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TDM Weekly Team Meeting Agenda (Recurring)
This issue tracks the agenda for our weekly TDM all team meetings.
Copy template and comment on issue for each week's meeting.
Issue Template
## [Date] TDM Team Meeting Agenda
### Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team leads to create a slide for their updates and released items in the slide deck #888
- [ ] Team lead adds to agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
### Agenda items
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
### Parking lot Items
- [ ]
### FYIs
### Notes from Meeting
01/31/2023 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM review issues in the Icebox column
- [ ] PM review any issues that are in the Prioritized backlog column
Recurring items
- [ ] Review current milestone goals and issues
- [x] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [x] Assign new issues
- [x] Break into individual team huddles
New Items
- [x] UX Design:
we have new higher-priority issues
- [x] #1313
- [x] #1314
- [x] UX Research
- [ ] #974 we renamed this while updating the milestones.
- [ ] Is this new title accurate?
- [ ] What is remaining to close this issue?
- [x] #1219 what is the status of this issue?
- [ ] #974 we renamed this while updating the milestones.
- [x] Dev
- [x] #1297 - can this be pushed to production (it's merged with #1240)
- [x] #1238 Is the absence of this a security issue for the site?
- [x] #981 Can someone on your team update this issue so that we can effectively prioritize?
- [x] #1130 Is it clear what needs to be done to implement this?
- [ ] Carryover Items to the next meeting that don't get addressed
- Rachel Chang joined the team as a UI/UX designer
- Jane was not in attendence so we did not discuss #974
Notes from the Meeting
- Updated UI/UX Design team priority
- Assigned new UI/UX needs clarity on the importance of #1313 - @Bonnie, does this message need to be mocked up?
- Jill provided a brief overview of the tool tip issue
- Summary: Internal testing (dog fooding) did not yield any conclusive insights; Jill did a further dive into all research that she'd like to present to stakeholders. Seeking input from the leadership team in Saturday's meeting for how to share with stakeholders
- Nothing had been pushed to production in a while, so this will go out in the next push
- Agreed that #1238 is a security issue and should be prioritized next
- Updated overview of #981 and updated milestone (post launch)
- Agreed that john would create a dev issue based on Ebi's comment
Task Items
2023-02-04 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in Github before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM review issues in the Icebox column
- [ ] PM review any issues that are in the Prioritized backlog column
Recurring items
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Review labels #890
- [ ] fixing priority
- [ ] Assign new issues
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
New Items
- [ ] #866- What features or aspects of the site should be included in the video?
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over Items to next meeting that don't get addressed
Notes from Meeting
Task Items
2023-02-08 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [x] PM review issues in the Icebox column
- [ ] PM review any issues that are in the Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [x] Question of the week: where is your next vacation? (drop your answer in the chat)
- [x] Review product updates
- [x] Updates from Stakeholder meeting
- [x] Review Issues
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
- #866 : Research team: What features or aspects of the site should be included in the video? Please review this issue and provide thoughts in the comments
Notes from Meeting
- Feedback on #1313:
- Jaime indicated that the comment has been added to the bottom because it would be where the user would find the submit button.
- Jaime presented an option with the points box moved to above the project information summary
- There was no preference identified for the filled in or outline of the target point box
- UI/UX Design propositions for #1219: presented 3 options for highlighting the tooltips and the team provided feedback below
- Dev feedback:
- Moving checklist to the log-in screen is awkward because users might perceive that you can't create a project without logging in
- The link to a project can't be shared beyond the person creating the project
- There are a lot of pop-ups (terms and conditions, checklist) that a user encounters when they initiate their 1st project, which already represents a barrier to getting started.
- Jill feedback:
- This highlight might not be needed on the 1st page; put this on pg 2 and 4 where questions are likely
- Dev feedback:
- Assigned Pranav to #498 to provide documentation to close the issue
2023-02-15 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM review issues in the Icebox column
- [ ] PM review any issues that are in the Prioritized backlog column
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
Agenda items
- [x] Question of the week: I hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day.
- [x] New working cadence discussion
- The aim is to complete work on issues in two-week sprints (Except for complex issues that require more time)
- Please provide weekly status updates on GitHub
- Please notify the PMs before the weekly meeting if issues cannot be completed in the sprint period.
