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EA: PM-Org Meeting Agenda
This issue tracks the running agenda for the PM-Org Meetings
# [YEAR-MO-DAY] Agenda and Notes
### Prework
- [ ] Issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/1543
### Roll Call
### Recurring items:
- [ ] Review any issues that are in the new issue approval column on the [project board](https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/77/views/1)
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check
- [ ] Review assignments for each PM
- [ ] [Bonnie](https://github.com/hackforla/internship/issues/assigned/ExperimentsInHonesty)
- [ ] [Emma](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/assigned/emmathrash)
- [ ] [Vanessa](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/assigned/vanessaavviles)
- [ ] [Maria](https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/assigned/mariaweissman)
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
### New Meeting Items
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next meeting's agenda
### FYI
### Notes from Meeting
### Task Items
### Items for next meeting's agenda
18 November 2021 Agenda:
Add your items below!
- [x] Evaluate [this] agenda issue is formidable.
Extra Notes:
- Below?
Agenda for 12/16/21
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Action items
- Brandon and Tom will talk about responsibility for label issue #318
- Brandon will make an agenda issue for the development team which has the same type of Accountability and Support check as above.
- Brandon will coordinate with the other PMs about when to have the meeting currently scheduled for 12-23 and email bonnie some options [email protected]
- Brandon met with Durham Brigade and their project "license recovery" indicated they would reach out to the city to ask them if they want the tool we are developing.
- Bonnie left notes for Lori and Sam on an issue #366
- Bonnie asked Yumeng for an update on #325
Agenda for 12/30/21
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [x] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
Update (i.e., how did it go?)
- Brandon and Tom will talk about responsibility for label issue #318
- Brandon will make an agenda issue for the development team which has the same type of Accountability and Support check as above.
- Did I get a response? to
- Bonnie left notes for Lori and Sam on an issue #366
- Bonnie asked Yumeng for an update on #325
Task Items
- [ ] Bonnie to review current state of labels and make weekly label audit issue
- [ ] we should clear "new issue waiting for approval" every week
- [ ] No assignment of issue until out of "new issue waiting for approval"
- [ ] Discussion of Milestones (examples: hackforla website, internship) - [ ] Roadmap on how to create milestones: (internship) https://github.com/hackforla/internship/issues/54 - [ ] Roadmap on how to create milestones: (community-survey) https://github.com/hackforla/open-community-survey/issues/43
- [ ] Quick audit of label - [ ] add issues to project board
- [ ] Final review of team meeting time
- [ ] Discussion of posting for Dev positions- (got 1 15 yr old from India)- still looking for a team lead
Agenda for 01/06/22
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [x] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Items
- [x] introduce new incoming PMs
- [ ] update on Partnership outreach
Notes from meeting
- We talked about stakeholder meeting for friday
- lettuce meet
- added Val to the 1password account
- added Bridget to github, waiting for her to accept
Task items
- Brandon will setup https://lettucemeet.com/ to get time for an all team meeting
01/13/22 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
- Jessica
- Valeriya
- Bridget
- Tom
- Bonnie
Recurring items:
- [x] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [x] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
We need to
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
Discuss the how to know if you need more people and how to track it
2022-01-20 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [x] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [x] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [x] Make next weeks agenda
- North Carolina, Durham Brigade says that NC does not use statements
- dev is coming along, product mvp seems less glitchy
Notes from Meeting
- Link to add people to the github expunge assist write team
- prereq
- they provided gmail
- got added to the new google drive
- added themselves to the roster
- prereq
- Re NC not needing the tool. Bonnie brought up their product (automation for data entry) could be a future product partnership for Expunge Assist and future feature if our stakeholders are interested and its feasible for us.
