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:floppy_disk: :bow: Example Flask project for implementing Flask-Session with Redis.

Flask-Session Tutorial

Python Flask Flask-Login Flask-Assets Flask-Session Flask-SQLAlchemy WTForms PyMySQL Redis GitHub Last Commit GitHub Issues GitHub Stars GitHub Forks

Flask Session Redis Tutorial

Tutorial: https://hackersandslackers.com/managing-user-session-variables-with-flask-sessions-and-redis/

Getting Started

Get set up locally in two steps:

Environment Variables

Replace the values in .env.example with your values and rename this file to .env:

  • FLASK_APP: Entry point of your application; should be wsgi.py.
  • FLASK_ENV: The environment in which to run your application; either development or production.
  • SECRET_KEY: Randomly generated string of characters used to encrypt your app's data.
  • SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI: Connection URI of a SQL database.
  • SESSION_REDIS: Connection URI of a Redis instance.
  • LESS_BIN (optional for static assets): Path to your local LESS installation via which lessc.
  • ASSETS_DEBUG (optional): Debug asset creation and bundling in development.
  • LESS_RUN_IN_DEBUG (optional): Debug LESS while in development.
  • COMPRESSOR_DEBUG (optional): Debug asset compression while in development.

Remember never to commit secrets saved in .env files to Github.


Get up and running with make deploy:

$ git clone https://github.com/hackersandslackers/flask-session-tutorial.git
$ cd flask-session-tutorial
$ make deploy

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