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EA: Open Sync Meeting Agenda

Open SamHyler opened this issue 1 year ago • 63 comments


This issue tracks the running agenda for the Content x Design x UXR team weekly meetings (Fridays 9:30AM PST)

Reply in the comment using this format to create weekly agenda.


# [YEAR/MO/DAY] Agenda and Notes
### Attendees
- [ ]

### Facilitator 
- [ ] Sylvia

### Notetaker
- [ ] 

### FYI:
- [ ] 

### Recurring items: 
- [ ] Content updates
- [ ] Design updates
- [ ] UXR updates
- [ ] PM updates 

### New meeting items:
- [ ]

### Notes from meeting:
- [ ] 

### Task items:
- [ ] 

### Items for next week's agenda:
- [ ]

SamHyler avatar Jul 23 '22 15:07 SamHyler


This issue tracks the running agenda for the Content and Design team weekly sync meetings (Fridays 9:30 AM PST)

Reply in the comment using this format to create weekly agenda.


[July 22, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] Serena

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Irene
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Sitemap updates
  • [ ] Content Guidelines updates
  • [ ] Figma Re-organization

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Review changes for Landing Page and receive feedback from Content Design
  • [ ] Review changes for Letter Generator pages and receive feedback from Content Design


  • [ ] n/a

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Content Guidelines: Serena and Anita have ideas to include visuals and include different designs to make the information easier to scan and read - [ ] Google doc for Guidelines
  • [ ] Go over Sitemap - [ ] Agreed that a content inventory would not be needed and having a derailed sitemap fits our needs and goals - [ ] Using one frame/board to include the content for all pages - [ ] Anita will update the content portion for the landing page - [ ] Sam is working on the letter generator portions and fitting a new page - [ ] New page: an overview of the questions on the form - [ ] Aiming to have it completed for review next week
  • [ ] Review changes and receive feedback from Content - [ ] Landing Page - [ ] Serena and Anita built the flow of the landing page based on user needs/pain points from Pilot Usability testing -[ ] Needs/pain points: - [ ]Privacy - [ ] Understanding of expungement process and tool/how to use tool - [ ] Re-organizing sections - [ ] Anita and Serena will re-organize sections for next week’s review - [ ] Discussed having a section on the Figma page next to the wireframes that would have the copy approved by Content so that Design can use - [ ] Working on improving copy with each iteration + usability testing - [ ] Discussion on making information more visual and giving users a visual overview of what the tool consists of - [ ] Using a gif or including a video on how to use - [ ] Using a step-by-step overview of how the letter generator fits within the expungement process but would need to verify information with Research - [ ] Code for America’s Clear My Record is a great reference that we could hyperlink some pages that would point users to the next steps after they write their letter - [ ] Last pages of Letter Generator - [ ] Between the final preview page and download page, there was not a lot of content to have on two different pages, so we decided to combine those pages in one. - [ ] Wireframes for this merge can be found under the Desktop page on Figma. - [ ] Anita will place a note on the wireframe that Irene and Sam can make content edits on - [ ] Internal Usability testing shared that some users wanted to edit their letter on the final preview, but Dev shared that changes on the final preview page would not sync to previous pages if users were to go back to those pages - [ ] Solution: include a section (either before letter preview or after) that shares that if they would like to make edits, they would have to copy text or download the letter into a word doc and make those changes. OR go back to the page that would allow edits - [ ] Need copy for this from Content - [ ] Revisiting this next week to discuss where to place copy based on content flow
  • [ ] Figma Re-organization - [ ] Anita worked on some ideas which can be referenced here - [ ] If anyone has any ideas, feel free to bring them too!
  • [ ] Discussion on meetings - [ ] Aim to meet every Friday at 9:30 am PST - [ ] Anita will ask Irene is this is feasible. If so, will ask Jaime to set up zoom links for us

