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Create Pro Persona User Stories for New BallotNav Features
Based on our BallotNav proposed MVP we are looking to partner with government partner and walk them through our open source project, with the goal of getting the government partner to adopt our site. We have developed a list of features we would like to add to the product before we begin outreach.
We need to develop user personas to better support our design reasoning and decisions for prioritizing our 'Must Have' features.
Action Items
- [x] If possible gather user persona or pro persona formats from other projects (suggestion: ask UI/UX channel)
- [x] Add decided on pro-persona template below in resources/instructions
- [x] Create pro personas (personas based on fictitious people) for must have functions in our features list
Example found from HackforLA (forgot which one)
A few pro persona stories we discussed on 1/25 team meeting:
- Active voters who are also tech savvy and would like to find their voting information with a sleek interface, etc.
- New voters looking for information on how/when/where to vote
- Voters from various political ideologies (Republican, Democrat, Independent)
- Voters who are less tech savvy but are interested in mail voting
- Voters who are on the fence about voting (does voting fit into my schedule)
- Voter who came to us from partner referred site
- Voters who are disabled and would prefer to vote by mail
- Voters who are ill but would still like to vote
Did a bit of research on some common problems/perceptions of voting and created 4 personas. @kcoronel can you pls review them to see if they cover enough ground for what we are looking to do and let me know if you have any input on defining the scenarios a bit more?
Persona format is a mixture of the one above and the one on figma from @fedelandini.
Went over personas at team meeting on 2/7, Jon, Federica and Irina will continue to work on the personas, specifically
- [ ] adding additional personas that touch upon additional paperwork or legal issues people may encounter when dropping off a ballot for a family member or friend
- [ ] @aNullValue will review; mentioned that he had been thinking about a few personas when thinking about the new features for the project Figma design was really great! No decision yet on whether to call out political affiliation or not within the persona template
@layneam @yoursgayathri @aNullValue please review personas for next week and you can leave comments in this issue. @layneam please add a new comment with the states that require additional signatures for dropping of ballot.
@jonlam27 please create user personas for the following additions.
Partners: Black Voters Matter -based in Georgia ACLU
Round 1: Wisconsin Louisiana Arkansas Kentucky
States that require a witness signature on their absentee ballot materials:
- Alabama requires 2 signatures:
- Alaska requires 1 signature, though it was waived in 2020 because of COVID:
- Virginia requires 1 signature:
- Wisconsin requires 1 signature:
Depending on the outcomes of the customer advisory board that @staceyrebekahscott is working on with Bonnie, and in response to feedback that we should partner with "anyone who cares about voting rights" we should include personas for...
- Democratic party orgs (e.g. voting project teams in those orgs)
- Voting rights orgs such as, aclu and/or black voters matter
- Local government IT depts or project teams
@layneam thanks for this, will ask you to go into this at tomorrow's meeting :)
Notes from 3/1: Create pro persona from the perspective of validators Develop flow for someone updating information in the 'admin portal'
03/15/22: Discussed at UX meeting that the personas developed here could be connected to personas that need to be developed for issue #471. These personas may also be affected based on results of issue #480. Issue should remain open and active for now, based on its relation to these 2 issues.
@jonlam27 Please update with current status, and any feedback from our UX break out session on 03/15/22.
- Reviewed issue, and due to revised thinking about the personas, I am moving this to Prioritized Backlog. Nothing in this issue needs to be actively worked on at this time.
- Removed Jon as assignee
- Notified Jon of assignee removal
- Moved to Prioritized Backlog
@jonlam27 Removing your assignment on this issue, as these personas do not need to be actively worked on at this time.