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EA: Design Team Meeting Agenda
Track the proposed agendas and notes for weekly Design team meetings
# [Date] Design Meeting Agenda and Notes
### Attendees
### Facilitator
- [ ] Anita
### Note Taker
- [ ] Anita
- [ ] Justin
- [ ] Onwubu
- [ ] Vanessa
- [ ] Christina
- [ ] Ellynna
### Recurring items:
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Review Project Board & Action Items / [Design GH Issues](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/projects/1?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+design%22)
- [ ] Feedback Share / Blocker Support / Tips & Tricks
- [ ] Team Alignment / Direction Notes
- [ ]Set Weekly Goals
### New Meeting Items
- [ ]
### FYI / Announcements
- [ ]
### Notes from Meeting
### Weekly Goals
### Action Follow-up
- [ ]
- [ ]
### Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
- [ ]
@Andan-Eddy please add other assignees that would be appropriate for this issue, you'd know much better than I. And let me know if there's anything missing from it :)
01.17.2022 Discussion of progress in Figma landing page changes including suggestions made in research heuristic evaluation.
01.17.2022 meeting notes: attendee Daniel (development lead attended meeting), Daisy (design lead), Cherry designer, Andan (PM)
Andan references more immediate changes that need to be made to figma landing page https://www.figma.com/file/hYqRxmBVtJbDv9DJXV6nra/Expunge-Assist-Main-Figma?node-id=2%3A9
Daniel asks design team look at current statement generator and give feedback https://expungeassist.org/#/
Daisy- question about the time for the landing page launch, Daniel says should be coming soon, depends on how fast he can get new developers prepared.
Andan asks is development team referencing Figma to build landing page or working to improve first version of landing page built by Brad (another developer). Daniel says development is referencing the figma but Design team should let dev know if they make major changes just in case dev isn't looking consistently at the FIgma.
Cherry asks should she keep working on mobile version of landing page. Daniel says, yes it is very helpful.
01.24.2022 Meeting Agenda
- [ ] check changes to Figma landing page including suggestions made in research heuristic evaluation.
- [ ] check design teams review of expungeasist.org
attendee: @Andan-Eddy (PM), @bkmorgan3 (developer)
- Brad stopped by the design meeting told Andan how Daniel has chopped the landing page redesign into smaller issues
01.31.2022 Meeting Agenda
- [x] check changes to Figma landing page including suggestions made in research heuristic evaluation.
- [ ] check design teams review of expungeasist.org
- [ ] Possibly onboard new Designer
attendee: @Andan-Eddy (PM), Brandon Hayes (PM), Daisy (lead designer), @bkmorgan3 (developer)
- Brandon asked Daisy about images with white background- wondering about changing assets- white background - Brad stopped by to reiterate the issue (he and Daisy walk through the problem on Figma
- Daisy mentions dropping by dev meeting.
- Daisy says she will have more time to work on the Figma
- Designer didn't come to meeting
- Create an issue for changing the white background for the landing page
02.07.2022 Meeting Agenda
- [ ] check changes to Figma landing page including suggestions made in research heuristic evaluation.
- [ ] check design teams review of expungeasist.org
- [x] Introduce New Design PM (Utkarsh)
- [ ] The research team is preparing got usability testing, so we need to talk with design team about what features they want to test? What are the design needs for usability testing?
- [x] Introduce New designer
attendee: @Andan-Eddy (PM), Daniel (lead engieneer), Ukarsh (possible new PM), Lekan (new designer)
- [ ] Daniel question about design of statement generated of MVP
- [ ] Utkarsh asks about sections that are not filled in can they be skipped
- [ ] Daniel just wanted a general review of expungeassist.org (no feedback)
- [ ] the browser works for web and mobile
- [ ] I added Lekan to shared drive and told him to attend new member orientation
02.28.2022 Meeting Agenda
- [ ] check changes to Figma landing page including: minor revamp
- [ ] Introduce New Design PM (Mahmoud)
- [ ] The research team is preparing got usability testing, so we need to talk with design team about what features they want to test? What are the design needs for usability testing?