Task Items

  • [ ] Design - [ ] Re-arrange content on Landing page - [ ] Update About Us page wireframe - [ ] Anita will ask Irene about meeting time and ask Jamie if they could set up a zoom link for us - [ ] update Dev about new changes to the about page and create a new page in the Letter generator - [ ] Create a new wireframe for the new Letter Generator page that gives overview of questions - [ ] Anita will readjust landing page content to make more room for content on other pages - [ ] Improve design on Content Guidelines on Figma - [ ] continue working on sitemap
  • [ ] Content - [ ] Continue working on the sitemap and add the content components for other pages onto the frame - [ ] Review and improve the copy on landing page - [ ] Add copy for the section on keeping information safe - [ ] Choose 3 questions from FAQ to include in the FAQ section on the landing page - [ ] Create copy for the section that shares either a disclaimer that users cannot edit on the final preview page or how they can further edit their letter ( going back to edit pages or downloading letter into word doc or copying text)

Items for next week's agenda

  • [ ] Review sitemap
  • [ ] Go over the copy on the landing page and letter generator
  • [ ] Figma re-organzation
  • [ ] content guidelines update

anitadesigns avatar Jul 23 '22 18:07 anitadesigns

[July 29 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Anita

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Irene
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita

Recurring items:

  • [ ]

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Review Sitemap
  • [ ] Review Landing Page
  • [ ] Present About Us page
  • [ ] Review Letter Generator pages
  • [ ] Figma re-organization
  • [ ] Content Guidelines update


  • [ ] We will meet weekly or bi-weekly on Fridays based on tasks
  • [ ] Content shared they are shifting their tasks to focus on copy Design needs for the next iteration and then going to re-focus on tasks they need to complete that require collaboration with Design and Dev

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Sitemap - [ ] almost complete. just need to finish legend, add comment, and review - [ ] About Us portion will change as we continue to work on it - [ ] Placement of Overview of questions on the form---where should it be placed? Currently, it will be placed between the "before you begin page" and the "advice" page. Could change based on content flow and dev recommendations
  • [ ] Overview of questions - [ ] Serena presented wireframes she has for page - [ ] Sam pointed out that some of the design for LG pages would need to be updated since the current website, desktop wireframes, and mobile wireframes differ from each other
  • [ ] Landing Page - [ ] Landing page needs copy to be updated - [ ] Content will be working on it next week---FAQ portion - [ ] there is a wireframe on Landing Page (June 1 2022) for content to work on
  • [ ] About Us Page - [ ] There are content/copy overlaps on page - [ ] Content can work on the content of the page after working on the landing page and Letter Generator - [ ] About Us page is on Desktop page on Figma -- there are two wireframes with different content but the content will be adjusted. The design structure could remain the same
  • [ ] Letter Generator Page - [ ] Anita will make a new wireframe and space under the Desktop page for content to work on copy for this page - [ ] Content will try to work on it next week
  • [ ] Figma Re-organization - [ ] Anita has been brainstorming different approaches to our re-organization and researching how others organize their team's Figma workspace - [ ] Want to have a space that indicates the source of truth, a space for Content and Design to work on, a space to indicate to Dev (and research) what final designs are with comments - [ ] Sam shared that Design Systems are working on a guide for how all teams in HFLA should organize their Figma spaces and it would be best to reach out to implement those changes - [ ] We have been leaning toward to Idea 3a and Idea 3b on figma page Anita has been working on - [ ] May take out "Wireframes" section since it overlaps with "Working" section - [ ] We agreed to separate the pages and we would update the master pages with current designs

Task Items

  • [x] Anita will add a legend and comment section on Sitemap
  • [ ] Content + Design to review sitemap
  • [ ] Content- work on copy for landing page and last page on letter generator
  • [ ] Content- work on content on About Us page
  • [x] Design will talk to Dev and ask about past handoffs and what designs they based the web dev on (including grid size )
  • [x] Anita will make a new wireframe and space under the Desktop page for content to work on copy for LG page
  • [x] Anita will reach out to Design Systems team re: Figma organization

Items for next week's agenda

  • Figma re-organization
  • [ ] Updates on copy for pages
  • [ ] Updates from Design

anitadesigns avatar Jul 29 '22 04:07 anitadesigns

[August 5, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Irene
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] Sam

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Irene
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Sitemap update- done
  • [ ] Landing page update
  • [ ] Letter Generator pages - [ ] Question Overview - [ ] Final letter preview + Download - [ ] Updating buttons on pop-up pages (desktop and mobile)
  • [ ] About Us page update
  • [ ] Figma re-organization
  • [ ] Advice page visual collab
  • [ ] Quick Q: add pop-up buttons in Design system?

