VRMS copied to clipboard
VRMS: ALL: Monday Meeting Agenda :memo:
Bonnie came to our meeting today and requested that we do our agendas on a single issue, so I created this one!
Here is the old one: https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1051
and our old system on the wiki that needs to be updates: https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/wiki/Team-Meetings
## [DATE] Meeting Agenda and Notes
### Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [ ] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
### Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Jack
- [ ] Bonnie
- [ ] Trillium
- [ ] Julia
- [ ] Josh
- [ ] Brad
- [ ] Evan
- [ ] Angela
- [ ] Katiuska
- [ ] Nora
- [ ] Nikhil
- [ ] Mudassir
- [ ] Sankshay
- [ ] Vorleak
- [ ] James
- [ ] Pluto
### FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
### Recurring items:
### New Items
### Issue assignment cleanup:
**PMs / Designers**
- [ ] [Jack](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/JackHaeg)
- [ ] [Julia](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/juliagab56)
- [ ] [Trillium](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/Spiteless)
- [ ] [Josh](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/jbubar)
- [ ] [Brad](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/bkmorgan3)
- [ ] [Evan](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/evanyang1)
- [ ] [Angela](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/awlfccamp)
- [ ] [Katiuska](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/chukalicious)
- [ ] [Nora](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/ntrehan)
- [ ] [Nikhil](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/nora-zajzon)
- [ ] [Mudassir](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/hussainmudassir)
- [ ] [Sankshay](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/sankshaypusa)
- [ ] [Vorleak](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/vorleakyek)
- [ ] [James](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/jng34)
- [ ] [Pluto](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/assigned/pluto-bell)
### Notes from meeting
### Tasks
### Items for next week's agenda
Old Team Meetings:
Previous Team Meeting Agendas (from 2022) that were previously stored on the VRMS Wiki have been preserved in this issue.
Jan 30th:
Bonnie jumped on and brought up the following:
Hi PMs - ill be coming to Monday's VRMS meeting. I don't see an open agenda issue to add this to, so here are my items Talk about why you migrated agenda locations and how its working for your team in issues https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1051 to wiki https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/wiki/Team-Meetings Org recently adding feature: agenda label to all project repos that don't have it and how VRMS can use this information I updated this issue https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1274 This page needs updating: https://www.hackforla.org/projects/vrms it looks like you opened a change request but it needs refining https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/3694
## [DATE] Meeting Agenda and Notes
### Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Review the QA
- [ ] Prework issues: Add notes to this meeting agenda as a discussion or FYI item (if no action needs to be taken).
- [ ] Check to see how new team members are doing
- [ ] [UX writing](https://github.com/hackforla/website/projects/7?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+writing%22#column-15490305)
- [ ] Can we improve the prework template based on something we see as a pattern?
### Role Call (who is here)
### FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
### Recurring items:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column for
- [ ] [UX Writing](https://github.com/hackforla/website/projects/7?card_filter_query=label%3A%22role%3A+writing%22#column-15235217)
- [ ] [Product] - that are related to writing
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
- [ ] Review assignments for each PM
- [ ] [Bonnie](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/assigned/ExperimentsInHonesty)
- [ ] [Zoe](https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues?q=assignee%3Azzhoje+is%3Aopen)
### New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
### Notes from meeting
### Tasks
### Items for next week's agenda
2023-02-06 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Judy's prototype work
Role Call (who is here)
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
- [ ] Onboarding Event
Recurring items:
- [ ] PM Updates
- [ ] Design Review - Clickable Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/pIxFTL62Nx2XyQdZy1fR6f/VRMS-v.4?page-id=119%3A46&node-i[…]in-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1056%3A902&show-proto-sidebar=1
- [ ] Dev updates / availability
- [ ] Review assignments for next week
Notes from meeting
- [ ] Reach out to PMs of different projects (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZSyCkO3XgD19EzmpLPkmz196vpwNnjjNMZZqXUV8Wqw/edit#gid=0)
- [ ] Prepare deck to show how to use VRMS
- [ ] Schedule "Lunch n' Learn" for Feb 13
- [ ] Usabiity testing with Bonnie Feb 13 -
--0) Sign in to VRMS by following the prompts to arrive at the “Project Management” screen. 1) Add a new project name “Testy Test” and its project details. Also, add some recurring team meeting times for this project. After you finish, return to the “Project Management” screen and make sure it is added to the database and stop there. 2) Oops! You just realize that Testy Test’s Team Meeting 1 starts at 7PM vs. 8PM. Find project Testy Test and change the recurring Team Meeting 1 time accordingly. After you finish, return to the “Project Management” screen and stop there. 3) Find David Rubinstein with email [email protected] and add him to project Testy Test. After you finish, return to the “User Management” screen and stop there. 4) David Rubinstein just emailed you that he cannot be on project Testy Test. So, remove him from this project. After you finish, return to the “User Management” screen and stop there.
