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Add Slack message functionality to send appropriate meeting link
A Slack message should be sent to a specific channel including the videoconference link for the upcoming meeting
Action Items
- [ ] Research Slack API implementation
- [ ] Develop cron job to automatically send Slack message including the videoconference link
Progress: Successful connection with the Slack API from VRMS. Next Steps: Pull events per project to figure out appropriate slack channel and notification time to send message ETA: Currently working, possibly 1 week Availability: Yes
Progress: No progress from last week Next Steps: Pull events per project to figure out appropriate slack channel and notification time to send message ETA: Will begin tomorrow, 1 week to develop
On hold for sprint deadline. Will resume after the 21st unless the other work is completed sooner.
Progress: Slack bot messaging test Slack channel Next Step: Need to know where to find event time/zoom link in database. ETA:? Availability: 24/7
Progress: Successfully pulling project slack channel data from database. Next Step: Setting automatic slack message scheduling. Blocks: Requires credentials/approval for app to access Hack for LA slack. May be advisable to create test group before this. ETA: 8/17 Availability:24/7
Progress: Ongoing Next Step: Setting automatic slack message scheduling. Blocks: Events being pulled from database aren't showing events for the coming wee, making it difficult to test. ETA: 8/18 Availability:24/7
Progress: In Progress Blocks: Database issues Availability: 24/7 ETA: 8/24
Progress: 1.Backend set up to run a check on mondays, making a list of all upcoming events this week. 2.Function for running events successfully tested. Blocks:
- Need data in the Project collection to identify the slack channels for the upcoming events. Availability: 24/7 ETA: ?
@Jonathanko52 please provide your update
Progress: Running as expected on test Slack channel. Next Step: Testing on Hack for LA Slack Channel Block: Events collection in database is out of date and not updating properly. No events have been created past 8/26 Availability:24/7
Progress: Reworked to work with service workers. Next Step: Testing on Hack for LA Slack Channel Block: Pull request requires reviewing. Requires installation by someone with admin rights to the Hack for LA Slack Channel ETA: Within this week.
- The PR is reviewed.
- Please ask @ExperimentsInHonesty for help with Hack for LA Slack Channel.
Progress: ExperimentsInHonesty contacted. Next Step: Create instructions for ExperimentsInHonesty Block: None. Task in progress. ETA: 10/5
Progress: Slack Application installed onto Hack for LA Slack Channel. Next Step: Test App on Hack for LA page. ETA: 10/6
Progress: New goals added: -Add comments so other progammers have an easier time figuring out how the new router and worker works. -Add safeties so testing the app will not duplicate events and post straight to Hack for LA slack if run locally Next Step: In Progress. ETA:10/19
@JackHaeg will bring this up with bonnie, to see if this is a priority