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] LG: Advice page


  • [ ] No meeting next week?

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Sitemap - Reviewed the Sitemap but noticed that we need to update the LG pages to reflect the merge of the last two pages - Keeping the sitemap issue on GitHub open for changes
  • [ ] Letter Generator Pages - Will the LG progress bar have the steps presented? All progress bars will have the name of the step and are in the design system (desktop + mobile) - There will be another wireframe reflecting when download buttons are activated - Sam made a Github issue to update buttons on LG pop up buttons. Also to update the pop up card on design system to say "let's continue" - Flow of last page --- perhaps have a pop-up that shares that exiting the page would delete letter. --- discussion on page vs pop- up. We would need to make pop up bold and different than the others.
  • [ ] Advice page visual collab - Sam updated content to target pain points from UT. Design to add icons and include visual elements to make it easier to consume--- x or circle with slash between. Design on mobile will differ in terms of layout- stack "do" and "don't" information with visuals instead of having it in one line (mobile)
  • [ ] Landing page - Content assessed their tasks and will probably finish before schedule and work on copy on LP before next UT - Demo ideas: PPT of screenshots of LG , use figma prototype to show how it works, video, screen record prototype or website. We would need to create something that is feasible within our skill set and time. - Illustrations: where were they pulled from? Perhaps HfLA has a repository since many have the same artistic style.
  • [ ] Figma re-organization
    • Anita created a mock up of Figma organization --- spaces for dev,content, and WIP. Could move pages around as we hand off
    • Better to keep WIP and keep pages there instead of moving to save design progress and assist folks new to team what is current
    • Pages will have a section in each page sharing the most up to date frame---include date
    • Archive: have pages names with the name of page and date of launch/push --- that page would have all works/iterations that were worked on during that launch/push
    • Next meeting we will re-organize figma together

Task Items

  • [x] Anita will update sitemap with LG page merge
  • [ ] Anita- create wireframe with activated buttons (LG pages)
  • [ ] Design to work on mock ups of pop up and page that alarms users of losing their letter that was generated.
  • [ ] Design- work on advice page
  • [x] Serena is moving the wireframes + comments to Desktop page on Figma
  • [ ] Content will be writing copy for users instead of Partners
  • [x] Ask Jaime whether Hack for LA has a database or repository of illustrations for us to use/update on the website

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ] Figma re-organization

anitadesigns avatar Aug 04 '22 18:08 anitadesigns

[August 19, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Jamie
  • [ ] David

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Irene
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Update EA Team's Figma page to reflect mockup
  • [ ] Content Updates
  • [ ] Design Updates

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Unemployment sequence in LG
  • [ ] Onboarding flow
  • [ ] Discussion about Landing page and About page content and how to present it between the two


  • [ ] Made updates to the main Figma page organization.

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Overlapping content for "Partner with us" on the LP and about page
  • [ ] Where to place content about timeline and information supporting legitimacy (connection with Code for America etc)
  • [ ] Focus on the immediate users, what would be important information for them to have
  • [ ] Involvement categories on the LG need to be updated to allow more flexibility and new category for unemployment
  • [ ] Questions on the LG for Parenting questions should have the option to have more than one child, and a child younger than 1 years old

Task Items

  • [ ] Content to finalize LP and About Us content
  • [ ] Content confirm with Design what the new / updated involvement categories for the LG
  • [ ] Content to update copy for Before You Begin page

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ] Onboarding flow
  • [ ] Review About Us page
  • [ ] Unemployment / Children LG questions

anitadesigns avatar Aug 17 '22 22:08 anitadesigns

[August 26, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] David
  • [ ] Jamie
  • [ ] Anita

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Irene
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Updates from Content
    • [ ] Landing page
    • [ ] About Us page
    • [ ] Before you begin page ( no updates )
  • [ ] Updates from Design
    • [ ] Planning to gather and select illustrations by next week