- [ ] Check on the progress of new designer
attendee: @Andan-Eddy (PM), Daniel (lead engieneer), Daisy (lead designer), Brad (developer)
- [ ] Daniel walks through MVP demo
- [ ] Daniel and Daisy discuss revamped landing page
- [ ] Daisy explains revamp of landing page (simplfied)
- [ ] Andan, Daisy and Mahmoud will set up a meeting to discuss hand over
- [ ] Daisy and Lekan will set up a meeting to discuss Lekan's upcoming assignments
2022.04.18 - Design & Dev Meeting w/ Serena, Daisy, Tom, Jamie
- Serena joining Design team. Daisy to help onboarding - reference https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/456 checklist
- Daisy to talk with Val on next steps as far as usability researching internal testing and where feedback goes/how we can access
- Serena to help review comments with Content / Dev on Landing Page Design / Mobile and Desktop Prototypes in Figma
- Evaluate Favicon update for light/dark mode
- Dev could use clarity on design standards and what they can reference
- Look into Designs systems update - reference https://www.figma.com/file/EFoSuj1b9G4aZ7bN8OX8tf/CivicTechIndex---Master-Design-File?node-id=13742%3A67695 and https://www.figma.com/file/0RRPy1Ph7HafI3qOITg0Mr/Hack-for-LA-Website?node-id=3464%3A3
- Github issues to be built out to help track and organize focuses
2022.04.18 - Design & Dev Meeting w/ Vidit, Jamie
- Team is busy / out so used time to meet with Vidit - student based in India, learning over the past year(s) about UI design. They heard about HackForLA through their friend and wanted to gain experience. They are interested in potentially joining the project but want to observe first how we work together and what we are focused on. Gave them a general overview of where we're at - internal usability testing in progress and expected general timeline (1-2 weeks for us to get analysis/results from research to then iterate on from dev/design side).
- [x] Jamie to forward over next meeting invites (Design / All Team) for them to attend
2022.05.02 - Design & Dev Meeting w/ Irene, Serena, Tom, Jamie
Content doesn't touch Figma too much. They tag Daisy for design questions. If adding things to content on Figma side - how does it connect to the dev/design side? e.g. Content Figma sizing for FAQ - how do we adjust so it would be reflected and sized properly say if it overflows?
- e.g. Mobile Page - Content added an alternate series of content. do the changes disrupt anything Dev/Design is doing? should they remove the past content?
- is there version control in Figma? Content will copy/paste and create an "ideation" page > then forward over to Daisy/Design * notes from digging online. Our Starter version of Figma is limited to last 30 days of version history. So we'll prob need to manage this manually instead.
- what is the process for Design? historically Daisy <> Sam would discuss in comments/Slack on proposals
- how do we track these changes?
- Dev doesn't touch Figma? Daniel looks at comments
- content writing often have google docs for the latest updates and Dev looks at these
- are mobile and desktop wireframes updated with the latest?
learning curve for Figma - basics easier, deeper changes takes more effort. tutorials help
how much feedback do we expect from the internal testing that would affect design/content? what does it look like? impact to design system?
Section on "Interested in partnerships / getting involved" - issue on backburner
[ ] Tom / Jamie - Confirm existing Figma process with Dan, Daisy
[ ] Meetings with Content / Design to go over the feedback from internal testing
[ ] Irene to find out more info on the internal research testing
[ ] Jamie to follow up with Serena for onboarding
[ ] Tom - Wiki update with issue procedures
2022.05.02 - Design & Content Meeting w/ @RenaNicole @ValeriyaMetla @jamiesiu / Irene
Main Topic - Design System
- Internal Testing Results -
- What did we test? test by volunteers (not actual ppl testing). Going through flow of letter generator. Ask what they would change, how easy to use
- Feedback for design has been a little around images. We'll find out more. UX Research analysis just started and they will meet on Friday to brainstorm approach. They are looking to package feedback separately for Dev and Design. Knowing what things come from usability testing would be important for prioritization with Design System.
- What do we prioritize now for Design System?