- Talked about how to recruit for new team members and provided links
Task Items
- [ ] Brandon is going to put together notes on what NC Brigade does for potential future products
- [ ] UX will add to wherever there are storing notes about what questions to ask during usability testing of our product, this question to be asked
- would a tool that does X automation for forms/records be useful to you (ie create a national automation product)
- [ ] Bonnie will fix the audit issue so that it has a checklist. See this issue as the example from another project https://github.com/hackforla/food-oasis/issues/1119
- [x] Valeriya or Jessica will make an issue for Conduct background research about which states require a declaration letter to file an expungement petition
Items for next weeks agenda
- [ ] UXR: research plan for usability testing and interviews with stakeholders
- [ ] UXR: content writing for HfLA discussion
Bonnie mentions future products for Expunge Assist can work on. Put together notes on what NC Brigade does for potential future products
- what a tool that does X be good for you (ie create a national automation product)
- Conduct background research about which states require a declaration letter to file an expungement petition
please add this to the next agenda
- [ ] update this card with the logo and brief description of the project (see other card, for how its done)
- [ ] https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/projects/8#card-75413379
- [ ] https://github.com/hackforla/engineering/projects/2#card-61082123
2022-01-27 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ] UXR: research plan for usability testing and interviews with stakeholders
- [ ] UXR: content writing for HfLA discussion
- [x] update this card with the logo and
- [ ] brief description of the project see GreenEarthOS for description, for how its done)
- [x] https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/projects/8#card-75413379
- [ ] https://github.com/hackforla/engineering/projects/2#card-61082123
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
- Research team uploaded ad to Github to recruit researchers; Val and Jess have been meeting with interested Hack for LA members who want to join the team
Notes from Meeting
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
This issue tracks the running agenda for the PM-Org Weekly Meetings
[2/3/22] Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [x] UXR: content writing for HfLA discussion
- [ ]
- [ ]
- Research team uploaded ad to Github to recruit researchers; Val and Jess have continued to meet with interested Hack for LA members who want to join the team
- UXR: research team working on plan for interviews and usability testing with stakeholders (multi-pronged approach)
Notes from Meeting
Bonnie mentions- having the first 7 days of no meetings. Team leads can meet but no meetings otherwise.
Bonnie talks about her plans for the PM community of practice- she will make mini guides. Also, PMs talking about what is and isn't working.
Brandon/ Val- says he's starting a new job so they can't come to the day meetings any more. Brandon mentions changing the meeting time
Val - we are recruiting UX content writers- Sam wants to create a community of practice- and wants to meet with designers and maybe come to PM meetings.
Bonnie wants UX content writers to continue to meet with Research but have breakout rooms during the meeting. She says her and Zoe (Hack4LA content writer) decided that they should create the content writer board and job description.
Bonnie discusses new issue waiting to approval column and organizing research issues
Tom- asks about label numbers - Bonnie she will clean up label issue
Task Items
Bonnie changes meeting to Thur. at 4p PST and 7p EST
Andan- create an issue fixing github "Teams" https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/teams?query=expung
Bonnie discusses a setting up a meeting to meet with Val and Jessica to organize the research issues.
Items for next weeks agenda
This issue tracks the running agenda for the PM-Org Weekly Meetings
[2/10/22] Agenda and Notes
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
- [ ]
Notes from Meeting
- need to keep an eye on the slack channel for those interested in joining the project, and get back to them asap.
- bonnie asks to set up meeting with daniel if he still wants exception to onboard devs who cannot pass prereqs. any weekday before 6pm or weekend. Doesn't recommend these onboards though, generally, as they usually become bottlenecks.
- bonnie suggests just deleting main branch and renaming default to main.
- Gave daniel admin permissions to do this himself
- bonnie gives this link (https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/wiki/Onboard-Offboard) with instructions for our team to make issues for onboarding and offboarding issues for each team in the project.
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-02-17 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-03-10 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
[x] Discuss possible future uses for personal statement generators for design to work on (but research would need to review this path): Andan mentioned gang injunctions and child custody
[x] Ask Bonnie to give current example of design system- as next assignments for design to create uniformity for project: Civic tech index, Hack 4 LA website and design systems
[ ] Thomas:
- [x] Confirm off-boarding for Andan, Brandon, and Jess
- [x] Go over how to setup/edit zoom meetings with Brandon
- [ ] Bring up possible new tabs for the kanban, for recurring items / agendas
- [x] Bring up the Miro account to Bonnie. It's registered under expunge assist (with the old email), but not in use and titled 311-data. Maybe delete.