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] User journey map
    • [ ] https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/616#issue-1315308193
  • [ ] overview of Desktop wireframe process/update for "Master" page
  • [ ] Review About Us page
  • [ ] onboarding flow
  • [ ] LG in entirety (Content) https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/597 which parts can we tackle now and not? Includes point below (Sam can present)
  • [ ] Unemployment/ Children LG questions


  • [ ]

Notes from Meeting

  • Last page of letter generator's copy is complete. Anita will update icon and review spacing-- sending copy and design changes in one issue
  • With so many Content and Design changes happening, how should Design and Content send changes to Dev? should we send changes together or separately?
    • Dev shared they like issues broken up but also easier to bundle changes.
    • Could create umbrella issue that is placed in ice box and break up the issue into separate issues and link to umbrella issue with dependency --- umbrella issue may be forgotten if put in Ice Box
    • Will ask Dev on preference --- Make issue for LG with copy and content changes and ask Dev for Feedback
  • About Us page
    • About Us at the top to tie in content
    • About us page having similar content to LP but go more in depth
    • Timeline: shares the history of hack for la, EA and CFA to show legitimacy
      • is there a pain point that this may help solve from UT?
      • Have a visual layout with statistics/ number that could tie this together and show legitimacy --- CFA has data on website
    • What is a declaration letter generator? section
      • moving this to LP and creating a visual that may break up the text of this section
      • Best to keep content on About Us page focused more on hack for la, efforts, and success
  • Landing page
    • Content will look at 3rd question next week --- the answer to that question just has filler
    • rest of the copy is final
    • Design will make updates and is looking at illustrations to add
  • UX worked on Figjam flow and google doc on the expungement process
    • more research may need to be done. Pushback visual on LP for next launch --- MVP: Add a question on FAQ that would address how the letter fits in process or why it matters
  • Parenting flow on LG
    • is it feasible to add something to give users flexibility in adding number of children and information to add to letter
    • Design can make a lo-fi wireframe to present to Dev to get feedback
  • Updating Desktop wireframes on Figma
    • Anita worked on a few flows.
    • overview of emoji documentation
    • Skip parenting flow for now since we will be working on a new design/ flow for questions. will add those wireframes when done
    • Content will review desktop wireframes when design is done updating

Task Items

  • [ ] Update icon on LG page and review spacing. Send copy and design changes to Dev (Anita)
  • [ ] Make issue for LG with copy and content changes (Anita) and ask Dev for Feedback (Design)
  • [ ] Design
    • [ ] Update About Us page
      • [ ] choose illustrations
      • [ ] Add FAQ button to LP
      • [ ] Move section (what is declaration letter) from About us to lp
  • [ ] Content
    • [ ] updating 3rd ? on LP FAQ section
    • [ ] Creating bullet points for About Us section on statistics (reference CFA website)
    • [ ] add a question on FAQ ( "Why does the deceleration letter matter to me/ expungement process/ in getting my record cleared?")

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ] unemployment/children LG Questions
  • [ ] About Us page updates (Design and Content)
  • [ ] Parenting flow --- Design present wireframes
  • [ ] onboarding flow

anitadesigns avatar Aug 25 '22 15:08 anitadesigns

[September 2, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] David
  • [ ] Anita

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Updates
    • [ ] Content
    • [ ] Design

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] unemployment/children LG Questions
  • [ ] About Us page updates (Design and Content)
  • [ ] Parenting flow --- Design present wireframes
  • [ ] onboarding flow
  • [ ] List privacy policy in FAQ https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/658 (discussion)


  • [ ] Jaime is returning after Labor day weekend
  • [ ] New page on Figma for Design/Content hand-offs
  • [ ] No meeting next week due to planning meeting
  • [ ] Sam is the solo content writer on the team from this week