- The aim is to complete work on issues in two-week sprints (Except for complex issues that require more time)
- [ ] Review product updates-
- [x] #1313 PM preference for option 2 (large box outline). can this be pushed to dev before Tuesday's meeting?
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] #866 - Update from UX Research Team
- [x] #498 - Pranav please provide updates
- [x] #1259 - Has this been completed and pushed to dev?
- [x] #1305 - John, do you have any updates on the admin version FAQ page?
- [x] #1314- Hieu and Eduardo, please provide updates
- [ ] #536 - Anousha, are we still on track with the 'before 2/25' completion date?
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Label clean up: priority, level
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
- Hack for LA Design Systems is looking for UI/UX Designers to participate in UX Research for Hack for LA design systems. UI/UX Designers, please reach out to Gala Stojnić on Slack to schedule time.
Notes from the Meeting
- @Jonathanko52 can push #1313 to the dev environment, @IMHieuVo will provide a Figma link that will have the handoff to Dev that's clear that that's the final pick ready for dev
- #498
- Pranav provided the Current sample test cases
- The team noted user test cases provided are not technical in nature, ie they don't determine how many points are expected.
- Moji stated to Jane, that these test cases are for user testing, not for how the calculator works.
- Jane: 'We could have Emily and Alexander work through sample test cases and compare results'
- PMs will discuss this on Saturday and the possibility of creating a new issue for technical test cases
- #1259 has been pushed to dev
- #1305 no update, but still on track for the end of February
- #1314
- Create a mockup of the layout of the PDF printout of the summary page (page 5)
- Previewed the download button location; John pointed out that when a user is logged in the proposed location of the button is not ideal given the save projects button is located under the page count, he then suggested having them side by side
- @Jane4925 will provide a testing account to @edela0015 & @IMHieuVo; John showed the TDM Calculator Test site saying team members can use the test accounts without distorting any data
- #866
- @pmeda12 reviewed the checklist and will provide comments on the issue
- #1239 completed by James and is now available in the dev environment
2023-02-22 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in Github before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM review issues in the Icebox column
- [ ] PM review any issues that are in the Prioritized backlog column
- [x] PM Reviews #890
Agenda items
- [x] Question of the week: What is your favorite dessert?
- [x] Review product updates
- [x] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [x] #536-Anousha, are we still on track with the 'before 2/25' completion date?
- [x] #498- There are some Qs on the issue
- [x] #974- Jane, please provide updates
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
- [ ] Review Issues with the dev team
- [x] #332 - This issue needs to be rewritten to make it clearer.
- [x] #1282 - The overview of this issue needs to be summarized better so it can be prioritized
- [x] #16 - This issue needs to be developed to make it clearer what information is needed and what actions are required?
Parking lot Items
- [ ] #866 - PMs will get back to Jane regarding the questions posted
Notes from Meeting
- #536 Anousha: annotating changes for the Dev to make, but close to being down with design system
- #498 Jane: 1. Emily probably provided back in 2021. 2. Pranav just created a new document, but it's from 2021 and was used in User testing. 3. Mostly users had questions on page 2. Users used brought their own projects. User testing was just mostly observation
- #974 No update from Jane
03-01-2023 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [x] PM Reviews #890
- [x] Icebox column
- [x] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [x] Question of the week: Where is your favorite place to vacation? (drop answers in the chat)
- [ ] Review product updates
- [x] Review Issues
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
- [ ] Review Issues with the Research team
- [ ] #974- Go through items on the checklist
- [ ] #1084 - is this still on track for the end of February completion?
- [ ] #1125 - what's the update on this, jane?
- [ ] #866 - this was discussed on Saturday; Moji will update.
Parking lot Items
Notes from Meeting
- #1329: no updates from
- #1305 not ready for presentation this upcoming stakeholder meeting
- #23
- E: why does this start with "Create Project" instead of "Log-in"?
- A: This is based on the Production site, it starts with Create a project
- J: It could represent the toolbar at the top of the screen; also there are several tabs missing (my projects, Feedback)
- Anousha to follow up with Rachel
- #1314:
- PMs to provide test projects after the stakeholder input to likely strategies for the projects
- Designers can then iterate on the PDF output with reasonable project data
- Then review and consider as part of user testing prior to website launch
2023-03-08 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [x] PM Reviews #890
- [x] Icebox column
- [x] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Question of the week: What TV show are you currently watching?
