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Create and Configure Cognito User Pool
Epic: Integrate with AWS Cognito for Authorization
This ticket sets up the AWS Cognito resource in AWS for us to utilize with the VRMS website. Development environment client variables:
AWS_COGNITO_REGION=us-west-2 AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID=us-west-2_Fn4rkZpuB AWS_COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID=5u7s2nj55mp9v5qmt9scja4hnr
Will leave this open for production release set up. v.4 release is still several months away, so it's too early to set up a production user pool yet (and it only takes a few minutes).
- [ ] Review the documentation below.
- [ ] Create a new user pool in the US-West-2 region with the following settings:
- User Identity: email
- Password Requirements: min 8, require numbers, upper/lower case, special characters
- User Creation: Allow users to sign themselves up
- MFA: disabled
- Account Recovery: Email only
- Account verification: Email Only
- Advanced Security: Disabled
- Enable SRP
- Domain Name:
- This has been done for development env: vrms-dev,
- [ ] Within the new user pool, create a new Application Client with the following settings:
- Sign in URLs: http://localhost:3000, https://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3001, https://localhost:3001
- Sign out URLs: http://localhost:3000, https://localhost:3000, http://localhost:3001, https://localhost:3001
- OAuth2 Flow: Authorization Code Grant
- OAuth scopes: email, openid, profile
- App client secret - Do not create
- [ ] Document the created resource information on this ticket.
- Region the pool was created in (this should be US-West-2)
- User Pool Id
- Application Client Id
Example Pool and Client Ids:
Once the user pool and application client have been created and reviewed, we'll need to create the appropriate entries in our .ENV files to house these.
- [ ] Choose appropriate keys to use for storing these values (you can use the above or your own keys)
- [ ] Update the environment variables documentation, adding these values to the
Development environment client variables:
AWS_COGNITO_REGION=us-west-2 AWS_COGNITO_USER_POOL_ID=us-west-2_Fn4rkZpuB AWS_COGNITO_APP_CLIENT_ID=5u7s2nj55mp9v5qmt9scja4hnr
Will leave this open for production release set up. v.4 release is still several months away, so it's too early to set up a production user pool yet (and it only takes a few minutes).