Items for next week's agenda
2023-02-06 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Judy's prototype work
Role Call (who is here)
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
- [ ] Onboarding Event
Recurring items:
- [ ] PM Updates
- [ ] Design Review - Clickable Prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/pIxFTL62Nx2XyQdZy1fR6f/VRMS-v.4?page-id=119%3A46&node-i[…]in-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1056%3A902&show-proto-sidebar=1
- [ ] Dev updates / availability
- [ ] Review assignments for next week
Notes from meeting
- [ ] Amanda & Julia getting added to VRMS
- [ ] Matt from the web team is interested in joining the VRMS team (a 7 out of 10)
- [ ] All PMs are updated in VRMS so we can add PMs and have them adjust meeting times and have project level access. Matt confirmed meeting times are being reflected on VRMS and the website so we can now teach PMs how to use the system and test their experience - YAY!!!
- [ ] Alex & Amanda will create a step-by-step guide on how to edit meeting times on VRMS for the lunch & learn and also to document how to make the edits so PMs can follow the steps on their own
- [ ] Food Oasis Meeting updates from the chat in the meeting: ADD Food Oasis, Developer Meeting, Monday 6.30pm, 30 mins ADD Food Oasis, PM Meeting, Tuesday 5pm, 1 hour ADD Food Oasis, UXR Meeting, Tuesday 6:30 pm, 1 hour DELETE Thu 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Team Meeting ADD Food Oasis, Leads and PM Meeting, Thursday 6pm, 1 hour ADD Food Oasis, All Team Meeting, First Thursday of the month 6pm, 1 hour ADD Food Oasis, Design Meeting, Thursday 7pm, 1 hour
- [ ] No new developers from the last onboarding event / Julia to talk to some new UX volunteers who haven't been assigned a project yet; Developers look for an updated Repo and if we update that to explain the defined priorities that could help
- [ ] Judy live tested her clickable prototype with Matt First Task: Sign in to VRMS by following the prompts to arrive at the “Project Management” screen Second Task: Add a new project name “Testy Test” and its project details. Also, add some recurring team meeting times for this project. After you finish, return to the “Project Management” screen and make sure it is added to the database and stop there. Third Task: Oops! You just realize that Testy Test’s Team Meeting 1 starts at 7PM vs. 8PM. Find project Testy Test and change the recurring Team Meeting 1 time accordingly. After you finish, return to the “Project Management” screen and stop there. Fourth Task: Find David Rubinstein with email [email protected] and add him to project Testy Test. After you finish, return to the “User Management” screen and stop there. Last Task: David Rubinstein just emailed you that he cannot be on project Testy Test. So, remove him from this project. After you finish, return to the “User Management” screen and stop there. Matt's Feedback: Personal preference to have less total clicking on the page with the identifiers once he saves something, he would rather have confirmation that it was saved without having to click out of that screen; forms look good, inputs are solid. Haven't seen a logout that is in parenthesis versus a button. When adding someone to VRMS he would prefer it to say submit versus save.
- [ ] Lunch & Learn (dinner) guide / Alex creating the guide, Judy & Julia will pretty it up
- [ ] Need to delete Food Oasis meetings, then project, then re-add the Food Oasis project; need to tell Food Oasis that there is an issue with their data in the database so we can't update their data right away but we are working on it
- [ ] Figure out testing for live prototypes and then schedule time with Bonnie for review - planning for usability testing with Bonnie next Monday. Judy's new schedule makes evenings difficult. We will get a script and either Julia, Alex or Amanda can run the user-test per the script and we will record this. Here is the post prototype survey to give Bonnie: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScuFPl0bbNuPGOWLsImRjJ9TvMqsHmwCCOwSpy8R7TFL3AHRA/viewform
Items for next week's agenda
2023-02-13 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Judy's prototype reviewed and usability testing script
Role Call (who is here)
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
- [x] Lunch n' Learn Deck ready
- [x] New dev joining VRMS
Recurring items:
- [x] PM/Design/Dev updates if any
- [ ] Judy asks Josh about user count / usage for VRMS and if there’s a way for us to gather this data now and track the improvements over time once the updated changes are live.