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Design shared MOsCoW bucket and re-alignment of task priorities
  • [ ] Parenting flow--- Serena shared different mock ups ---we agreed with 3rd option
  • [ ] Separating last question in the parenting flow to have its own page/card
  • [ ] Design will present to Dev for feasibility
  • [ ] David shared design showing relationship of EA/HfLA/CFA
  • [ ] Reviewed previous About Us page design and agreed to carry over designs and copy that align with goals
  • [ ] LP--- agreed to have an MVP for Demo. Content can adjust text once Design has a layout
  • [ ] Asking Jaime about Privacy Policy in FAQ page since link to Privacy Policy is in footer
  • [ ] New Figma page for Dev hand-off ---- include wireframe for copy and design changes so that Dev can reference

Task Items

  • [ ] Ask Jaime about Privacy Policy
  • [ ] Design--- show Dev Parenting flow

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Aug 31 '22 17:08 anitadesigns

[September 16, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] David
  • [ ] Kyle
  • [ ] Jaime

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Kyle

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Updates
    • [ ] Content
    • [ ] Design

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Finishing up Parenting Flow - update
  • [ ] Finishing up About Us page - any new/remaining content needs
  • [ ] Finishing up Landing page - any new/remaining content needs with new iterations?
  • [ ] LG - new proposed flows from Content - what’s needed and what’s feasible?
  • [ ] LG - Auto-generated text fixes, Design input needed on variable sentences, possibility to create multiple options depending on what’s clicked (also have asked Dev). Problems: 1. repetitive letters/judge gets same exact letter 1000 times: how to fix - variable sentences? 2. Transitions to make paragraphs flow together. 3. etc. (unfinished iteration)
  • [ ] Naming categories: Need some input from everyone about what to call “Recovery” (I’m stuck)
  • [ ] Advice page update
  • [ ] Milestone updates and alignment for remaining work for IUT2 release


  • [ ]

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Introductions
  • [ ] Jaime presented milestone updates: We can now filter our issues based on milestones. We are on W2 working on IUT2 milestones. For issues we would like to push for the next release, we can label them under W3. There is also an option for a time way later in the future. This helps us visualize and plan ideas and solutions.
  • [ ] Parenting flow: Serena worked on Dev feedback and will later show Content to review copy for grammar
  • [ ] About Us page--- working on next week
  • [ ] Landing page --- Sam will take a look at it next week and Design will continue synthesizing ideas. We can borrow designs from the iterations to convey the information we may need. Having the animation would be great. Need to ask dev if feasible
  • [ ] Recovery--- Sam is having trouble on what to call this category. Figma has her notes on different options she has already come up with but would like more feedback and help from Design. We can talk more about it through Slack
  • [ ] Adding categories: How many categories should we add? Which ones should we prioritize? Is it feasible for Dev? We will ask dev if we can add more flows and categories. We would continue with the parenting flow and hold off on caretaking. We would rather much like to have an other option to fulfill other experiences users may have (i.e. loans, starting a business, buying a home etc). If possible, we can add one more besides others about small business, buying a home, or loans.

Task Items

  • [ ] Begin assigning Milestones to future issues created on Github
  • [ ] Discuss "recovery" options on Slack
  • [ ] Talk to Dev about adding category/flow and if it is feasible

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Sep 15 '22 17:09 anitadesigns

[September 23, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Jaime
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] David
  • [ ] Kyle
  • [ ] Phuong

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Kyle
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Phuong

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Content Updates
  • [ ] Design Updates

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Questions from Content
    • [ ] Clarification on Issue 657 (new FAQ question)
    • [ ] Brainstorm on Before you begin copy
    • [ ] Question about onboarding section (Before you begin + Advice)
    • [ ] Spell check
  • [ ] Q&A


  • [ ] Sam will be out this weekend and will return on Monday
  • [ ] Phu joined our team as a UX Designer! 🎉

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] FAQ Question: @kyle-whitaker shared that the question that we drafted to include in the FAQ page was already included in the current FAQ. He then changed the question to make it more specific to how the declaration letter fits within the whole expungement process. He did some research and created a general answer and one that is more detailed. He wanted our feedback on whether he is in the right direction and if we want to add this in W2.
    • [ ] We decided to have this issue be pushed for the next iteration to give more time to research the answer. Anita will also take a look more in-depth at the responses created and give feedback
    • [ ] Design also decided that this page will not have an accordion design until the next push.
    • [ ] Before you begin: Kyle asked what Design was planning for this page and if there was a conversation on having a new onboarding process. Anita shared that it was briefly mentioned but we had decided to revisit this idea for the next push.
    • [ ] Spell check: Kyle asked if we have explored the idea of having a spell check feature on the letter generator. A great idea that we would have to ask Dev about in W3
    • [ ] No updates from Design -- communicating through Figma with Sam
    • [ ] Phu asked for clarification on the short input field for mobile. Anita clarified what we needed help with but the Design team decided to keep the width of the mobile text input field the same for usability.

