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Section 1 | SubFlow 1c: Guest Account Confirmation
Problem Alignment
The Problem:
Currently, Guests do not have a way to create an account for Home Unite Us. As a result, Guests cannot access Home Unite us to create a profile, which is a required step to find housing on the platform.
User Story:
As a Guest, I want to confirm my Home Unite Us account, so that I can log in to Home Unite Us and begin the application (Intake Profile) and onboarding process.
High Level Approach:
Allow Guests to create an account after receiving an invitation from Coordinators.
Solution Alignment
Goals & Success:
Success is if Guests can receive an account creation invitation email from Coordinators and create an account on Home Unite Us after reading minimum expectations and acknowledging.
Key Features:
- Email containing a temporary password and invitation link that redirects users to a set password page
Acceptance Criteria:
- Users can open the validation email and click the link
- The validation email will contain a temporary password
- Clicking the validation link will confirm the user account and redirect the user to a set password page
- After entering the temporary password, the user will be redirected to the set password page
- The set password page will have the same behavior as the reset password page in #442
- The user flow can be completed across desktop, mobile, and tablet
- The user should see Guest Minimum expectations as specified on page 4 of the physical application before they can access the dashboard
- The user should acknowledge "I hereby certify that the facts contained in the Host Homes Pilot Application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge." before they can access the dashboard
- [x] Review existing designs on Figma
- [x] Edit existing designs as needed and share a link to the edited designs in this issue
Key Decisions:
- After successfully logging in for the first time, the user will be redirected to the app (versus the default redirect to an AWS page). The rationale is that users will have a better first experience with the app if redirected to the app versus the AWS page. This will require additional dev effort - if significant dev effort is needed will revisit.
Open Questions:
- Support SMS in addition to email in the first version?
Hi @fourmatte and @erikguntner, I updated the Acceptance Criteria in this issue based on our discussion earlier regarding the temporary password user flow. If anything needs to be edited, just let me know. cc @sanya301
@edela0015 can you confirm if design for this was handed off (or if it is not necessary in this user story) along with date of hand off?
1c: https://www.figma.com/design/BNWqZk8SHKbtN1nw8BB7VM/HUU-Everything-Figma-Nov-2022?node-id=2353-17352
let me know if there is any questions!
@edela0015 what is Analysis and study anticipated to complete June 30th referring to in May goals?
@sanya301 the completion of the usability test.
@sanya301 theres been a mistake. 1c is not included in the study lol. im not sure why that is under this ticket in the june goals.
Adding note here for clarity, we have been working on adding the new features i.e. guest minimum expectations and acknowledgment to the guest sign up process