- Val to join design system effort in 2 weeks. Serena to take lead in meantime
- Serena started on rough list / analysis of what we have vs what HFLA website/projects have in comparison. ETA by mid next week to catalogue this. After seeing what we have, we can then figure out what we need
- Are all assets on website captured in Figma? Serena to confirm
- Content wants to be part of Design system talks to understand how format works and how this translates to Content / spacing / sizing. We will loop in Content for future feedback based on the analysis and recommendations we create
- Jamie to break down the Design System GH issue into smaller issues - separate out the analysis / recommendations / implementation
- Serena will follow up with Daisy on the Design System iteration to ensure it is consistent with our past conventions. We are not blocked at this time though.
**2022.05.02 - Design & Content Meeting w/ @thomasdemoner @daisyyiudesign @jamiesiu @aahvocado @RenaNicole **
- Sam and Daisy would just collab directly / async through chat in past. Design/Dev/Content to work directly 1:1 and loop PM in. Convos can be shifted into shared Slack channels to raise visibility.
- How Content and Design Changes Should Flow, - Design needs to look at Content before it goes to Engineering. Design and Content closely intertwined - we don't have a persona really figured out. Tone of Voice kinda. - wireframes mobile / desktop differ. need to make design changes consistent but should not be Content's role. Languages should exist on Google Doc and not depend on the specific wireframes. Content should not have to work in Figma - Design should just be reference on what Engineering would code - Communication challenges / numbering system - e.g. name of language page - Landing Page 0.1 for each step / screens. Dev has difficulty finding what name to reference. Affirmation doesn't have a name or it varies slightly by step
- Figma - Which version is Dev referring to for the current web design? mobile closest. Desktop far behind. (See series of Figma pages bucketed as "Latest Designs")
Action Followup
- [ ] Serena to look at comments from Sam in Figma on Landing page 5'9. Daisy can provide further background / context
- [ ] Daisy to look over comments from Serena on Design System diff analysis
- [ ] Daisy to work on Labeling screens
- [ ] Tom leaving comments on issues in New issues/Backlog on board for followup
- [ ] Jamie to share updates and process notes with Content team
2022.05.11 Agenda and Notes
- @jamiesiu @RenaNicole
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ]
New Meeting Items
- Check-in with #544 . Any help needed? Content would like to understand the direction for Design System and where they can help in future. Discuss how we might approach next steps and split future work.
- Landing Page / Mobile Design - Figma comments help
- example https://www.figma.com/file/hYqRxmBVtJbDv9DJXV6nra?node-id=199:1955#175408277
- Content has been holding off from making changes in Landing page as they await usability testing results. Content will sometimes use Figma for ideating with layouts / text and assessing the visual look. We'll work on communicating better together to ensure we're on the same page
- All-Team Meeting coming Tuesday - we should be getting initial look at testing results from Research.
Notes from Meeting
- Design System. Serena looking at what was in Figma compared to HFLA website. Organizing so can compare/contrast in better way. Looks like we have most of it captured (if Expungeassist.org website is current, then should be everything), Serena will double-check for completeness.
- Consistent naming system in Figma would be important. Variant names that could be same. Some major design elements were never created as a component / major asset
- Serena would like to have ideation session with Daisy to go over Design elements. What we have isn't finalized. What is necessary for MVP?
- We understand that we may pivot and reprioritize based on the usability testing results, but can start figuring out recommendations for Design System improvements in meantime.
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Jamie to check in with Dev to confirm what we have on website is latest for understanding Design System gaps
- [ ] Serena starting to work on recommendations for Design System
- [ ] Serena to reach out with Daisy around design elements and organization of them. Jamie can help facilitate if needed
- [ ] Jamie to find out more with PM's what MVP launch requirements look like
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
2022.05.16 Dev / Design Meeting Agenda and Notes
- @RenaNicole @thomasdemoner @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ]
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
- Design System - Serena took another pass to review everything with gap analysis, ensuring naming system consistency. Confirmed no material changes releasing from Dev right now that would impact this work
- Tom submitted HFLA website update for project.