- [x] Go over all the places containing the meeting times, ex.: HfLA website, to make an onboarding type item so we keep them all in sync.
- [x] Question: can we also have an open role post for a Design team PM, in the Design open roles page?
[ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- regarding Andans design systems issue about how the product could addr.ess different audiences and needs, (HfLA website, Civic Tech index, Design Systems) Bonnie will provide links.
- Regarding the question of having a PM open role in the Design roles board, should not do that and wouldn't be helpful either way.
- Regarding Thomas' issue for updating the meeting times across all channels: need to change them on the HfLA website using the VRMS link below (found on the HfLA website updates issue); also need to keep them up to date on the Expunge Assist github page, and then go into all our open roles postings and just link people (the issues) to one of these two to see the meeting times.
Task Items
- [ ] Thomas needs to finish the process of copying the Miro boards to the new account, so the old one can be deleted.
- [x] Thomas will remove Brandon from the Zoom vault table and add his.
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-03-17 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
- [ ]
New Meeting Items
- [x] Thomas:
- [x] Discuss possible fits for new PM with Valeryia
- [x] Remind myself to check other Teams' Dev wikis in inspiration for our own
- [x] Let's discuss you adding this CTA to your team agenda
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Thomas didn't get to finish the Miro board transition last week
- [ ] Bring up possible new tabs for the kanban, for recurring items / agendas
- [ ] regarding Andans design systems issue about how the product could address different audiences and needs, (HfLA website, Civic Tech index, Design Systems) Bonnie will provide links.
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- [ ]
Task Items
- [x] add going over and removing a person's open issues in the project board.
- [x] add adding people to the git repo read team in the onboarding/offboarding issue (not just writing team)
- [ ] go back and make sure all labels in the label checking issue are accounted for in the filters
- [x] Thomas finish and close out the document team meeting times issue for the love of god
Items for next weeks agenda
- Please add to next weeks agenda the following Communications guide discussion. This doc is an example
2022-03-24 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [x] Communications guide discussion. This doc is an example
- [x] Bring up possible new tabs for the kanban, for recurring items / agendas
- [x] regarding Andans design systems issue about how the product could address different audiences and needs, (HfLA website, Civic Tech index, Design Systems) Bonnie will provide links.
- [x] Research: Update about the projects (usability, state by state, wiki)
- [ ] Question: connecting with HfLA teams for usability testing
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [x] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- Bonnie will be out and unavailable next week
- Communication guide should be linked in the Project Wiki. OCS Sample
- Design systems leverage from HFLA Figma templates. Civic Tech Index Example. Important to build out and prioritize. Create retroactively if needed. Good for design portfolios. Estd 20 hrs effort. Val to check with Research team
- Ideally have pair of Design Leads and spare backup in training.
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
Links for Figma Design Systems from HfLA Website and Civic Tech Index (shared by Bonnie in the Zoom chat):
2022-03-31 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [x] Tom:
- [x] Finish onboarding Jamie with Bonnie - 1password
- [x] Ask Val about April 1st estimate - Dan thinks we can get an MVP by then/Monday
- [ ]
- [x] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [x] Make next weeks agenda
- Bonnie will not be joining meetings 21st - 27th of every month; similarly, 1st-7th of every month she is focused on leadership / org-wide meetings and will be unavailable for calls
Notes from Meeting
- Testing plan should be done by next week. 30 mins internal, 60 external
- Tell Val when MVP product is pushed online for them to start testing the testing plan
- Val to show bonnie research plan next week
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
- Bonnie to review usability testing research plan
- Discuss how to use / determine next milestones
2022-04-07 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
Meeting Items
- [ ] Research team is ready to review internal testing research plan & guide
- [ ] Please review #507 (document is attached)
- [ ] The recruitment message is in the comment to this issue (also send Tom on Slack)
- [ ] Looking forward to the feedback!