Task Items

  • [ ] Anita - look at answers to the FAQ question Kyle created and provide feedback
  • [ ] Design will ask Dev on Monday if an accordion is possible for LP
  • [ ] David will prepare a prototype of how the accordion will respond

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Sep 22 '22 19:09 anitadesigns

[September 30, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Kyle
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] David
  • [ ] Jaime

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Kyle
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Phu

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Content Updates
  • [ ] Design Updates

New Meeting Items

  • [x] Parenting Flow
  • [x] Something else flows- 2nd question also requires a flexible response option (months/years) how to proceed?
  • [x] Landing Page: update and copy needed
  • [x] Advice Page -- updates and ready for handoff?
  • [x] Update on About Us page
  • [x] Improving collaboration and workspace on Figma so that copy and designs do not get lost
  • [ ] Prioritizing issues for Dev to communicate which issues are critical to have for IUT2
  • [x] Removing the word "involvement"
  • [x] Naming "Jenny" - ideas on diverse/gender neutral name


  • [ ] Serena and Anita are the Design team's new Co-leads!
  • [ ] No Design + Content Sync meeting next week

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Parenting Flow: Serena showed Content the different options she came up with for this flow based on the previous discussion. She had one that incorporated radio buttons for the age question (but would be optional) and then another option that changed the questions to be more general. If we choose to have the age question to be optional, we have to consider how the text would be generated. We also have to ask Dev how this would look like with an "optional" question.
  • [ ] Adding more detail to "Add" feature..."Add child" instead of "Add" so the instructions are clear. Content and Design agreed to this
  • [ ] Something else flow: Anita created the wireframes for the Something else flow but noticed that we run into the same problem as the parenting flow regarding time. Content decided to delete the second question. Kyle is working on smoothing out the copy
  • [ ] Question/Discussion regarding the Progress bar title. Each categories page has "Involvement: [category name] for the progress bar. Sam asked if having "Involvement" was for internal use or if was it also for users. We noticed that the progress does not move at all for these categories page and having the word "Involvement" in front of the category indicates that the user is still under the "Involvement" section and that is the reason the progress bar has not changed. If we remove the word "Involvement", it is feasible for Design to increase the length of the solid progress bar slightly to show progress for each section. We then wondered if this would be dependent on what choices they make. David shared that it would still be possible and it does not matter what and how many categories they select. We can still design a progress bar that reflects progress. We would have to collaborate with Dev on this for W3. We can also flag this for UXR to research for the next testing
  • [ ] Advice page: The design is done. Anita tried to fix the font size based on Dev's feedback. They shared that the font sizes between mobile and desktop were drastically different. Will keep it for now. Asked if Content is updated for handoff? Not yet, Content is working on "Miss Jenny"...having "Miss Jenny" infantilizes the users...Content asked for feedback from design. They are seeking gender neutral and racial-inclusive name...We decided to remove "Miss" and are going to seek another name
  • [ ] Improving collaboration and workflow on Figma so that copy and design do not get lost. we brainstormed different ideas. Sam will archive the Sandbox page. We want to incorporate icons that would move around wireframes to signify which wireframe has the most updated copy or design. A different icon for Content and Design to communicate this. Both content and design will work in the same space but use headers. For the next push, we can have a Figma page for each WIP and then archive it into one page at the end of the phase. We will need to remember to update designs and copy in both mobile and desktop Master copies
  • [ ] Prioritizing issues for dEV: Can Content and Design work on this with Dev during the planning meeting? It would be best for us to prioritize issues before the meeting so that Dev could assess and plan for Friday's meeting ...Since we are not meeting next week, we can work on this asynchronously. Anita can create a Figjam board and we work from there and handoff to Dev. If needed, we can schedule a meeting where Design and Content leads meet to do this before Friday

