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Building the golang IDE gui for Web, Mobile and Desktop.
The current way hackpad is building the GUI using go and wasm is nice.
It just occurred to me that it's possible to do the same using gio. It compiles to Browser ( as wasm ), Desktop and mobile ( as native ).
Web site: https://gioui.org Code: https://github.com/gioui
Live Example :https://gioui.org/files/wasm/kitchen/index.html
I am positive that most of what the IDE does currently can easily work with hackpad. The port would not be painful. The examples show more than what your currently doing...
Some examples.
- a typical kanban gui
- desktop and mobile work, but web wont because boltdb is used for the DB.
- a typical chat gui.
- a large gui app for block chain things
For DB your indexeddb looks like a good match for Genji.
https://github.com/genjidb/genji Genji supports Web, Desktop and Mobile. but for Web it uses InMemory
So you IndexedDB would be another driver for Genji. See: https://github.com/genjidb/genji.js/blob/master/src/bindings/main.go
I used genji for 6 months, and was great. Got it snapshotting to S3 also. Used it for Server, Desktop and Mobile.
Please feel free to ask me if your curious..
Thanks for the suggestions! Once the kernel refactors (#11) are closer to completion I may look into other solutions like these some more.