- Serena addressing comments in Figma from Content. Confusing as some comments say all addressed. Will clarify with Sam/Daisy
Action Follow-up
- We should have more next steps identified after the All-Team Meeting tomorrow
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
2022.05.18 Agenda and Notes
- @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ] Jamie /
- [ ] Serena /
Recurring items:
- [ ] Balance Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Usability Test Research Results Initial Impressions
- [ ] Jamie out for vacay 5/19 Thu to 5/25 Wed. Mon 5/23 Dev / Design sync will still be held. Cancel on the Wed 5/25 Design Team Sync (Can reschedule if needed)
Notes from Meeting
Action Follow-up
- [ ]
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
2022.05.30 Agenda and Notes
- @RenaNicole @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [x] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance Check
- [x] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
- All team meeting - we plan on sharing the latest detailed results to the team in Slack by tomorrow morning and having a discussion at tomorrow's all-team meeting. More time will likely be needed for Research to further polish the report and also for the overview/signoff with Bonnie.
Notes from Meeting
- Daisy shared few Figma comments
- Serena reviewed, not too much time spent
- adding spaces / line height to permanent styling
- Sam reached out and introduced themselves to Serena
- checked in on systems
- Sam is working on background for content? unclear what that means @jamiesiu to find out more in tomorrow call w/ Content
- what needs to be tested next?
- PM's working on clearing up milestones / roadmap with issues and our work
- usability testing - possible we might move onto next phase with users in our target demographic
- what's our next milestone or target? @jamiesiu to confirm with PM's
- GH creating issues
- Serena to update/revise #551 as needed to capture approach to recommendations
- Jamie can walkthrough with Serena on how to update issue/create future GH issues if needed
- Moving our weekly Design team checkin to Thursday from Wednesday
- allowing more space to develop progress in week as we check in Monday
- depends also on Serena/team availability. we'll try for now and see
Action Follow-up
- [ ] @jamiesiu - move Design Weekly Checkin to Thursday
- [x] @jamiesiu - find further information about background work by Content team
- [ ] @jamiesiu - confirm our next milestone, testing target with PM team
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
2022.06.01 Agenda and Notes
- @jamiesiu @RenaNicole / Sarah
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- not moving Wed weekly meeting to Thurs yet
- Content background work is research/investigation into what Content Systems would look like, standards, practices as compared to Design Systems. Also doing gap analysis like we're doing for Design System.
- Product to clarify further with Bonnie on next milestone(s) (Next meeting tomorrow 6/2). In process of updating issues labels to reflect this.
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Internal Testing Results Next Steps
- [x] Sarah New Volunteer
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
- Intros with Sarah potential new volunteer
- Design System share by Serena for Sarah to get sense of what we're doing, gaps / recommendations
- Share / Review of the Usability Testing Results - design focus and collaborative areas
- Highlight and discussion of potential areas of opportunity to contribute and where Design help is needed. Sarah has interest in supporting Accessibility
- Sarah is evaluating few other projects and will get back to us by later in the week
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Share Usability Testing Results doc w/ Sarah
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.06] Dev / Design Sync Agenda and Notes
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Sam C intro / Team share. Sarah to join mid-June and they have some FE dev experience
- [ ] GH Issues - Header/Footer Update & Zoom Background request #575 / #573
- [ ] What is the Dev process with Figma?
- [ ] Usability Testing Results Next Steps
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
Action Follow-up
- [ ]
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.08] Design Meeting Notes
- @RenaNicole @jamiesiu @anitadesigns
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [x] Intros with Anita. Design system / work in progress share
- [x] Sam C. planning to join next week
- [x] Zoom background ask from Bonnie
- [x] Review EA: Internal Usability Pilot Results: Issue Tracker
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
- Anita is interested in joining team and can start as soon as next week. Shared Figma, Results Report, and Team Roster. Added to Google Drive. She has interest in inclusivity and accessibility. They would like to learn about Figma components with Serena. Anita's schedule is such that they may only be able to attend Wed syncs for now until July/later (team will help share notes from Mon/Tue syncs as needed)
- Broadly speaking, our timeline is sometime before Nov/Oct when we want to have the more finalized version for target users as the Prop dates to Nov.