- [x] Food Oasis update? We haven't been able to figure out what's happening, but Josh was able to edit the meeting times in the database.
Resources for meeting
- [ ] Figma prototype (https://www.figma.com/proto/pIxFTL62Nx2XyQdZy1fR6f/VRMS-v.4?page-id=3%3A7&node-id=1[…]340%2C0.06&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1258%3A3042](https://www.figma.com/proto/pIxFTL62Nx2XyQdZy1fR6f/VRMS-v.4?page-id=3%3A7&node-id=1258%3A3042&viewport=-67%2C340%2C0.06&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=1258%3A3042)
- [ ] Usability Testing Script (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dgUWl19vQnuWq6DEowettsdWgfoAJtLG/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103294400702453794212&rtpof=true&sd=true)
- [ ] Post Test Survey (https://forms.gle/BnDNHKyDZB4Aw6PT8)
Notes from meeting
[ ] Ask for permission to record
[ ] Usability testing with Bonnie part 2
[ ] Post test survey
[ ] UX researcher responsbilities?
Items for next week's agenda
- [ ] Josh update on ways to track VRMS usage
- [ ] Josh needs time with devs in breakout room
- [ ] Update from Stephanie regarding Lunch n' Learn Scheduling
- [ ] Update from Julia regarding UX researcher and issues
Feb. 27th Usability test with Bonnie March 6th Lunch n' Learn
@heyitsalexander I could not find another issue for the slide deck creation. So I am adding my notes from the review here:
Lunch n' Learn deck VRMS - How to Add/Edit Meeting Times slides
- logo warped
- Prerequisites should be moved to previous slide
- creating an account
- having that account upgraded by the org admin (currently Bonnie) to project editor status
- creating an account
- I added text to this slide
- What do you mean when you say "(Remember: Event Name will not show up on website)"
- I added text to the second bullet
@heyitsalexander Are you having a meeting on the 27th. If yes, I can come for the usability test then. If not I can come on 03-06
@ExperimentsInHonesty Yes, usability testing with you on the 27th! Lunch n Learn on 3/6
@heyitsalexander I dont see that you made the logo change yet. See https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1280#issuecomment-1435727213. I will want to review/revise the Lunch n' Learn deck VRMS - How to Add/Edit Meeting Times slides with your team on the 27th, so it can be ready for the 6th.
Sounds good. Working on the logo
Get Outlook for iOShttps://aka.ms/o0ukef
From: Bonnie Wolfe @.> Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2023 9:36:13 AM To: hackforla/VRMS @.> Cc: heyitsalexander @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [hackforla/VRMS] VRMS Agenda (Issue hackforla/VRMS#1280)
@heyitsalexanderhttps://github.com/heyitsalexander I dont see that you made the logo change yet. See hackforla/VRMS#1280 (comment)https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1280#issuecomment-1435727213. I will want to review/revise the Lunch n' Learn deck VRMS - How to Add/Edit Meeting Times slideshttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bv9QH-d5qKtFCaecgCvsv608IoeLIpHfW7cEEqijHyE with your team on the 27th, so it can be ready for the 6th.
— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHubhttps://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1280#issuecomment-1445165772, or unsubscribehttps://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AJLJ3Y357OAA376OQMDEDFDWZI7I3ANCNFSM6AAAAAAUL45B4Q. You are receiving this because you were mentioned.Message ID: @.***>
2023-02-27 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Role Call (who is here) - Julia, Josh, Trillium, Matt, Ellen, Stephanie, Fang, Phillip & Micah
Recurring items:
- [ ] Dev Update - Future of the Dev team (then separate breakout session)
- [ ] Part 2 - User Testing w/Bonnie (will need to record)
- [ ] Review Lunch & Learn Presentation
- [ ] Review assignments for next week
Notes from meeting
[ ] Bonnie announcement - Matt will be the tech lead on this project; there have been multiple tech leads on the web team which has been really helpful and Matt brings that learning on what worked really well for the website team to VRMS
[ ] User Testing notes (Usability Testing 2 for VRMS)
[ ] Task 1 - sign into VRMS by following prompts and arrive to project management screen - no issue
[ ] Task 2 - add a new project "testy test" and add some reoccuring meeting times and return to the project management page: Remote should be default veresus In-Person; not sure what we are asking for with the Github Identifier - is the identifier the ID of that URL? If that's true you can go and find it yourself. If this is something we ask she wants to be asked it after inputting the URL. Slack URL is confusing to me - I think you mean the Slack Channel would be helpful if it said Slack Channel URL. In the box where the URL goes we could say what it begins with. What do you want from the drive URL? The link to the VRMS drive or to the VRMS folder. HFLA Website URL - would pull this from the project page online; this is clear. Wants to save this first becuase she adds reoccuring events. Not clear that we wanted the Zoom link under the Remote or In-Person selection. After she saves it jumps her up to the top - not sure if that is just a Figma issue.