- [ ] Discuss how to use / determine next milestones
- [ ] Thomas:
- [x] Updates meeting times in the wiki
- [x] Updated members and contact info in the ReadMe
- [ ] Check in on updating the meeting times on the website
- [ ] The version that's up is ready for internal testing, just need to update with graphic for the landing page.
- [ ] Need to put up listing for open PM role as well, to help with the content writing team which might be growing to 3 members.
- [ ] Should we hide the agendas for old meetings?
- [ ] Any concerns with minors accessing the tool?
Notes from Meeting
- concise/shorter better for Slack message, research plan documentation/intro
- MVP site landing page to be updated
- update favicon to one with purple color. currently transparent
- need proper open graph tags for when previewing link. Reference https://developers.facebook.com/docs/sharing/webmasters/
- several points of feedback shared on internal testing research plan. Further review needed
Task Items
Items for next week's agenda
I need to delete this card https://github.com/hackforla/UI-UX/projects/3#card-76604465
and replace it with this one https://github.com/hackforla/marketing/projects/4#card-80541066
because I put it on the wrong board. It goes on the Marketing board
2022-04-14 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Bonnie:
- [ ] I need to delete this card: https://github.com/hackforla/UI-UX/projects/3#card-76604465
- [ ] and replace it with this one: https://github.com/hackforla/marketing/projects/4#card-80541066
- [ ] because I put it on the wrong board. It goes on the UX Writing Roles board
- [ ] Research team is ready to review internal testing research plan & guide
- [x] Please review #507 (document is attached)
- [x] The recruitment message is in the comment to this issue (also send Tom on Slack)
- [x] Looking forward to the feedback!
- [ ] Discuss how to use / determine next milestones
- [ ] Thomas:
- [x] Check in on updating the meeting times on the website Bonnie poked w/ VRMS team in their Slack channel. Tech lead changed for their team and may have not known/looked for it
- [ ] The version that's up is ready for internal testing, just need to update with graphic for the landing page.
- [ ] Need to put up listing for open PM role as well, to help with the content writing team which might be growing to 3 members. Yeah we should go ahead and create post. Leverage feature:Recruitment template issues to make easier to recruit. Reference OCS example
- [ ] Should we hide the agendas for old meetings?
- [x] Any concerns with minors accessing the tool? No, if we're not saving data
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- Follow up w/ Dev team on landing page picture/favicon update
- Check out FB/LI groups for UX Designer opportunity posting to get more potential volunteers. Schedule time w/ potentials. Sam has sample text for post. Can post to respective HFLA Slack channels - respect DEI/topics and be sensitive. Get involved with onboarding. Update the "Joining the Team" section for UI UX Designer (link to Figma, assets, one-sheet). Meet w/ Daisy and update knowledge transfer checklist together. Create items for prioritized backlog prior to recruitment. Dependency should be only tied to things we can clear and know when we can clear. Meet w/ Val/Research and Dev to see what they need from Design (e.g. what happens when they do x), touch on Design System. Get personas, clarity on where things are at design-wise, any notes Daisy has. Documentation
- HackForLA site update pending change / no ETA
- Discussed updates to Team Wiki. Review and add as need (e.g. remove Data Science part for now?)
- Collabathon event / Youth Justice Nav. Val could help with potential folks to support. Paid product manager to create plan that could then ease future efforts (can leverage concept for more projects)
Internal Testing Research Plan Review
- New Interviews Slack/Zapier bot - refer to CodeforAmerica Slack #organizers-playbook
- Consent disclosure - how using their info
- User profiles could benefit from added clarity- e.g. position as ppl who need firm support, immediacy in language rather than ambiguous long term. Not appeals. We want definitive test cases
- Signed off by Bonnie
- Ask for Bonnie to help post recruitment Slack message out Monday.
