- [Messaging and outreach communication to recruit interviewees]
Finished interview questions for the donors/partners/advisors. The document is for the review!
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using this template (even if you have a pull request)
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) ask for help at a Tuesday or Sunday meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 7:53 AM.
Note: This comment was created as part of a GitHub Action during its trial phase. If you find this GitHub Action to be disruptive/unhelpful, or if you believe there might be a bug, please leave a comment on this issue. All feedback will be used to further improve it. Thank you for your time.
- Progress: The research team is meeting on 8/9 to work further on the interview template and a short demographic survey. We will also start working on the usability testing based on the updated design. Here is the document we are working on:
- Blockers: None
- Availability: 1-2 hours of collaborative work
- ETA: 8/16/21
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using this template (even if you have a pull request)
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) ask for help at a Tuesday or Sunday meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, August 10, 2021 at 12:10 AM.
Note: This comment was created as part of a GitHub Action during its trial phase. If you find this GitHub Action to be disruptive/unhelpful, or if you believe there might be a bug, please leave a comment on this issue. All feedback will be used to further improve it. Thank you for your time.
Progress: We reviewed the "Homepage redesign Plan" and resolved most of the issues. Waiting for the PM team to give us feedback on the plan. Completed interview guide to interviewing donors, now we need to finish the survey questionnaire. Blockers: None Availability: 2-3 hours of collaborative and individual work ETA: 8/16/2021
We are looking for potential donors to get started with the interview process and survey. We reached out to the dev team and our team for possible leads.
Progress: "We have made changes to the Homepage redesign plan based on the suggestions of PMs. We still have a few questions that will be discussed in the meeting. Blockers: A few questions on KPIs Availability: 2 hours of collaborative and 1 hour of individual work ETA: 8/23/2021
Progress: PM team will review the interview guide Blockers: None Availability: 2 hours of collaborative and 1 hour of individual work ETA: 8/23/2021
@hackforla/website-pm Waiting for the PM team to review the interview guide. The research team is meeting tomorrow to review and go through the questions. Then we will run through it and it will be all set for the interview process to begin. Thank you all.
Progress: The interview guide and survey questionnaire are finished. We have run through the interviews. We will be conducting 30-40 mins interviews with each participant. We are aiming for 5 interviewees to start with. The plan is each person in the research team will conduct the interview with participants. A review of the Research Plan will be done in the next UXR meeting. Blockers: None Availability: 2 hours of collaborative and 1 hour of individual work ETA: 9/30/2021
Progress: We have cleaned the homepage redesign research plan. Interview and survey questions are done. Next, we will create questions for usability testing and layout a detailed plan of participant recruitment. Our one password email is, [email protected]. This email will be used to communicate with the interviewees. Blockers: None Availability: 2 hours of collaborative and 1 hour of individual work ETA: 9/13/2021
Progress: This message is for the general channel to recruit donors/partners: HfLA UX Research team is looking to interview people who have donated money and/or service in the past for social causes. In this study we are trying to understand their motivations to donate for a cause. If you know someone who has given a donation and would be willing to be interviewed and be part of a short survey (expected duration 45-50 mins), please contact @Basu3040 @kristine-eudey. Prospective participants can also directly email us. Our email address is: [email protected]. Thank you for your support.
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, September 7, 2021 at 12:02 AM PST.
Progress: We will work on re-writing the homepage header, recruiting script for research participants, and on crafting the usability test for the homepage. Blockers: None Availability: 2-3 hours of individual and collaborative work. ETA: 09/20/21
@Basu3040 I want to suggest a rewrite of this to make it clear we are not soliciting donations and to make sure it gets a response. Are you ready for me to post this if you agree with changes?
💸 HfLA UX Research team is conducting research into what motivates people to donate to social causes.
📋 If you or someone you know has donated to a social cause and would be willing to be interviewed (expected duration 45 mins), please contact @Basu3040 @kristine-eudey. Prospective participants can also directly email us at [email protected].
Thank you for your support. 🤓 p.s. we are not asking for donations, we are conducting interviews.
@ExperimentsInHonesty Sounds good. I agree with you and please post this on the channel. In the meantime, we are working on writing a script to recruit participants.
Slacked in the general channel
Bonnie 12:20 PM @channel :money_with_wings: HfLA UX Research team is conducting research into what motivates people to donate to social causes. :clipboard: If you or someone you know has donated to a social cause and would be willing to be interviewed (expected duration 45 mins), please contact @Basudhara Sen @Simone Campbell via our channel #hfla-site-ux -- Prospective participants can also directly email us at [email protected]. Thank you for your support. :nerd_face: p.s. we are not asking for donations, we are conducting interviews
Progress: 1. Participant recruitment script has been posted in the general channel 2. Potential participants have contacted and team and we are scheduling the interviews 2. We have started working on the script for recruiting corporates Blockers: None Availability: 3-4 hours every week (both individual and collaborative) ETA: 10/15/21
- Participants have been contacted and the interviews are scheduled
- The script for recruiting corporates is finished and reviewed by Bonnie Blockers: None Availability: 3-4 hours every week (both individual and collaborative) ETA: 10/15/21
Progress: Participants have been contacted and the interviews are scheduled. HfLA zoom will be used to interview participants and record their responses. Blockers: Interviewees are canceling interviews Availability: 3-4 hours every week (both individual and collaborative) ETA: 10/15/21
Progress: 3 interviews are done and will start analysing the data next week Blockers: 2 more interviewees are required Availability: 3-4 hours every week (both individual and collaborative) ETA: 10/15/21
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 12:02 AM PST.
Progress: We have started analyzing the data Blockers: Corporate donors need to be contacted Availability: 3-4 hours every week (both individual and collaborative) ETA: 10/15/21
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 12:02 AM PST.
Progress: Interview 4 is done and we are analyzing the data Blockers: Only individual donors are interviewed Availability: 2-3 hours a week ETA: 10/31/2021
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 19, 2021 at 12:03 AM PST.
Progress: We are creating the persona for the project Blockers: It is hard to recruit donors for the interview process Availability: 4-6 hours individually and collaboratively ETA: 10/30/2021 Pictures:
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, October 26, 2021 at 12:03 AM PST.
Progress: Persona created, final research presentation being prepared Blockers: none Availability: 4-6 hours individually and collaboratively ETA: 11/07/2021 Pictures:
@kristine-eudey, @sacamp, @Basu3040
Please add update using the below template (even if you have a pull request). Afterwards, remove the 'To Update !' label and add the 'Status: Updated' label.
- Progress: "What is the current status of your project? What have you completed and what is left to do?"
- Blockers: "Difficulties or errors encountered."
- Availability: "How much time will you have this week to work on this issue?"
- ETA: "When do you expect this issue to be completed?"
- Pictures: "Add any pictures of the visual changes made to the site so far."
If you need help, be sure to either: 1) place your issue in the developer meeting discussion column and ask for help at your next meeting, 2) put a "Status: Help Wanted" label on your issue and pull request, or 3) put up a request for assistance on the #hfla-site channel.
You are receiving this comment because your last comment was before Tuesday, November 2, 2021 at 12:03 AM PST.