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Section 2 | Guest Co-ordinator Info
Problem Alignment
The Problem
Guests currently do not have a dedicated place to easily access Co-ordinator contact information.
User Story:
As a Guest, I should be able to see the details of the coordinator assigned to me so that I can contact them.
High Level Approach
Contact card for co-ordinator on the Guest dashboard sidebar
Solution Alignment
- Anticipate that users will be using desktop, tablet, mobile devices --> use responsive design
- If co-ordinator is re-assigned for whatever reason, the updated contact info should show up in the Guest Dashboard
Goals and Success
Success is if guest can successfully access co-ordinator info on the dashboard sidebar, and easily contact the co-ordinator
Key Features
- Contact card of Co-ordinator assigned to the Guest (should be same person that sent invite to the guest)
- Email and phone number (optional) of co-ordinator
- If co-ordinator is re-assigned for whatever reason, the updated contact info should show up in the Guest Dashboard (discussion pending - can we extend this functionality from the host side?)
Acceptance Criteria
- Guest is able to see co-ordinator name, email and phone number (if included)
- Guest is able to click the email provided that redirects them to a new email with co-ordinator email pre-filled
- Guest is able to click the phone number that redirects them to the dial screen
- Guest should be able to see up to date information if there are any changes on the co-ordinator side (re-assignment, contact information change)
Known Limitations
- If co-ordinator is re-assigned for whatever reason, the updated contact info should show up in the Guest Dashboard
- [x] Review existing designs on Figma
- [x] Edit existing designs as needed and share a link to the edited designs in this issue
- [x] Designs are edited and ready for engineering. Link to the Figma: (share Figma link here when ready)
Key Decisions
- Excluding the view profile link for the co-ordinator (to be discussed)
Team Reviews:
- [x] Product - Sanya
- [x] Design - Ed
- [ ] Engineering - Help Needed
can be marked as complete. its integrated into the guest dashboard already.
@erikguntner @johnwroge can you help add the engineering story here