- Tom to confirm the landing page update is done, so we can then notify Bonnie to post. Val to remind Bonnie via email w/ message link
- Lean on story points to help identify staffing based on totals in backlog - e.g. 10 pts = x# of y roles https://github.com/hackforla/open-community-survey/issues/13 . Look at avg # of pts per person / role type. Over/under-staffing. Further reason 1 assignee per issue. Split out tickets further as needed. # of weeks in backlog per person no more than 8.
- Bonnie will be out next week. Meeting next time in 2 weeks.
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-04-28 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ]
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- Internal Usability Testing - 6 sessions held, wrapping up, lot of ppl signed up thanks to Bonnie's Slack channel post
- Analysis to be done, discussing plans Friday. estimating 2 weeks for analysis. Dev asked for feedback to be digestible
- Val mentioned to their work. Possible their org may be able to participate in next round of testing
- Youth Justice project followup. Paid product manager to reach out to Val
- Design System - Val to help out with Serena. Val will be trusting Research team to manage Research team work progress while she's focused on this
- Planning Week Next Week - first week of every month to plan out rest of month. Allows buffer for prioritization, organization, clarity, board health. Leads to just meet with each other. Means team doesn't need to meet this week, but they still do work
- Nothing should be in Icebox unless has clear dependency. 24 in there now and only 7 have dependency. Board needs to be groomed regularly.
- Clean up all icebox issues weekly (https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/546). Put dependency at top of each issue. Reference
- New Issue Approval column should be reviewed and filtered to Prioritized Backlog. No one should be assigned to anything in Prioritized Backlog. One issue per person. PM's move issues from New Issues to Prioritized Backlog.
- Don't need milestones just yet. For those that need one, just put as post-MVP milestone for now. Bonnie will help us with building out MS's after.
- Reference Guide for Milestones. Various types of MS's - e.g. Secuirty, Compliance. Compliance - credits, ppl pics, privacy policy. Security - Keys, passwords. PM Wiki Guide for Milestones
- PM's job to prioritize. Priority - low / med / high is less effective than MS's. MS's prioritize and segment things more cleanly so there are less choices to make. HackForLA Website Milestones Example. Low priority milestones can be highlighted and separated for brand new volunteers / good first issue's. Excellent level -> nice to have type things
- Break down MS's into further sub-milestones as needed. Assess based on # of work in progress and rankings. Use milestones filters - example
- Teach team to write issues and share this responsibility.
- MS's help timing and identifying what is missing to achieve the MS's.
- For old issues / those with ppl who left team, group them and set up convos with others who may have context
- Design System ticket - break down further into smaller issues and various phases - analysis, recommendations, implementations. Be clear and specific
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-05-05 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Thomas:
- [x] Ask Bonnie to go over how to properly complete this issue: https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/issues/429 * URL for project cards - can just leave alone, not for us * Check off everything. One comment with all changes in there
- [ ] Review milestones - ps: I added the team agendas to the "Project Management" milestone. Hope that's correct.
- [x] There are a number of older issues assigned as Development that remain outside the proper format as I wasn't able to go over them with Dan this week. I'll review them/correct them with him in our meeting today.
- [ ] 1password access for Serena Sanders
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- review of issues cleanup done. what's next for milestones? development
- "dependency" label filter
in Icebox. Make sure dependency label is on these issues - "dependency missing" filter should not be used.
- list dependency linked issues as "
- #
with # of issue". No need to repeat name of dependency. - keep dependency notes simple and think "if a future volunteer looked at this, what would someone need to complete this?"