[ ] Task 3 - Team meeting 1 starts at 7pm instead of 8pm find testy test and update the meeting time - recommends we paste the user test instructions into the chat if we test other people. Easily updated the meeting time.
[ ] Task 4 - Find David Rubenstein's email and add him to project testy test and then return to the project management screen. Easy to find his email but he had 3 emails. So she didn't know which one to select. She would like to see which is the last active email so she knows what to select. When the changes saved confirmation pops up you could have a choice - like save and continue or save and close to eliminate number of clicks. Another option is when I click save instead of taking over the screen it hovers just above where she clicked save and then it could disappear so you don't have to close it.
[ ] Task - David Rebenstein needs to be deleted from Testy Test - was able to remove Testy Test from David's name, liked the confirmation of that. Did not lick the big save confirmation once saved.
[ ] Other comments:
- [ ] Gray out the login on the page until someone puts their email in then the color can show
- [ ] Design elements like the login button will need to be within a certain Hack of LA color scheme
- [ ] Wants to be able to hit save on the project page and not get picked out - wants save and continue to keep working in the project to add a new event
- [ ] Expectation is when you click add a new event, that
- [ ] When you add an event find it confusing that the blue button says apply
- [ ] You could but a trash can next to the pencil icon on the product page to delete a specific meeting
- [ ] Says the GitHub Identifier is the repository number - okay to have a guide in the MVP that pops up and tells people how to find it; most people won' tknow how to find it.
- [ ] Would like to add, edit and remove people from the project page - like a plus sign to add a new member etc.
- [ ] The primary Hack for LA color could work for buttons - each team that will use VRMS will have it in colors that represent their location. There is also a gray button she shows in the video toward the end that show what was selected initially - so it works across many color schemes. This is the link Bonnie shared that shows the gray button and how VRMS would be applied across different chapters. https://www.figma.com/file/VlsfGn1qZOAzpDymDQoTiy/VRMS-V4-Old-Files-(this-page-is-for-reference-only)?node-id=24403%3A2528&t=x0xjona30wkvFrE5-0
[ ] Feedback on Lunch & Learn Presentation - [ ] Need to update logo - [ ] Need to make sure that when you add a meeting name it appears versus asking for it to be in the description - Bonnie says she needs to fix that. For now the event name should be in the event name and description. This should never say meeting in the name.
- [ ] To be added during the meeting
Items for next week's agenda
- [ ] Discuss updates to Github tickets between dev & design
Writing this here. Add to meeting agenda for March 6th
From: @MattPereira (https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1241#issuecomment-1447144043)
I have not worked on this issue because I talked to Bonnie and we agreed that it would be better for her to test and approve the new user flow before devs start implementing it with code
I also think it might be a good idea to consider more clearly defining how we hand off issues from design to development
My proposal ( open to however you want to handle this ) :
Closing out UI/UX issues when they are finished to separate design issues from development
Have a UX or PM lead leave a comment at end of design issues as they are closed explaining the situation like "We tested this with the stakeholder and she approved, this is now ready to be decomposed into issues for developers"
And then add a ready for dev lead label and move the closed issue into the New Issue Approval column in order to communicate that the issue is ready for developers to start creating new issues to implement these beautiful designs
That way the action items of an issue won't already be checked off and can be tailored to the steps that need to be taken by developers to implement the code
Also it would be really helpful if there are figma links that could be included in addition to the screenshots
2023-03-13 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Role Call (who is here) - Micah, Julia, Matt, Phillip, Trillium, Stephanie
Agenda items:
- [ ] Bonnie Community of Practice Update
- [ ] Dev Open Items - Questions from Brad on Open Issues / Any other specific issues?