- [ ] Review product updates
- no updates from the Stakeholder meeting
- John present the Admin FAQ screen
- [ ] Review/Assign Issues
- [ ] Only 2 people should be assigned to a given issue, and you should only be working on one issue at a time. You are responsible for providing an update on the issue in advance of Wednesday's meeting if you're working on an issue
- [x] #1144- Jamie, any updates?
- [x] #1314- Review the proposed summary page mockup
- [x] #1180- This is a multiple-step issue, jamie can you go through this with your team tonight?
- [x] #1084- Is this issue completed? Jane gave an end-of-February completion date.
- [x] #974 - Jane, please remember to provide the summarised report/ findings as a comment on the issue.
- [x] #1219- Jill, will you be available to join Saturday's meeting to discuss this?
- [x] #898 - research team please provide results from user testing 2 regarding the placement of reset links and how many people complained about the placement.
- [ ] Only 2 people should be assigned to a given issue, and you should only be working on one issue at a time. You are responsible for providing an update on the issue in advance of Wednesday's meeting if you're working on an issue
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
- #866- Clarifying Questions, have been answered on the issue
- There are 6 test project scenarios/cases in a TDM account on the Dev site. Designers can use information from those projects to create mockups. Access to the account is available through 1password.
Notes from the Meeting
- #1144- Jamie: files have already been sorted out and are currently down to one Figma file, but she is unsure if the others have been deleted. She'll check in with Anousha.
- #1314 - Hieu will mock up a new summary page using one of the test cases. (Add Hieu to 1Password)
- #1180- No concrete decision on how to implement it, but UX design will come up with a mock-up for all of the suggestions discussed. Ebi thinks leaving it on the left side but making the circles bigger as it appears on the 'right-sided mockup' Renee created might get users to notice. Jamie thinks changing the look of the graphic design, but keeping the concept of the sidebar or changing the blue background of the sidebar so it blends into the main page might be best. Hieu mentioned that sidebars are mostly ignored because they are made for navigation and information as people mostly look to the center of the page, and moving it to either side might not make a difference.
- #1084- Jane is still working on this and thinks #974 should be closed.
- #898- Jane says it is from User testing 1 and not 2 as previously documented and assigned Pranav to provide the user findings/summary on the reset button links/buttons from the tests conducted.
- #866- Jane doesn't seem to think researchers should be creating the 'tour the site' video for users; she suggested Stakeholders are the right people to record and provide video, but she would find out if it is her team's role.
2023-03-15 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
[ ] Question of the week: If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be??
[ ] Review product updates
- No updates from the Stakeholder meeting
[ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1180- Any updates from the design team regarding sidebar mockups?
- [x] #1314- Review the proposed summary page mockup
- [x] #23- Any word from Rachel?
- [x] #536- Anousha, is this completed?
- [x] #898- Any updates on the findings/summary, Pranav?
- [x] #1219- Is Saturday still a suitable time to discuss the edits to the slide deck, Jill?
- [x] #1336- Assign to the dev team
- [x] #1329- Jonathan, could you sort out the font issue?
[ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
[ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
- Please update your information in the team roster
- There will be no stakeholders' meeting on Tuesday. The next one will be on the 4th of April.
Notes from the Meeting
- #1329- John suggested the problems with the font might be a browser issue and advised Jonathan to use the styles from Figma. John will merge the PR.
- #1336- Assigned to James
- #1219- Jill will be available to discuss the final edits on the deck on Saturday.
- #898- Pranav: 'Nobody attempted to use the buttons, and only one person commented on the button during user testing.'
- Note: this was dog footing and not professionals testing this.
- #536- Anousha is annotating the different changes on the website and will be done by Friday, 03/17. She will also create a new issue that will document all of the files and corrections from the dev team.
- #23- Anousha: "No word from Rachel', Ebi then suggested giving her another week or two; if she doesn't show up, we will unassign her and mark her inactive.
- #1180- No Updates; revisit next week.
- #1314- Reviewed Hieu's Mockup; feedback was provided on the issue
- Jill, Jamie, Anousha, and Jane prefer their LinkedIn pages private to the team and not linked directly on the HfLA website
- Only Shane accepted the 1password invite. Invitations should be resent on Saturday
2023-03-22 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- No updates from the Stakeholder meeting
- [ ] Label clean up: priority, level
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] Any new update?
- [ ] Review the proposed summary page mockup
- [x] #536- Anousha, is this completed now, and will the new issue you created provide more context?