- dependencies shouldn't be a to-do for that issue. better to link
- clear icebox weekly
- prioritized backlog should be ready to work. if unclear, drag to new issue approval column
- Val working with Sam on label / issues clarity
- do a check on various board rules regularly
- feature: missing
- dependency: missing
- https://github.com/hackforla/expunge-assist/labels?q=missing
- items review
- #256 - go to icebox and clarify more
- #62 - they can download it (if on public computer, we can't and don't want to?). ideally not have download option for our users. Instead have an email they could send it to? we shouldn't store locally. Need for research - do libraries have tech to clear things/cache like a fedex kinko's printer? What do we need to do make sure their info is protected (cookies cleared?) for worst case scenario. Library association guidance for cross-country. Loop in Home United and other projects that will have similar challenges
- labels
- some labels too broad - feature: guidelines, documentation, Figma content writing. e.g. feature: guidelines -> instead -> feature:style guide (more specific and what use case)
- use issues view and check by labels to see how often they are used. good to audit consistently
Task Items
- [ ] clean up onboard/offboard tickets and other tickets with incorrect dependency format. provide concise and specific notes (All PM's)
- [ ] go over issues that have "dependency missing" label
- [ ] research how libraries handle data between changes in users - caching? Ask library staff to dig into #62 . Rewrite issue to be more clear
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-05-12 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Thomas:
- [ ] Review milestones - ps: I added the team agendas to the "Project Management" milestone. Hope that's correct.
- [ ] Go over Val's Research files, she won't be able to make the meeting herself today.
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- Bonnie sharing lessons learned from recent interviews/discussions with Github/other org's
- CodeForAmerica - looking for projects to fund a project manager for 6 mo's to engage w/ stakeholders (apply grants, get funding, national impact and scaling) and also looking for candidates to be the project manager. Any interest from team to do role or have external project manager support? Tom interested in both. Jamie seconds getting external project support
- CodeForAmerica/HFLA history share
- https://codeforall.org/ - other chapters in Japan, Germany. Transition to remote for HFLA started pre-pandemic
- Review of Usability testing Research - Excel sheet #549. * Reference example - HFLA Website project guide on Wins Submission Process Research. Presentation shows process for evaluating/reviewing user testing results, highlighting wins, and determining action items. See further how they broke down issues to creating next issues * Product role is to see bigger story of recommendations / feedback and connect back to project vision and direction. * @ValeriyaMetla Bonnie's recommendation is for Research to have presentation deck along with quotes and data spreadsheet ready for All-Team meeting presentation. Also, separately, we should have a wiki page (see template) for every research effort done for documentation/record
Task Items
Items for next weeks agenda
2022-05-19 Agenda and Notes
- [ ] issue for audit Weekly Audit of labels and milestones #318
Roll Call
Recurring items:
- [x] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column
- [x] Accountability and Support Check.
- [x] finish adding labels to the issue that are still missing them (see audit links above)
New Meeting Items
- [ ] Thomas:
- [ ] Review milestones - ps: I added the team agendas to the "Project Management" milestone. Hope that's correct.
- [ ] Val: Update on Usability Testing
- [ ] Carry over to next week anything we didn't get covered this week
- [ ] Make next weeks agenda
Notes from Meeting
- [ ] Setting milestones
- [ ] Making roadmap issue like the open community survey team
- [ ] copied the issue created one for EA. #560
- [ ] change feature labels, make sure all make sense, and we have all feature labels, create if we don't - highlighted in red. Before make new - make sure you don't have anything similar (all feature labels in Existing Feature Labels)
- [ ] make sure we have the label (p-feature) for all things on the website.
- [ ] excellent level - don't need it now, but know that want to do it in the future. if not sure if should do it in the future - put in the icebox and put dependency (review issue after MVP)
- [ ] Ongoing - doesn't fit into other categories, or put back into ice box as not using it, example - recruitment, image staroga (if want to add image, need to create issue - to create URL)
- [ ] Checking the Board - ongoing issue to start setting milestones - content issue
- [ ] MVP - ffix all things that are vital to use a product - still MVP even if tested with users; Post-MVP - mminimmum working product, more conmetic things, "nice to have"
- [ ] Bonnie create several milestones.
- [ ] Bonnie created Milestone - Standards and assign an issue to it
- [ ] #557 - added Milestone Standards