- [ ] Separate breakout sessions
- [ ] PM/Design Session - Next Steps after Bonnie User Test
- [ ] Follow-up on PM lunch & learn? Is another outreach needed?
Notes from meeting
- [ ] Resolved issue hackforla/VRMS#1225 Brad was inquiring about - the edit he is recommended is okay
- [ ] Issues between what shows in Figma and what Bonnie said in the video - some items in the prioritized backlog reflect what was found in the first user test. The recent user test reflects different information so we need to make sure the issues in the prioritized backlog, reflect the recent user testing. PM and design to remove issues from prioritized backlog that need to be updated. Dev. team will work on backend updates in interim.
- [ ] Updated prioritized backlog
- [ ]Backend updates
Items for next week's agenda
- [ ] Updates on the above
Facilitator: Amanda Time wizard: Trilluim Scribe: Josh
- Update on the dns problems - website not showing up for some ppl (10 min)
- need to come up with a plan to fix it
- Reflect on what bonnie needs from VRMS (10min)
- Review it.
- Plan to get some designers (10m)
- need to add a few cards to open roles
- Breakoutrooms
DNS stuff - Bonnie is going to try it out tomorrow on onboarding
Getting designers
- need design issues
- need cards on open roles
Possible design issues:
Bonnie suggested that we have little nudges or error messages, such as "we dont recommend the use of the word meeting in your meeting time" - some more design work
Bonnies reviewing project data changes - video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VkqlwJKVWQU4LuPfY9tvasOEDJI5F6Ud/view?usp=share_link
Meeting minutes from timecop:
- Intro - 7:00 - 7:10
- DNS issues - 7:10 - 7:20
- Discusion of last session - 7:20 - 7:20 ?
- Plan to get designers - 7:10 - 7:20
- Hear from Vanessa? - 7:20 - 7:25
- Bonnie interjection about name/description of team meetings - 7:25 - 7:30 -- (⭐ WE ARE HERE ⭐)
- Bonnie asks that interpersonal people should be dealt with PMs first, if it's with the PM then go up a level
- No one should wait until it's a giant problem
- Breakout rooms - 7:35 ++
2023-06-05 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Role Call (who is here) - Julia Gab, Trillium Smith, Amanda Glover, Micah Elm, Vanessa Vun, Stephanie and Jack Haeger (Potential new PM!!), Kevin Moutoucarpin (lead of the onboarding team)
Agenda Items:
- [ ] Overview of VRMS - goal of the project, what it includes
- [ ] Next steps; how to move forward
- [ ] Onboarding site map and user flow
- [ ] Review high-level priorities for VRMS and next tasks
Notes from meeting
- [ ] Trillium got the keys to his house
- overview notes
- [X] API documentation: change this to integrating with other apps
- [X] Change product management: managing who is managing the product
- have the code of conduct happen before they get the link to the zoom??
- people need to remove the word meeting from the meeting title (Josh)
- those rules are in the slide deck
- have a popup that explains the meeting time bug with the 30 min
- Bonnie shared that a top priority in onboarding would be to have volunteers check-in and read the code of conduct on VRMS before joining - this would help automate a manual process and save 15 minutes in onboarding -She also mentioned that updating meeting times fields need validation (immediate opportunity) -Josh/Amanda to meet weekly to go through the requirements doc and simplify next steps for an updated now, next later roadmap -Kevin - a UX researcher may be able to help VRMS a-sync
Items for next week's agenda
- [ ] We will review the onboarding site map and user flow in the next meeting
2023-06-12 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Role Call (who is here):
Agenda Items:
- [ ] Latest VRMS issues - high-level tickets for two big issues (Adding approval process for web content to VRMS & Using VRMS to complete Code of Conduct before onboarding) other new issue - removing Hack Night question
- [ ] Discuss approach for larger issues & assign next tasks
- [ ] Onboarding site map and user flow
- [ ] Discuss what to prioritize in the onboarding process (based on what we know outside of adding the Code of Conduct feature)
- [ ] Julia's deliverables: review the onboarding site map and user flow
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
- [ ] TBD
Moving these items to Product Agenda:
- [ ] review any issues that are in the new issue approval column for
- [ ] UX Writing
- [ ] [Product] - that are related to writing
- [ ] Accountability and Support Check.