- Serena working to solidify Design System decisions to we can then implement them for consistency. Working on LP Header/Footer. Ask with Content Team on feedback on categories
- Ask from Bonnie #575 - Serena will check it out
- Discussed looking at Privacy Policy / FAQ page next as higher priority per notes from Testing Results Action Tracker. Content is looking at updates to Privacy Policy as well.
- Talked about GH Issue creation process for tracking our work more as our team grows with new members. Anyone can create and Jamie can help guide / show how to. Reference the draft instructions created by Joanna/Val/UXR
Action Follow-up
- [x] Added Anita to Team Drive
- [ ]
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.13] Dev Design Sync Meeting Notes
- @RenaNicole @thomasdemoner @jamiesiu
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
FYI / Announcements
- All-Team Meeting tomorrow we'll go over creating an issue in Github
Notes from Meeting
- Tweaking footer/header nav bag. - Seeking Content feedback on navigation categories. - Dev pushed a change to move header to top that is live now. - Could a color change help? Start Now 2nd button - How to communicate changes with Dev - once changes are final/ready, update existing ticket with specifics on what's changing
- White space of landing page, seems to vary from Figma to what's on the website. May not be 1:1
- Updating some links
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Serena will try creating a Github issue around updating some links and footer
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.15] Design Meeting Notes
- @RenaNicole @anitadesigns @ Sam C. @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Check-in on onboarding / new volunteers joining
- [ ] Review Usability Test Results Tracker sheet together and decide next steps / priorities
- [ ]
FYI / Announcements
- Team observing Juneteenth holiday - no meetings, Slack
Notes from Meeting
- Anita suggested Sitemap could help with info architecture and help with organizing where pages are
- Onboarding, learning how our team and project works. Sam getting access. Serena suggested going through the Figma designs and getting sense of what could be improved. Github can be a bit overwhelming at first to learn and digest. Serena/Jamie/team are available to help with further questions as they come up.
- Sam did test run of LG. When you generate the letter, doesn't copy over "to whom it may concern" text as expected. When you email to yourself, opens your mac email rather than just starting email as you would hope. Can consider sharing feedback in next Dev Design sync
- Overall timeline for project tbd. re: All-Team meeting - UXR is finding out more what our timeline and proposition dates really mean #581 . What impacted users would we continue to support or focus on first? Are we doing different versions of the tool / website for different users or different parts of the flow?
- If we are prototyping something, how would we account for space that requires Content? lorum ipsum. Can let Content know via comment/Slack as well if their input is needed. Work closely if more important
- Discussed / shared feedback on Figma LP design around finding out more info on the project. Also, discussed feedback on the footer design - is it still needed? what do other sites do? what can be simplified? how's this mesh with the header?
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Jamie to find out more about the broad direction of the site - will we be doing different tools / versions for different users/groups?
- [ ] Team will take a look more at the Figma designs and Usability Test Results Issue Tracker to see what resonates to work on.
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.22] Design Meeting Notes
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content / Dev / Research Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Sarah onboarding
- [ ] Irene joining this week's discussion re: Content System gap review feedback
- [ ] Usability Test Results Tracker Items Followup <> our current direction for Design
- [ ] Feel free to add here
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
Action Follow-up
- [ ]
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.27] Dev / Design Sync Notes
- @RenaNicole @Sam-C-GH @thomasdemoner @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content / Dev / Research Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
- Sam C / Design feedback from site review
- email form opens up to desktop email service. could it just be something that can be sent? Dev / Tom says this is typical desktop convention. Feedback if this could be better/more useful
- intro / outro of letter not showing up in letter export for all forms e.g. text, pdf download
- About Us page lists a different email address than what is in footer ([email protected]). which is correct? also email address is listed in white text on About Us page
- Nav Bar updates with Dev (from Serena's changes) - Tom to check with Sydney on status
- Design is working on
- site map / info architecture
- Figjam board for issues identified during usability testing e.g. making forms more clear
- footer updates
- Daisy did not have any open items left over to transition. No open design system questions.
- Sides notes from All-Team chat 6/28
- Content System CTA Feedback - Back Button Consistency w/ Next Button - do we want to update all at once? or package with other changes / increment? Serena to check with Dev on what would be easiest
- Pain points from Usability Testing - text boxes diff size / wrong size. need clarity on which text boxes and what makes sense.