Task Items

  • [ ] Serena is going to ask Dev about "optional" question about age in the parenting flow
  • [ ] Serena will change add feature copy to "Add child"
  • [ ] Anita will make an issue so that the team revisits the discussion and improvement on the progress bar.
  • [ ] Design and Content will add whether the progress bar is clear once users are directed to the category flows
  • [x] Content is going to research and find gender natural and racial inclusive name for the Advice page
  • [x] Sam will archive sandbox and bring over copy from mobile to the letter generator page
  • [ ] Anita will create Figjam board with issues we have

Items for next week's agenda

anitadesigns avatar Sep 29 '22 05:09 anitadesigns

[October 14, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Jaime
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] David
  • [ ] Kyle
  • [ ] Sam

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Kyle
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Phu

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Content Updates
  • [ ] Design Updates
    • [ ] Parenting flow

New Meeting Items

  • [x] Re-visiting the Figjam Prioritization board we did for Dev (trying to complete the Must do tasks first)
  • [x] Finalizing any collab items (parenting flow and others) to finish and close issues. What's left?
  • [x] Finalizing the hand over Github issues for dev (those still labeled "Draft")
  • [x] Improving workflow/process when collaborating on Figma and Github issues
    • [ ] Would including details in the issues help?
  • [x] Cleaning up/organizing the "Design Handoff" Figma page
    • [ ] Discussion with Daniel on this
  • [x] moving over designs into Master pages on Figma


  • [ ]

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Going through Figma Prioritization board to focus on completing issues for this week based on the prioritization
  • [ ] LP: Anita and David are working on this. We just need illustrations for this and to adjust the spacing. Then we can hand over to Dev
  • [ ] Want to focus on updating the Unemployment, Employment, and Self-Improvement flow for this weekend
  • [ ] Parenting flow: Serena showed two different options. The conversation about grammar for the generated text that gets inputted. Perhaps we can ask Dev about this? Continuing to go with the "add child" option with drop-down
  • [ ] Content is waiting for the parenting page to officially finalize the automated generated text appearing in the "preview and edit" pages for each flow.
  • [ ] Phu is working on the FAQ page. Will tag Content once completed to give it one more look for approval and then will work together to
  • [ ] Improving collaboration/ communication on Figma: For future issues that include collaboration we will begin to include points on the GitHub issue regarding receiving approval from Design/Content, Coordinating moving wireframes to the Design handoff page on Figma, and updating the "Draft" Github issue . We will also include a point to ensure that wireframes are updated in the Master Figma pages
  • [ ] Anita went ahead and deleted the wireframes that Dev completed on the Design hand off page on Figma. We should keep an eye out on when issues are closed as done so that we deleted the wireframes from there and move them over to the master page.
  • [ ] We are still in the process of cleaning up and moving over wireframes to the master page. Content would like to review the copy to make sure the copy is updated. For now, continue on the WIP Desktop pages. The design will leave a checkmark emoji for the ones that are updated so that Content can begin to look over the copy. Content will then leave a star for the ones that are ready to move on over to the Master pages

Task Items

  • [ ] Anita: create a separate issue to do a sweeping copy change for the preview page on each flow---" Preview and edit"
  • [ ] For future issues that include collaboration we will begin to include points on the GitHub issue regarding receiving approval from Design/Content, Coordinating moving wireframes to the Design handoff page on Figma, and updating the "Draft" Github issue . We will also include a point to ensure that wireframes are updated in the Master Figma pages

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Oct 13 '22 18:10 anitadesigns

[October 21, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Jaime
  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Kyle

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Kyle
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Phu

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Content Updates
  • [ ] Design Updates

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Updates/Finalizing any hand-offs to Dev
  • [ ] About Us page
  • [ ] Planning/working on the slide deck to hand over to UXR https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/719


  • [ ]

