skadi icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
skadi copied to clipboard

Easily run something on your server by sending message to IM. slack, teams, wechat, etc...


Skadi is a cloud message exchanger.

You can easily run something on your server by sending message to IM.Slack, teams, wechat, etc...

LetServerRun use this project as it infrastructure.中文文档


+-------------+                                  +-----------------------+
|             |                                  |                       |
|   E-mail    +---+                              |     Your  Servers     |
|             |   |                              |                       |
+-------------+   |                              |     +-----------+     |
                  |                              |     |           |     |
                  |                         +----------+   Agent   |     |
+-------------+   |   +---------------+     |    |     |           |     |
|             |   |   |               |     |    |     +-----------+     |
|  Chat Bot   +------->  Skadi Cloud  <-----+    |                       |
|             |   |   |               |     |    |                       |
+-------------+   |   +---------------+     |    |     +-----------+     |
                  |                         |    |     |           |     |
                  |                         +----------+   Agent   |     |
+-------------+   |                              |     |           |     |
|             |   |                              |     +-----------+     |
|   CI / CD   +---+                              |                       |
|             |                                  |                       |
+-------------+                                  +-----------------------+


  • Redis 3.2+
  • MySQL



Job is just a message string, which sent by you from anywhere and would pull by specified Agent.

Job has status in its lifecycle.

  • queuing: after user pushed the job to cloud
  • sent: after the agent got the job
  • expired: the job has been sent 10 minute but no result, or the agent is offline when job is queuing
  • succeeded: after the agent reported a succeeded result
  • failed: after the agent reported a failed result


Agent is a daemon running in your server, or a thread embedded in your service.

You can use our open source agent, or write your own using our HTTP API.

All agent must check job every minute, if an agent has not checked job in 3 minute, it's status would be tagged as offline. All queuing job for this agent would be tagged as expired.


There are several kinds of events, you must handle them.

  • EventMessage
  • EventJobStatus

They will publish to a queue in redis.