2023-07-10 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [x] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.) - All open issues have remained relatively static across labels since July 3 (with the exception of milestones improving)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
Evan, Trillium, Josh, Jack, Stephanie, Julia (all VRMS team members).
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
VRMS check in feature not working for tonight's onboarding.
Recurring items:
New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
- [ ] BW: What is the role makeup of the dev team? (how many front end, back end, full stack, dev ops)
- [ ] JH: Let's review hackforla/VRMS#1225 it has a closed PR with it and there are comments after that PR was closed.
- [ ] BW: Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
- Dev team used the meeting time to explore the VRMS check-in issue described here hackforla/VRMS#1411
- Julia, Jack, Steph discussed existing open issue questions, design handoff, board cleanup.
- Devs to continue to work on VRMS check in.
- Initiate regular testing of VRMS prior to onboard sessions on a weekly basis.
Items for next week's agenda
- Revisit open issues, BW questions mentioned above, & design questions with developers during next team meeting.
- Explore potential fix to VRMS issue & testing.
2023-07-24 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Review the QA
- [ ] Perform Label Audit and add summary here ("milestone" labels improved, working on additional improvements to "size" and "feature" labels)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
Trillium, Rohan, Steph, Julia, Jack, Josh, Bonnie
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
- [x] JH: Update on latest bug fix: hackforla/VRMS#1411
- [ ] JH: Devs to discuss if time permits: hackforla/VRMS#1324
- [x] BW: What is the role makeup of the dev team? (how many front end, back end, full stack, dev ops)
- [x] JH: Ask Josh / Evan to write issues based on mock up needs for Julia
- [ ] JH: Request Evan comment & move all issues that are fixed by his recent PR to Final QA.
- [x] Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
- New PM joined the team, Rohan Vaidya.
- Onboarded Rohan
- Reviewed issues with Dev lead
- According to Trillium, need new backend and full stack devs if possible
Items for next week's agenda
- Continue backlog grooming,
- Review check-in fix
- I would love to discuss this pr next meeting https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/pull/1401
2023-07-31 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [x] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
Josh, Bonnie, Evan, Jack, Trillium, Steph
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
- JH: Discuss hackforla/VRMS#1425
- JB: Discuss hackforla/VRMS#1401
- JH: What should we do with: hackforla/VRMS#1376
- JB: Explore meeting time organization with Devs, Lead Dev to review all PRs before Monday meeting
Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
- Discussed how devs organize time during meetings.
- Reviewed PM tasks with Steph
Items for next week's agenda
2023-08-07 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [x] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [x] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [x] Brad
- [x] Evan
- [x] Julia
- [x] Jack
- [x] Steph
- [x] Rohan
- [x] Bonnie
- [x] Andrew Lin (potential new PM who sat in on meeting)
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
- JH/JG: Discuss meeting times
- JH: Discuss feature label (added "login" feature label) and check in on: hackforla/VRMS#1458
- JH: Can we check in on this: hackforla/VRMS#1387
- JH: Can we discuss hackforla/VRMS#1177 with Bonnie if she is in attendance?
- JH/Brad: Is this still an active issue? hackforla/VRMS#1424
- JH/Bonnie: To discuss hackforla/VRMS#1086
- Discuss hackforla/VRMS#1425
- JB: Discuss hackforla/VRMS#1401
- JH: What should we do with: hackforla/VRMS#1376
- JB: Explore meeting time organization with Devs, Lead Dev to review all PRs before Monday meeting
Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
- Discussed 1 PR per ticket requirement,
- Devs discussed security issue, exploring next steps.
- Potential to move meeting to Tuesdays at 6pm, Pacific depending on a vote
- Worked on adding milestones, board clean up.
- Explored division of work between PMs while Jack is away for the next 2 weeks.
Items for next week's agenda
2023-08-14 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [ ] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [x] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [ ] Evan
- [ ] Julia
- [ ] Jack
- [x] Steph
- [x] Rohan
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
- JH: Discuss hackforla/VRMS#1376 (Please reword this to explain that it is the check in time that has the wrong start and end time. The original meeting time is fine.
- Discuss security issue...