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Sam C checking with Content / team about which email address is the correct one for users to contact us
- [ ] Tom to check with Sydney on status of nav bar updates
- [ ] Serena to check with Dev on best approach for changing back button - package increment?
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.06.29] Design Meeting Notes
- @anitadesigns @RenaNicole @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content / Dev / Research / Product Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Decisions on open questions for Design System
- [ ]
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
- Anita reached out to Sam H about Sitemap/User flow. Likely we can move to do initial audit for now as Sam is handling computer issues/busy. Hoping to have audit by next week - sharing for feedback, screenshots of each page and how flows.
- how does our tool fit in expungement process, refer to 6/25 user flow shared in #expunge-assist-research-team Slack channel
- what pages should we base audit on?
- Content inventory - Sam okay with Anita doing?
- Serena can help out if needed
- Design System consolidation - finalizing grid. Stick to what is in LP or change it?
- Back Button re: Content System feedback
- updated look made. accessibility colors - doesn't pass for inactive.
- header/footer - making it easier to find. increasing text size. wait to make changes? do we anticipate changes to site structure? @Serena to create a GH ticket request
- are words on website latest? @Anita to double-check with Content
- Desire for Content feedback on what verbiage we'll be using going forward. Do we still want to highlight working w/ partners?
- Review of some of the archive LP designs - more readable information and easier to digest snapshots of the flow
- About Us page - "The Personal Statement Generator" heading seems weird. Can we have wireframes for About Us in the Figma design file for reference for the team? Better way of organizing most current information and also to identify what's next design-wise?
- Desktop design page in Figma - what is used by dev as point of reference for latest?
- Can we segment out designs by product/area - e.g. Landing Page, Letter Generator to better see iterations and highlight work in progress
- Any items not dependent on Site Map
- illustrations - finding ones that are more age appropriate based on usability testing feedback - @Serena to ask in Slack
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Team - Talk with Content about organizing Figma around feature areas -e.g. LP, LG, draft next design and current designs. Where can we find the latest About Us Google Doc? are words / copy on Figma the latest?
- [ ] Serena to create GH ticket for footer update
- [ ] Anita to check with Sam H / Irene about content inventory and will work on site audit
- [ ] Serena to check with team / Slack about if we have additional illustrations re: more age-appropriate/diverse per usability testing feedback
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ]
[2022.07.06] Design Meeting Notes
- @RenaNicole @anitadesigns @jamiesiu
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content / Dev / Research / Product Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Team update w/ Sam C
- [ ] Reorient direction / focus - MoSCoW - what is a must for testing with actual users / next round of usability testing re: Usability Internal Testing Results. Minimal changes possible in order to solve problem - Categorization in Figjam - Estimation - Tickets / Issues in GH
- [ ]
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
- MoSCoW exercise - categorized all cards/feedback
- Other teams will be going through this exercise. Content to do and we want to identify any collaboration areas
- Problems finding key information - Serena focusing on footer/header updates, Anita focusing on EA process
- Reorganizing Figma design pages around features / drafts and current pages. Content is open to it, but has concerns about being able to see the cohesive flow for UX writing. Important to at least label sections/pages to see what is most current and where they connect. We'll discuss further in Slack
Action Follow-up
- [ ] Create low fidelity wireframes for "problems finding key information" and share for critiques (Serena/Anita)
- [ ] Create GH Issue / Tickets for each of the usability testing points (Jamie)
- [ ] Check w/ Dev about their process for updates (next dev/design sync) (Team)
- [ ] Discuss with Content in Slack about Figma pages reorganization (Team)
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ] Share low fidelity wireframes for "problems finding key information" and offer feedback
[2022.07.11] Dev / Design Sync Notes
Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each team member
- [ ]
- [ ]
- [ ]
Recurring items:
- [ ] Review action items from prior meetings
- [ ] Balance / Team Health Sustainability Check
- [ ] Blockers Support / Help Needed
- [ ] Design <> Content / Dev / Research / Product Alignment
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
FYI / Announcements
Notes from Meeting
Action Follow-up
- [ ]
Items for next weeks agenda
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