- [ ] #866- Pranav, please remember to provide the list for the Tutorial video.
- [x] Review Tooltip changes
- [x] Jonathan, what's the ETA on this?
- [x] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from the Meeting
- #1180- The Design team has a few ideas, and would want to review them with the Research team before moving forward.
- #1314- Feedback was provided as Hieu will correct and also mock up a new design with the earned and target point boxes side by side as they appear on Page 5
- #536 is completed and should be closed, and #1340 will provide documentation for the Website style Audit.
- #866- Pranav will provide the checklist for the proposed Tutorial video before Saturday's PM Meeting.
- #1336- Affordable Housing tooltips have been corrected per Stakeholders' request
- #1329 - Jonathan still cannot correct the fonts issue mentioned last week and would be creating a new issue to fit that before proceeding to Implement Changes to the Summary Page
2023-03-29 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
[ ] Review product updates
- [x] #1342- does this issue resolve the changes to the summary page in #1329?
- [x] #1341- Shane how's this coming along? What's the ETA?
[ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1314- Review Design Mockups feedback on the side-by-side target and earned points box vs the listed design: we are moving forward with the listed design as it will help conserve printing paper and ink.
- [x] #1180- Any updates?
- [x] #898 - UX Research team should conduct a dog footing Usability test that will make users focus mainly on the interaction with the reset button in the natural course of answering the questions. The proposed Qs should be run by the PMs. I created a new issue #1344 that will help document and keep track of the UT.
- [ ] #866 - Bonnie reviewed the Proposed questions and made some corrections to the checklist document, and she had some Qs like 'where would this video be viewable?' she also wants the research team to break it down, so it's easy to implement.
- [x] #1320-
- [x] #1282- Jonathan, Are you currently working on this issue?
- [x] #412 - Shane, are you currently working on this issue?
[x] We added a new points label that will help clarify and understand how long/the total amount of time you think it will take to work on an issue. it will help us PMs with tracking and it is our hope that it will help you break down issues, and also make it easier to finish.
[ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
[x] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-04-05 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [x] #1341- Shane, any new updates on this?
- [ ] #1282- Jonathan, is this completed?
- [x] #1180-
- [x] #1314: Stakeholders' feedback
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1345
- [x] #1354
- [ ] #898- UX Research team should conduct a dog footing Usability test that will make users focus mainly on the interaction with the reset button in the natural course of answering the questions. The proposed Qs should be run by the PMs. I created a new issue that will help document and keep track of the UT.
- [ ] #866- Bonnie reviewed the Proposed questions and made some corrections to the checklist document, and she had some Qs like 'Where would this video be viewable?' she also wants the research team to break it down, so it's easy to implement
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Label clean up: priority, level
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from the Meeting
- #1341- Shane has created PRs for John, and he's currently working on Page 3.
- #1180- The research and Design team will meet in the breakout room tonight to discuss options further.
- #1314- Hieu will make corrections for stakeholders' approval.
- #1345- Design will discuss this in the breakout room and have mock-ups ready before the next meeting
- #1354- Design will also discuss this in the breakout room tonight and create mockups before the next meeting
2023-04-12 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1341 - I see John merged the PR. Should the login and page 1 issues be closed and marked completed?
- [ ] #1282 - Jonathan, is this completed?
- [ ] #1305 - John, how's this going?
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1345- Review Mockups
- [ ] #1180- Any new update?
- [ ] #1354-is anyone currently working on this?
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
- Jill is on VAcation, and will be back in 2 weeks
Notes from the Meeting
- #1341- All current dependency issues have been implemented in the dev environment and closed. This will remain open till all recommendations in #1340 have been addressed.
- #1282- ETA- Next Wednesday's team meeting
- #1305- There's been no progress on this, as John has been working on other issues.
- #1345- after reviewing Hieu's mockups, the team was uncertain how the download/print button would work since its icon is a sign of download, Ebi asked how a user who doesn't want to download but only wants to print would use it. John wanted to know if a dialogue box will pop up after clicking the download button that offers a print option, or if the PDF Project summary must be downloaded first before printing. The Design team was not sure and it was concluded that the document will first be downloaded to print. Ebi will create a dev issue that will implement the mockup.
- #1180- Discussions are still ongoing between the Research and design team, and will continue in the breakout room tonight.