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Employment, Unemployment, Something else, Self-improvement flow are ready to be taken off draft and handed over to Dev
  • [ ] LP- copy is done and Anita and David are working on finalizing
  • [ ] Parenting flow: going with the general wireframe that will protect privacy. Dev shared that they could work with the grammar when users share having more than 1 child. Serena is going to create a GitHub issue for Dev and prepare wireframes for Handoff
  • [ ] Autogenerated text: The LG page on Figma has all the preview pages with the autogenerated text. We need to create a hand-off section on the Design hand off the page and update the Draft GitHub issue. The line with the star is the final copy for this issue that Content has worked on
  • [ ] We want to prioritize the LG pages to test them for IUT2. We will let Dev know they are the highest priority. We would want to have these completed because it may not be fully possible or flexible if these are not implemented and we conduct the interviews using a prototype
  • [ ] Prototype: There was a discussion on Design working on a prototype in case Dev cannot finish implementing the new updates. It would be possible, but we would need to know what questions would be asked from UXR because users would not be able to type on the prototype. Everything would be pre-filled and they can only interact with the buttons and pages. We want to prioritize the LG pages so that we would not be limited to a prototype.
  • [ ] How did UXR conduct the interviews for IUT1 and has there been any discussion for IUT2? UXR is building off on the Research script and plan from IUT1. Things will change based on the feedback we will ask for, but there is a possibility not everything will be covered. They are planning to have two groups to interview and each group would have different questions asked
  • [ ] Google slide deck we are handing over to UXR: will organize it by themes instead of by page. We will also share priority of each theme

Task Items

  • [ ] Kyle will be assigning and removing drafts from Employment, Unemployment, and Self-improvement GitHub issue
  • [ ] Serena preparing wireframes for handoff and creating a GitHub issue for Dev
  • [ ] Design will flag Dev to work on the LG pages first before the other pages on Monday

Items for next week's agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Oct 20 '22 18:10 anitadesigns

[October 28, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ] Anita
  • [ ] Serena
  • [ ] Sam
  • [ ] Kyle

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Kyle
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Phu

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Content updates
  • [ ] Design Updates
    • [ ] Land page

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Landing page Complete letter copy
  • [ ] Affinity map exercise to assess themes for UXR hand off
  • [ ] Sections feature on Figma and using it in our workspace
  • [ ] Mobile page and updating figma master pages
  • [ ] Category order


  • [ ] Jaime is not available today
  • [ ] No meeting next week due to planning a meeting

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ] Anita presented LP to Content and shared ideas re: letter. Pulled copy from auto-generated issue to create 3 different letters. Just changed the name and dates. Doing the letter screenshot because it is more tangible and shows users what to expect after they download their letter.
  • [ ] Category order: we thought that some wireframes on Figma had different category orders that would impact Dev. Concluded that it looked okay and the order we handed off to Dev would be okay
  • [ ] Mobile page and updating Figma: Going to work on this a bit more once we hand over everything to Dev
  • [ ] Anita showed Content the new sections feature to Content. We found that you cannot link sections and only can copy the link to frames
  • [ ] Affinity map: decided to do this exercise so everyone can participate and we can gain more feedback from the team. We are starting off with "brain dumping" areas we would like feedback on and then organizing them by theme. This is helping us to organize the slide deck

Task Items

  • [ ] Anita will update the other two letters in LP

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Oct 27 '22 17:10 anitadesigns

[Friday, November 11, 2022] Agenda and Notes


  • [ ]

Accountability and Support Check

  • [ ] Review assignments for each team member
    • [ ] Sam
    • [ ] Kyle
    • [ ] Serena
    • [ ] Anita
    • [ ] David
    • [ ] Phu

Recurring items:

  • [ ] Design updates
    • [ ] FAQ hand off
  • [ ] Content updates

New Meeting Items

  • [ ] Complete affinity mapping
  • [ ] #739
  • [ ] figma re-organization: where does everything stand/anything that needs to be done/are we waiting on handovers to finish it?


  • [ ] New updates to the website have been published 🎉
  • [ ] Jaime will be back on Monday

Notes from Meeting

  • [ ]

Task Items

  • [ ]

Items for next weeks agenda

  • [ ]

anitadesigns avatar Nov 10 '22 20:11 anitadesigns