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Create a Guide: Product Management Job Interviews
We need to create a guide to doing well at your PM interview so that our members can achieve their professional goals
Action Items
- [x] Gather and review examples and resources, adding each example as a link in the resources section
- [x] Once done, remove the "TG: Gather Examples" label and add the "TG: Draft Template" label
- [x] Create a draft template, either in markdown format in this issue or a google doc in the ~old product management google drive~ new product management google drive>Product Management Guides
- [x] Once done, remove the "TG: Draft Template" label and add the "TG: Create Guide" label
- [x] Create a guide on how to use the template
- [x] Once done, remove the "TG: Create Guide" label and add the "TG: Review Guide" label
- [x] Review the guide with product management communities of practice
- [x] Once done, remove the "TG: Review Guide" label and add the "TG: Leadership Review" label
- [x] Present to Hack for LA leadership team for sign off
- [ ] Guide needs edits. See notes at the bottom.
- [ ] Once done, remove the "TG: edits needed" label and add the "TG: Leadership Review" label
- [ ] Guide needs edits. See notes at the bottom.
- [ ] Present to Hack for LA leadership team for sign off
- [ ] Once approved, remove the "TG: Leadership Review" label and add the "TG: Place Guide" label
- [ ] Possibly create an issue template on .github
- [ ] Include link to template under resources if you add it as a template in .github
PM Interview Guide Link @Arjayellis provided this list: with the following text: These should help with general PM development and interviewing.
Related issue #238
@alexilee Do you have any updates?
Progress: Blocks: Availability: ETA:
Progress: Finished Sections
- Who is this guide for?
- What consists of a typical product manager interview?
- Before applying
- How to apply
- Interview prep
Need to Finish
- Offer
- Resources
Blocks: None Availability: weekdays ETA: Will likely finish draft of guide by Tuesday or Friday PM meeting and ready for peer review.
Draft is done and ready for PM CoP review.
HI Alex, I updated the image on header to match the name of the guide and left a comment or two in the interview prep section. I haven't done PM interviews before but hear they are much different than a typical behavioral interview so I think it would be helpful to add other prep/examples specific to product
@ktjnyc Appreciate the changes and comments. I will take a look!
Hi Alex, This is a good document. I made some comments. Please see if they could be incorporated.
Thanks all for the helpful comments. Ready for leadership review.
Posted a reminder for leadership in Slack #admin channel. Still waiting on leadership review.
I've done a first past review, picked up on a lot of formatting errors. Made a few suggestions.
@alexilee I added some comments to the template file. The one where we are setting standards for guides. I assume you have not had the person or people who are managing that process do the review since you have not incorporated the items I have addressed in that issue. It applies to this guide and several others. So its more efficient for me to post on that guide. If you need me to I can post the link from that other issue here.
I'll find it. Thanks.
@alexilee Please update the following
- Progress: How much progress have you made on the issue?
- Blocks: Are you facing any blockers?
- Availability: How much time do you have to work on it this week?
- ETA: When do you think it will be completed?
For devs adding this guide to the Toolkit page: the guide card Illustration and image credit information is in the Toolkit page Figma file (blue rectangle on bottom left)
Guide is reviewed and complete. Ready for leadership approval.
Before I review it, did you see this issue #238 which also seems to have a draft doc in it as well as members questions?
@alexilee Thanks for doing great work on the guide. Here are the notes from the Leadership review (guides team)
- [ ] Please update the following (see the guides in resources for examples of formatting)
- [ ] Footer
- [ ] I also noticed that there are no screenshots in this guide but maybe it doesn't need one because of the type of guide it is. I have added a few resources you can use to review this guide and edit accordingly. Thanks again for your commitment.
When completed with changes
- [ ] remove the "Review Guide" label and replace with "Leadership Review" label
- [ ] move to Review column on project board
The author has removed themselves, this guide is ready for someone else to finish up.
Additional suggestions for improvement:
- See notes from Bukki above
- It also needs a reference to LinkedIn. Meet with Bonnie and discuss