- #1354-Anousha will upload mockups in the issue comments tonight.
- Anousha will join the Saturday PM meetings to review the tooltip discoverability deck
- #1344- Per Jane, Dogfooting for the Reset Button might take a month and a half, so the ETA will most likely be the middle of June.
2023-04-19 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1282- Jonathan, what's the update on this, you said it would be completed by today.
- [ ] #670- James, how should 'tdm-engine.test.js' be updated, who needs to update it, John? and how long will it take to complete this issue?
- [ ] #780- what's the ETA on this?
- [ ] #1354- Review Mockups
- [ ] #148- New design to the feedback page
- [ ] #1180- New update?
- [ ] #325-
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-04-06 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
[ ] #1282- Jonathan, what's the status?
[ ] #670 - John, I see you have been assigned, and there is a pull request also, have you merged it?
[ ] #780- Can we close this as completed James?
[ ] #1354 & #148- would these be in the dev environment by next Tuesday?
[x] #1180- Any updates from the meeting with Jane?
[x] #325- Joyce, how's this going?
[ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-05-03 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review project board
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-05-10 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1363- James, how is this going?
- [ ] #780- James, please show us the flow.
- [ ] #325- Joyce, how is this going?
- [ ] #1364
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1365- please note that each page on the figma file should be a different page on the presentation deck
- [ ] #1357- create design issues to document design screens for these features (Bonnie will be coming on to talk about it )
- [ ] #1345- Bonnie will be coming on to discuss the download options.
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
05-17-2023 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
[ ] Review product updates
[ ] #780- James please show us the flow
[ ] Review Issues
[ ] #1365 - please note that each page on the figma file should be a different page on the presentation deck
[ ] #1369- Design should review and assign
[x] #325- review mockups
[x] #1364
[ ] #670- John what's the ETA on this, I see a PR has been created.
[ ] #1282- Jonathan?
[ ] Research- any updates on the dogfooding for the tooltip discoverability, reset button, and sidebar design.
[ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-05-24 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] #780-James please show us the flow
- [x] #325- Joyce, please share
- [x] #1369- Hieu, any updates?
- [x] #1370-
- [ ] Breakout with Research
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-06-07 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1369 - Hieu, please show the mockups
- [ ] #1385
- [ ] #1384
- [ ] #1383
- [ ] #1357- John, what is the best option for the admin role of filtering and hiding projects?
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-06-14 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1314: Stakeholder feedback
- [ ] #1387: LADOT noticed a security vulnerability on the PROD site, so the production site is currently disabled while the dev team works on the breach, John also needs any developer with experience on this type of breach to please join him, Abel and Alejandro, to sort it out.
- [ ] #1360 - Are you working on this, together with the vulnerability issue or this will take a backseat for now?
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1386- Bonnie will be addressing the Design Team
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-06-21 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1386- Updates from the design team
- [x] #1360- Got a series of log-in attempts mail, John is that you working on it?
- [x] #148- John is there something I should be doing o this issue?
- [ ] #1305- Shane, how is this going?
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-07-TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- #1386
- Bonnie would be talking to team about how to correctly write new issues
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-08-02 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
[ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1386- Review new updates
- [x] #1305- Review new updates
- [x] #1267 - John, there was an email from Aren concerning the two Azure email accounts, does that mean this issue can be closed?
[ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1367 - During a live presentation to the stakeholders on Tuesday, the prompt required them to log in again on a new tab even after they had signed in.
- [x] #1393- Discuss ACtion items in line with mockups for my projects page
- [x] #1406- Assign Issue
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Label clean up: priority, level
[ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
Notes from Meeting
- #1267- John will get back to the PMs after reviewing the email from Aren and signing into the Azure Account
2023-08-09 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [x] #1386 - Review stakeholders' feedback
- [x] #1406 - Stakeholders' feedback
- [x] #1305 - New updates?
- [x] #1407- Rewrite the issue with the dev team
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] Review the in-progress column (unassign, reassign)
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Label clean up: priority, level
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from the Meeting
- #1305 will be addressed by @shanesween by next standup (8/16) and in time for the next stakeholder meeting (8/22)
- #1386 Design team to implement changes on the admin screen along with user screen. @Biuwa will add the recording from the stakeholder meeting to clarify changes for the snapshots.
- #1418 ready to be reviewed by @entrotech and merged.