- Error message on the edit meeting screen saying "Event name cannot contain 'meeting' or 'mtg' or the project name"
Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
2023-08-21 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Review the QA
- [ ] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [x] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [ ] Evan
- [x] Julia
- [ ] Jack
- [x] Steph
- [x] Rohan
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
- Discuss the progress in the security issue https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1469#issue-1852285268 (environment secrets page)
- Unable to change meeting name. (Close the issue?) https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/1466#issue-1850809443
Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
8/28/2023 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [ ] Review the QA
- [ ] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [x] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [ ] Evan
- [x] Julia
- [ ] Jack
- [x] Steph
- [ ] Rohan
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
- Update WIKI
- -Organize and Maintain Kanban board so that it is CLEAR
- Julioa has ideas that she will share next week.
2023-09-07 PLANNING Meeting Agenda and Notes
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [ ] Josh
- [x] Julia
- [x] Jack
- [ ] Steph
- [ ] Rohan
Issues to discuss:
- Provided Karen with video overview on how to add/remove PMs from a project, also added new PM and provided support for Lucky Parking
- Discuss hackforla/VRMS#1504 - issue mentioned by Bonnie in VRMS Slack (see image):
- Discuss Start time selection, duration as mentioned by Bonnie. See new issue here: hackforla/VRMS#1508
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
2023-09-11 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [x] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [ ] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [x] Evan
- [x] Julia
- [x] Jack
- [x] Steph
- [x] Rohan
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
Issue assignment cleanup:
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
2023-09-18 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [x] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [ ] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [x] Evan
- [x] Stephen
- [x] Julia
- [x] Jack
- [ ] Steph
- [x] Rohan
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
add issue numbers to be discussed and any notes that will be helpful
Issue assignment cleanup:
- [x] Trillium
- [ ] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [x] Evan
- [ ] Stephen
- [x] Julia
- [x] Jack
- [ ] Steph
- [x] Rohan
Notes from meeting
- Discussed User Access levels with Bonnie (in increasing level of permissions):
- Prospective member
- Member of the organization but not member of team
- Team member
- Jr. Practice lead (jr. Design lead, would get jr of whatever the practice is).
- PM (multiple product managers all get leader / admin access)
- Brigade Admin
- VRMS admin
- Admin of the whole product
- Reviewed and added issues to prioritized backlog
- Updates on bug fix ongoing
- Reviewed design issues
- Assigned PM issues
Items for next week's agenda
Must Ask Questions for Bonnie on next call
- Trillium: Upgrade dependencies?
- Perspective on changing build systems so that we can use modern versions of React
- Application can currently be built and deployed using Vite using current GitHub actions
- Jobs?
2023-09-25 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Prework to prep for meeting
- [x] Review the QA
- [x] Perform Label Audit and add summary here (e.g., A improving, B needs work, etc.)
Role Call (who is here - add team names)
- [x] Trillium
- [ ] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [x] Brad
- [x] Evan
- [ ] Stephen
- [ ] Julia
- [x] Jack
- [x] Steph
- [x] Rohan
FYIs (nothing needs to be done, just keeping each other informed)
Recurring items:
New Items
- [x] Discuss Trillium's points below with Bonnie:
- Perspective on changing build systems so that we can use modern versions of React
- Application can currently be built and deployed using Vite using current GitHub actions
- Jobs?
- [x] Agree on Slack channels to keep / delete / archive below:
Slack Channels | Responsible | Status | Public or private | Last Message Date |
vrms-ops | vrms | Dormant | public | 2020-11-10 |
vrms-ui | vrms | Dormant | public | 2021-01-16 |
vrms-test | vrms | Dormant | public | 2021-06-11 |
vrms-devs | vrms | Dormant | public | 2021-07-08 |
vrms-tech | vrms | Active | private | 2023-08-07 |
vrms | vrms | Active | public | 2023-09-11 |
vrms-design | vrms | Dormant | public | 2023-02-02 |
- Maybe change VRMS-tech to VRMS-security to keep one of these channels as private (for discussing security issues, private info, etc.) Discuss with Trillium
Issue assignment cleanup:
- [ ] Trillium
- [ ] Josh
- [ ] Micah
- [ ] Brad
- [ ] Evan
- [ ] Stephen
- [ ] Julia
- [ ] Jack
- [ ] Steph
- [ ] Rohan
Notes from meeting
Items for next week's agenda
- Trillium - How to change AWS secrets? Not sure if we can change our secrets, or if we need to put them into some environment elsewhere. Usually, AWS will have a place. Probably some secrets for VRMS, one of them is JWT secret that we use to sign Javascript web tokens (email is signed by our secret). Need to change this secret to make it more secure.