2023-08-16 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
[ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1418 - PR conflicts needs to be resolved before deploying
- [ ] #1305 - New updates?
[ ] Review Issues
- [ ] Review the in-progress column (unassign, reassign)
- [ ] #1386 - Updates on progress for that?
- [ ] #1340- After reviewing this in the PM meeting, we would like to know if additional changes will be done or added and if this was reviewed by the Design team after Shane completed the dependencies
[ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
[ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from the Meeting
- #1418- PR has been merged and is now available in the Dev environment, PMs will review and close the issue.
- #1305- Shane had some concerns regarding the design flow that were not addressed in the Figma file; however, John informed him that there were separate issues available for some of these concerns. Shane presented a demo of the functionality of the mockups, the development team assured that it would be pushed to the development environment in time for the meeting with stakeholders next Tuesday. During the process of deleting a Question, Jeff noticed a glitch where the delete icon continued to appear, and Shane noted that and would correct it. Jamie, the lead designer on this issue, was not in attendance to review. The PMs will contact her and she will communicate any concerns to Shane.
- #1386- Anousha was absent today and Hieu told the team the design team would be meeting at a later time to address this issue
- #1340- The issue was reopened along with the dependent issues, New issues will be created to address the UI page adjustments.
- New Figma file should be added to the Project Board
2023-08-23 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Question of the week: XXX (drop answer in the chat)
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1386- Discuss Corrections
- [ ] #1305- Updates
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-08-30 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1421 - Karandeep, are you currently working on this?
- [x] #1386- Review updates and corrections
- [x] #1305 - Review corrections and updates
- [ ] Any new updates from the research team?
- [ ] Review Project Board
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
- #1421 - Karandeep is currently working on but is experiencing deployment issues. He and JK worked on it during the breakout rooms but could not fix it. Aims to get it fixed by next week.
- #1386 - Designs are mocked up and will be discussed during the PM meeting on 8/31. Design will need to chat with dev team regarding feasibility of designs.
- #1403 - Dev team to close this issue since PR merged successfully
- #1305 - Shane submitted some fixes but was not in attendance so was not reviewed during the meeting. Shane will continue to address more fixes and test completed fixes. Aims to have this done by next week.
2023-09-06 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1386- Discuss the renaming snapshot function with the dev team function (Questions are on the Deck)
- [x] Stakeholders were worried the dropdowns (active projects, visibility, status) might confuse users; Joyce will paint a better picture to the design team in the breakout room about their expectation of redesigning and testing it.
- [x] #1407- Stakeholders provided the wording for the modal
- [x] #1305- We showed the Edit function to the stakeholders yesterday:
- [x] Some of the Questions are centered and not left-aligned
- [x] The warning notice should also appear when saving (I know the warning notice for delete is in the works)
- [x] There should be an 'Answer' placeholder in the Answer box as there is in the Question box
- [x] The HTML divs are still showing and not linked
- [x] When a blank section or question is created, it remains when you go back to edit mode, except when an admin logs out. (It saves only to a current admin user session) Is there a reason why? stakeholders were concerned about that
- [x] #829- Can we close this?
- [x] #1146- Is ready for Dev
- [x] #1421-Karandeep, were you able to solve the issue you encountered?
- [ ] Updates from each lead regarding any blockers to tasks
- [ ] Label clean up: priority, level
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
2023-09-13 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] Review Issues
- [x] #1146- Is this correction implemented in the dev environment?
- [x] #1386- Are there new updates for the Stakeholders?
- [x] #1305- updates to show the SH on Tuesday?
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
- #1146 has been implemented in the dev environment and the issue is closed
- #1386- The design team is still working on the corrections
- #1305- Corrections have been implemented, the warning box will be finished next week
09-20-23 TDM Team Meeting Agenda
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Team leads/members provide updates on issues in GitHub before Wednesday
- [ ] Team lead informs PM of additional agenda topics before Wednesday
- [ ] PM Reviews #890
- [ ] Icebox column
- [ ] Prioritized backlog column
Agenda items
- [ ] Review product updates
- [ ] #1305- Any updates on the warning notice?
- [ ] #1386- New updates?
- [ ] #1435- Joel, how is this going?
- [ ] #1453- Stephanie hows this going?
- [ ] Review Issues
- [ ] #1454- is this completed?
- [ ] #1456- Review this with the dev team
- [ ] Break into individual team huddles
Parking lot Items
- [ ]